
My Island Is Cool

A baby somehow ended up on an island uninhabited by Humanoid races. That's it.

AuthoriTet · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter: 1

( A/N: 1st to 4th chapter is Third Person, 5th+ is First Person )

On an uninhabited island, an emerald-colored worm could be seen emerging from the ground dragging a black cloth bag in its mouth.

It looked around the area, noticing that it was in a forest with trees as tall as 370 feet. The trees were compact and near each other, making the area dark as only a little sunlight was able to reach the ground due to being blocked by the foliage of the trees.

As it was about to move, it stopped as it could hear a growl.


The worm looked behind at the source of the sound and saw a pair of wolves glaring at it and growling.

The wolves circled the worm in opposite directions sealing its escape route while growling and glaring to intimidate it.

The wolf on the left of the worm twitched its snout and looked at the cloth bag beside the worm in greed.

Its mouth salivated as it could smell a species it didn't know, meaning it was a being that it hadn't tasted yet.

It barked at the other wolf telling it about the contents of the bag. The worm even though it could not understand their conversation could tell what they meant as they were both glaring at the bag it was currently holding in its mouth.


It screeched in hopes that it would intimidate the pair of predators to back off. Unfortunately, it didn't work as the wolf on its right pounced immediately as it screeched.

The worm could not react fast enough and was bitten by the wolf in the midsection of its body, the wolf raised its head and shook its head sideways to tear the flesh off.

The worm screeched in pain as its flesh was mangled up by the wolf's sharp jagged teeth, its green blood poured out of its body and fell to the ground while the majority was drunk by the wolf.

While they were fighting, the other wolf took the opportunity to pounce on the bag while the worm was distracted.

Unfortunately for it as the worm was always putting its attention on the bag even while fighting. It spat out a green-colored goo from its mouth and it landed on the wolf's left eye.

The wolf screamed in pain as its left eye melted under the green bubbling goo. It glared in the direction of the worm in hate and was about to attack but was forced to retreat as more green goo was coming at its location.

It looked back and was shocked as its companion was already dead, foaming at the mouth and blood leaking out of its eyes.

Turns out that the blood of the worm was also toxic. Its left eye and face melted and its mate dead, it found no reason to continue the fight. Although it was saddened at its mate's death, it gave more importance to its life and it could also just find another mate.

Giving the worm a death glare and baring its teeth, it turned around and retreated into the forest.

The worm looked in the direction of the retreating wolf for a minute making sure it really retreated. After it was sure, it looked around and went to the nearest tree, it dug a pit underneath and put the bag it was holding in the center.

It looked curiously at the contents of the bag, making sure it was alright.

The cloth bag was colored black with dark red wave patterns and had 5 red buttonhooks sealing the opening of the bag. Curiously the bag was not the least bit damaged even though it was dragged around by the worm when it was digging.

It had a protective film surrounding it to keep it from being damaged or to keep things from entering.

At the opening of the bag, you could see the contents a bit as it was not fully sealed.

The worm looked over and opened its mouth, inside the mouth was a feeler connected to the inside of its mouth like a tongue and at the tip of the feeler was an eye.

The eye looked greedily at the bag and even the worm's mouth was salivating, it nudged the buttonhook with its feeler to open it but it wouldn't open.

It kept prodding the bag with its feelers until a click sounded out and the middle part of the 5 buttonhooks opened.

The worm's eye on the feelers brightened and immediately went inside the bag. It looked around and salivated at what it saw.

Inside the bag was a baby boy!

The baby had hair as black as night, skin pale white, and was skinny as bones. The baby was malnourished!

It slept curled up inside the bag sucking on its fingers, then slowly, it opened its eyes due to the movement of the bag.

An eye as pink as a peach stared at the worm's eye.

The malnourished baby chuckled seeing the eye and tried grabbing at it with its skinny arms. The worm tried backing off but found out to its horror that it could not move.

Grabbing the feeler, the baby chuckled and stared at the eyeball with his glowing pink eyes… yes, glowing.

The worm tried backing off more forcefully but still, it could not move as the force restraining him was too strong. It could tell that the reason why it could not move is because of the baby's eyes.

So it tried turning away from the eyes, it could not close them as it had no eyelids, its muscles tearing apart from forcefully moving that blood soon pooled under its eyes.

With a crack sound and tearing of flesh, its sight finally left the terrifying child's pink eyes, it cried in joy as it succeeded and was about to run off when everything turned black.