
My Island Is Cool

A baby somehow ended up on an island uninhabited by Humanoid races. That's it.

AuthoriTet · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter: 3

In a forest of white, a black-haired pink-eyed youth is currently standing, seemingly in a daze. Snot also dripping from his nose.

*gRrowl~* his stomach grumbling from hunger, he looks around, searching for easy prey to soothe his hunger.

As he looked around, something caught his attention.

A red conical-rounded fruit, spots that look like seeds surrounds the fruit's body with a green stalk.

The fruit is hanging from a thin brown tree, this tree does not have a single leaf but is filled with the same fruit all over its body.

He walks toward the fruit and plucks it from the tree.


All of a sudden, a 2-meter radius circle around the tree suddenly closes like a mouth. It gobbled up the boy in a chewing motion.

The boy, startled by the sudden action struggles to get out. He pushes and turns inside the mouth of the plant-like monster but still can't get out.

"Aa! a-aAA!..."

He screams as his fingers elongate and nails sharpen. He waves his fingers as if he was playing the piano, in a clumsy way.

With each slash green blood spurts out of the green fleshy wall the boy is trapped in, the blood sizzling and melting the white cloth wrapped on the boy's nether region but interestingly enough, the boy's skin is fine, not even a small rash or redness appeared.

Green goo which seems to be the blood of the plant kept piling inside as the boy kept whipping his finger tentacles when finally the plant could no longer hold on and opened. His nether regions were exposed for the world to see.

The boy looked around and felt relieved that he was no longer trapped, he retracted his finger tentacles and sat down.

He looked at the red fruit he was originally going to eat. A bit weirded out that the fruit came from that weird plant-like thing, he still ate it as he was hungry.

It tasted sweet, and also a bit sour. He liked the taste.

Munching on a bunch of fruits, he appreciated the white scenery as he sat down and relaxed. After all, he was isolated and hibernating inside the bag, so this was his first experience with something like this.

Everywhere he looked was white, snowflakes danced as they swayed alongside the wind, what was weird though was that the snowflakes didn't come from above but from the sides.

Having said that, the boy didn't know that was weird or odd as this is the first time he's ever experienced something like snow.

He looked in the direction from where the snowflakes came from, he squinted his eyes as he could barely see a shadowy figure far away.

The shadowy figure was moving in his direction, its speed was astonishing as it disappeared and appeared from its place moving in a zigzag manner.

The boy would not have been able to see the creature at all if not for his special eyes which probably had better distance vision than a bald eagle.

In terms of the animal kingdom, the bald eagle had the best vision concerning distance, although that can only be said on earth, for creatures in this world, who knows.

As the boy was focusing on the figure while munching on fruits, a snowflake momentarily blocked his vision causing him to lose sight of the creature.

He blinked and looked around but could still not see it, he tensed and clenched his fist in preparation for anything, most possible a fight.


The wind howled and then stopped... Total silence.

The boy was sweating but still managed to grab a fruit and eat it while gritting his teeth from the tension.

He chewed and squinted his eyes. Followed by the boy swallowing hard as he could feel a presence right behind him.

He could feel its breath tickling his nape, his hair standing on end. He turned around in a fierce motion fully expecting a beast or something horrifying… but nothing, nothing was there when he turned around.

Relieved, he munched on another fruit and turned back to his previous position, and saw a white massive furry beast, height reaching up to 7 meters looking down at him with its cold golden eyes.


A beast resembling that of a wolf, fur as white as the forest he was currently in. He tensed even more as he saw the maw of the beast slightly move, fearing that the beast might have decided to eat him right then and there.

The beast smirked. Seeing that smirk, the boy was resigned and accepted his inevitable death and was about to close his eyes when the beast talked.

"Hello there."