
My Inner Ability System

"I'm Electric" - Obed Obed, the main character lost his father in a war with the demons. He founds this book in his school library which gives him an electric ability. Obed then attends a magic school where they have to save humanity from alien invasion/demons and others. Join Obed on this phenomenal adventure and make it your inner ability system Gained electric ability. Save humanity.

LegalWolf · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Chapter 44: A New Demon Prince.

From the last chapter, our hero Obed was unleashing his inner ability. An ability that is so deadly it can wipe out people in the castle. As his shirt was ripped off, his whole body was electric and even the guards couldn't stand a chance of getting near him. "You fool," said the demon king. Soon, Obed closed his eyes. As soon as the demon king reached Obed, Obed used his left palm to strike the demon prince. His helmet was then divided into halves. "What kind of power is this," said Michael. "This is the power of his electric ability," said Michael. His uncle was shocked at Obed's power and all he wanted to do was to kill him. "Now it's the time to die", said Obed's Uncle. Obed's uncle leaped into the air ready to make his move but Obed thought fast. He quickly moved from his initial place and was now next to the demon prince. "He's indeed fast," said Florence. Obed then caught the demon king and summoned lightning from the sky. The demon prince was electrocuted several times and fell to the ground. "Obed's ability is going stronger and there was nowhere he could control it. If care isn't taken, Obed will die," said Michael. "We have to help him," he continued.

Florence went to where Obed was and shouted his name. "OBED, OBED,... COME BACK TO US." Obed couldn't hear what Florence was trying to say because he couldn't hold his power any longer. Florence then said one last word, " WE ALL LOVE YOU OBED." Obed's eyes then turned to normal and he started to have a dramatic flashback about him and Florence. Obed's power started to decrease and then he fell onto the ground. "I'm free," said Obed. An update then came on Obed's system saying;

Demon Prince Defeated.

"You are now Demon Prince of the world," said his system.

Obed was shocked when he saw that. "I'm now the demon prince," he said. Obed's Uncle's ability was now transferred onto Obed's system. Now Obed had an electric ability and a demonic ability.

Obed then got up and looked at his Uncle and started to cry. His Uncle whom he had trusted was a demon prince and now dead.

"Obed,... Obed,... it's Barn's. Do you read me?," said Barn's Obed was surprised to hear from Barns. "I'm reading you loud and clear," said Obed. Barns told Obed he was activating a teleportation device portal that would send them back to school.

I'"m sorry guys," said Obed and he hugged all his friends. Soon the portal was opened and Obed and his friends jumped into the portal.

Volume 1 of My Inner Ability System has been completed. I hope you will enjoy the story. Volume 2 will be airing December 4, 2021.

Thank you all for your cooperation.


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