
My Idle Cultivating System

Hiro died and reincarnated in future.He got a system which was pretty similar to the game which he used to play.Follow the journey of Hiro in Intergalactic war and race to top of world.

Book_Monster · Urban
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15 Chs

Starting Cultivation.

'Congratulation for getting meridian opening pill,one hour time on cultivation room card,one meridian strengthening pill.'

Listening to system prompt Hiro felt joy.He just needed these things to start cultivation.In this world meridian opening pills were quite rare and only some powerful family or high position people had.

After sorting out items gifted from system.But he was not going to use systems gift from start.He will first try his best on his on if not he will use them.He recalled the cultivation technique he had gained.He started doing same as written in cultivation technique but there was some kind of shackle holding him back.

As he tried harder he felt pure chi around his surrounding and started to gather as technique.Time ticked by minute to hour but Hiro could not accumulate chi in his meridian as said in technique.Hiro felt frustrated there was cake in-front of him but he could not eat.

Feeling drained on his mental power he stopped cultivating. Resting for a while to fill back his mental ,he remembered he had not use the pill given by the system.He opened the system panel and start searching for the storage where gifts from system were kept.He looked through system panel and found storage menu on side of profile.He mentally clicked on the storage panel.Grid like menu appeared in-front of him and there were three items from system.But there appeared a problem how was he going to take out items from system.Hiro bought his hand near the system panel and was going to take out the pill,his hand entered some kind of space and when he took out his hand there was a pill.

Seeing the pill in his hand ,he thought should me just eat it or swallow it.As a Asian in his past life , there were only some bizarre things he could not eat.Turning on his hand brain he set his mom's number in hotline ,if something happened he could call his mom fast.

After preparation was done he swallowed the pill.Just as the pill entered his stomach, he felt great amount of chi gathering in his all 12 meridian.As the chi started to gather in his meridian, he felt pain from tearing and opening of meridians one by one.First the chi gather in heart, lung, and pericardium.Following that small intestine, large intestine, and sanjiao. Then to liver, kidney, spleen and lastly urinary bladder, gall bladder, and stomach.After chi started to circulate between these 12 meridian he felt extreme pleasure.

Circulating the chi in his body he felt the previous shackle disappearing.Stopping the circulation he rested .'Are all the things in cultivation world trying to kill me.Even opening meridian was this painful.If i hadn't have experienced death ,lighting strike and reformation of body and soul from system this would have killed me.'

Letting the body to handle newly gained profound strength Hiro rested for a while.After gaining control over newly gained strength he was going to start cultivating for real as Hiro kept his mind straight.If i get distracted i am a dog for life.

Clearing his mind and starting to gather chi around his stomach,he heard system prompt.

'System advice Host to take meridian strengthening pill for better foundation.'

Listening to system voice Hiro felt like crying didn't he say if he get distracted he would become a dog for life. 'System are you doing this on purpose.' Hiro couldn't help but curse on system.Hiro thought of what system has said and felt it was a good idea.If the foundation wasn't strong how could he go in long term cultivation in future.

Taking out meridian strengthening pill he gloped down in a single bite.As the pill entered his stomach once again he felt the pain in his meridian.This time the pain was even worst then previous as the pain continued his meridian became larger and the walls stronger the stream connecting the 12 meridian also became wider and sturdier.

This time his whole body was bathed in sweat , as the wind blew from window Hiro's body felt chill.Changing his clothes he crossed his legs and started cultivating.As early he gather chi around his stomach and circulated the chi.As the chi gather Hiro felt a large difference from ago ,his chi was gathering smoothly and he could accumulate more than his past self.

As he continued his cultivation time passed in a moment. Sun went from top of his head to right side as dawn gradually appeared. Suddenly there was click sound coming form Hiro's body.Hiro has entered Qi gathering first stage.He slowly lifted his eyes there was tiny light glowing in his eyes.Just as it glowed it disappeared.

Hiro bought system panel in front of him to conform his cultivation.

Host : Yu Hiro

Cultivation Technique : Emperor Cultivation Technique (Origin)

Cultivation Base : First Layer of Qi Gathering

Bloodline : ???

Technique : None

Magic Art :None

Storage : One Hour Time on Cultivation room card

Seeing and confirming his base Hiro was happy.But he was confused there wasn't bloodline or magic art when he checked his panel before cultivating.Not thinking much Hiro's focus was on name and grade of his cultivation technique.

'Emperor Cultivation Technique ,it sounds badass but what does origin means.I haven't heard or read anything about origin grade.Is this good or bad."

From outside Hiro's bedroom maid voice was heard.

"Young Master ,Madam has asked you to come to have dinner."

Opening the door Hiro looked at the maid who was a head shorter than him.

"Thank you Ina for always taking care of me and family." Hiro said in soft voice.Listening to what Hiro said Ina lip formed a crescent.

"Thank you for you kind words young master.Its my duty to serve you and madam."

Gathering in dinner table was Angela ,Old man Lance and two other maids.Sitting down on chair opposite of Angela , maid bought him a plate.Seeing Hiro has come Angela was going to say something to Hiro was frozen in a moment.

"Hiro you have entered first layer of Qi gathering."

Listening to what Angela said Old man Lance turned his head toward just to be shocked.Hiro had faint Qi Around his body ,this was the after effect of entering Qi gathering stage.As Hiro has just entered Qi gathering stage his fully couldn't control his Chi.

"Congratulation Madam,Master .Young master is a prodigy who enter qi gathering in a day.Even previous generation of genius weren't this fast." said one of the maid.

Hearing this Hiro blushed a little , he wasn't used to compliments.Smiling ears to ears Old man Lance said "He is my grandson after all."

Suddenly the atmosphere flipped 180 degree.Rolling her eyes Angela said "You have three month holiday so use this time properly and think about what you are going to do in future.Even if you want to live a normal life,i will support you."

Hiro's hearts was full from listening to his mothers words.But he wanted to explore the Galaxies and fight for Humans.Seeing determination forming in Hiro's eyes Angela showed a rare and blissful smile.

"OK after you reach Foundation stage ,i will personally teach you some basic combat technique and correct way to use your strength."

After finishing the dinner Hiro went back to his room ,he was going to cultivate again he was far behind from his batch as he started late.Just as he was going to start ,he remembered system has gifted him a card.Bringing system panel he looked for the card.

One hour Cultivation Room card : Its a room where Chi is more pure and dense.After using this card Host will be bought to Cultivation Room for a hour where Host can cultivate.

'Does host want to use Cultivation Room card.'

'Yes use it.'


Hiro was bought before a room he could feel the chi around this room was 10 times purer and dense.Just breathing there made his cultivation base upgrade to next layer.

Not waiting for a second.Hiro sit crossed legged and began his intense cultivation section.