
My Identity is Getting More and More Preverted

"Incredible Mr. Chen Yu, you were elected as the leader of the human race last night. Is there anything you would like to say to the world?" Chen Yu, bewildered, woke up and realized he wasn't even dressed yet. He replied, "I have no idea. I just woke up..."

EvilisMyNature · Urban
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29 Chs

===Chapter 3: Treat Me as Nothing (Part 1)===

"You're called Chen Yu, right, young man."

Inside the interrogation room of the police station, the middle-aged police officer took the file from the young male police officer's hand, quickly glanced through it, and asked, "Now that we have confirmed the fact that you have a 'pre-emptive appellation,' we need to investigate how you died."

Chen Yu said, "I don't think I will die. I know my own situation, and it's definitely not some kind of pre-emptive..."

"If we exclude the possibility of 'pre-emptive appellations,' then we can suspect that you are a 'malevolent entity,'" the middle-aged police officer closed the file, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Appellations that do not match one's true identity can only be achieved by malevolent entities. We need to send you to the Bureau of Human Security for investigation."

"Well, if you put it that way, Director, I think your analysis makes sense," Chen Yu quickly changed his tune.

"Wang Jie, contact a reputable comprehensive hospital and arrange for a full body examination and psychological evaluation for him," the middle-aged police officer handed over the file to his assistant. "The department will cover the expenses."

"Okay," the middle-aged woman took the file, nodded, and left.

The male police officer on the side then asked, "Director, do you think he died due to illness or suicide?"

"I don't think so. He looks quite healthy," the middle-aged police officer shook his head. "If it were due to mental illness and suicide, he would have died long ago from isolating himself at home. I suspect he might have been murdered. But to be thorough, let's conduct all the necessary examinations in advance. Rule out all possibilities."

Chen Yu couldn't help but complain, "So, in your eyes, I'm already a dead man."

"And one more thing," the middle-aged police officer instructed, "Investigate the deceased's social relationships before his death."

Chen Yu remarked, "Alright."

"He had frequent contact with delivery drivers," the male police officer looked at Chen Yu and asked, "Did you have any conflicts with anyone before your death?"

"Mainly with you two," Chen Yu replied.

"Okay, that's settled. One of you will accompany Chen Yu to the hospital, and the other will investigate the delivery drivers," the middle-aged police officer ordered. "I'll inform the higher-ups. 'Pre-emptive appellations' are extremely rare, and this case involves matters of life and death."

"Yes," the two young police officers stood at attention.

"Do you have anything else to say?" the middle-aged police officer asked Chen Yu.

"Are you referring to my last words?" Chen Yu asked.

"Anything will do," the middle-aged police officer waved his hand. "Give him pen and paper."


"Have you heard a saying, miss?"

"It goes, 'Life and death are predetermined, while fortune lies in the heavens.'"

"Respect others' fate and abandon the desire to help."

"Although I have the word [Dead Body] on my head, at least for now, I'm still alive and well, right?"

"So, no matter what happens to me later, at least for now, please let me go back."


"You're illegally detaining me!"

"Don't touch me! Bleh—"

Inside Qingcheng City Second People's Hospital, Chen Yu sat on a chair while a doctor inserted a tube into his throat, going deep into his stomach.

"Do an endoscopy, why are you talking so much," the female police officer stood by, rolling her eyes.


After a while, the doctor removed the stomach tube, and Chen Yu bent over in pain and retched, "Damn it... What the hell... cough, cough..."

"Do he have any problems, doctor?" the policewoman turned and asked the doctor.

"Except for a mild Helicobacter pylori infection detected during the breath test, everything else is fine," the doctor took off his medical gloves. "The X-ray results will be available this afternoon."

"Okay, thank you," the policewoman nodded, opened a folder, glanced at it, and then pulled Chen Yu, saying, "The next procedure is a colonoscopy. Let's go."

"Could you just kill me?" Chen Yu straightened up, forcefully swallowed his saliva, weakly said, "You guys from the police station should just team up and kill me."

