
Chapter 188: To Pay a Bill-I

"Please take a seat." said Xie Hue Lin happily, letting the two sit while her ears were sharp to hear the praises of people who can't help but admire how powerful Xie Hue Lin was. Her lips were twisted in a smile as she felt a step ahead of Li Lian today.

Li Lian was staring at the drink wondering why it seems very tasty to her eyes and thought that she should bring Li Jun Wei later at home and request him for a drink. When suddenly someone had squeezed on the seat behind her, she drew her brows from the person who had nudged her only to find Mr. Fuen Chang sitting beside her.

What was he doing here? She looked across at Xie Hue Lin who was having a nice talk to Du Zhen before shifting her eyes to Mr. Si who had sat far away. There was many other empty seat and she had sat on the edge of the chair for Violet to stay at her left so no one could take a sit beside her but the man had just brought his own chair to sit beside her.