"We're doing this for your own good. How can you be like this?" The policewoman frowned, displeased. "Don't you know you're close to death?"

"I damn well know. I can see it. The cause of my death will probably be your endless torment," Chen Yu, feeling deeply troubled, couldn't express his bitterness.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up," the policewoman pulled Chen Yu, and the two of them pushed open the door, heading towards the fourth-floor gastroenterology department.

"For heaven's sake, it's been a whole day. I've had over a dozen examinations. Can't you let me rest for a while?"

"No," the policewoman refused.

"Well, then believe me when I say I'll commit suicide!" Chen Yu gritted his teeth.

The policewoman smiled, "Then we can close the case."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Where is he? Where's the patient?"

"Up there! I see the director, over there!"

At that moment, a shout came from behind the two. Chen Yu turned his head and saw a middle-aged doctor in a white coat, accompanied by a group of others in white coats, running towards him in a frenzy.

Looking at the doctor's running legs and excited expression, if he were wearing slippers, they would have surely fallen off long ago.

"Chen Yu? Hello, Chen Yu!" The middle-aged doctor first glanced at the words "corpse" written on top of Chen Yu's head, and suddenly became even more excited. He quickly covered Chen Yu's hands and shook them vigorously. "Welcome to our Second Hospital."

Chen Yu glanced up.

The middle-aged doctor's head was adorned with dozens of large words: "Doctoral supervisor at the Medical University, authoritative expert, national-level academician, and Deputy Director of the Qingcheng Second People's Hospital." The title was so long that it almost covered the heads of the two assistants on his left and right.

"Are you stacking buffs?" Chen Yu couldn't help but say.

"Huh? What?" The middle-aged doctor was briefly confused, then realized what was being referred to. He warmly embraced Chen Yu's shoulder and said, "Comrade Chen Yu, hello, I am the director of the Second Hospital. I..."

"Do you want to use me for an experiment?" Chen Yu interrupted directly.

"Huh? No, I..."

"Slicing, dissection, research? Holy shit!" Chen Yu turned his head to the policewoman, shocked. "I finally know how I died!"

"Wait... it's not... not that serious," the middle-aged doctor, caught off guard, hurriedly explained. "It's just that the 'pre-mortem title' is extremely rare and highly valuable for scientific research!"

"See! They want to dissect me!" Chen Yu grabbed the policewoman's arm and shouted, "Take me away! He's the murderer!"

Chen Yu knew very well that his situation had nothing to do with the so-called "pre-mortem title." 

The "title" on top of his head was completely fake, changing every month and utterly useless.

If that person, the "doctoral supervisor at the Medical University, authoritative expert, national-level academician," were to actually research and find out that he didn't have a "pre-mortem title," and then, for the sake of his own research interests, labeled him as an "evil creature" and dissected him as an experimental subject, it would be over...

"Mr. Director, Chen Yu is currently under our police protection list. You cannot have contact with him," the policewoman dutifully stood in front of Chen Yu.

"I have no ill intentions!" The middle-aged doctor waved his hands repeatedly. "I just hope that Chen Yu can cooperate during his free time..."

"Can I interject?" Chen Yu asked the policewoman.

Policewoman: "Haven't you already interjected?"

"Okay, then I won't cooperate," Chen Yu replied.

"Chen Yu, don't be like this. This is my business card," the middle-aged doctor took a step forward, took out his business card, and handed it to Chen Yu, bypassing the policewoman. "Of course, I won't let you help for free. There will be compensation."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yu, who had just been determined to refuse, subconsciously accepted the business card.

Policewoman: "..."

Chen Yu: "... I just want to take a look."

Rolling her eyes again, the policewoman nodded at the director. "If there's nothing else, I'll go with the protected person for other examinations."

"Ah... okay." As the policewoman and Chen Yu left, the middle-aged doctor finally snapped out of it. He gave a perfunctory response and stared at Chen Yu's back, as if he were looking at a long-lost lover...