
chapter one

The air buzzed with quiet chatter and clinking silverware as Adam leaned across the crisp white tablecloth, his smile flashing like silver under the warm glow of the restaurant lights. Across from him, the woman laughed, a melody that tinkled like wind chimes. Her fiery hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her eyes sparkled with an undeniable wit. They were deep in conversation, the world around them fading away as they dissected some obscure art exhibit with the fervor of seasoned critics.

Suddenly, the door to the restroom swung open, shattering the intimate bubble they'd created. Adam glanced up, expecting a friendly face, but his smile faltered. It was Malia, his wife, her posture rigid, her expression a storm cloud gathering over a once serene landscape. Her eyes, usually warm and inviting, were now narrowed slits, radiating a bitterness that chilled the air more effectively than the air conditioning.

"Adam," she said, her voice tight with controlled fury, "who is this...?"

The woman across from him raised a curious eyebrow, but Adam could only stare, caught in the headlights of his wife's icy glare. His mind scrambled, searching for a plausible explanation, but the truth, tangled and messy, wouldn't form coherent words.

"Malia, this is..." he stammered, his voice cracking, "just...an acquaintance. Sarah, from work."

"Sarah," Malia echoed, her voice dripping with skepticism. "And what kind of work discussions require such animated conversation and stolen glances, I wonder?" Malia asked heading back to her sit.

The accusation hung heavy in the air, suffocating the laughter lines around Adam's eyes. Sarah, sensing the tension, excused herself with a polite smile, leaving Adam alone in the face of his wife's wrath.

"Stolen glances?" he choked out, his voice a desperate plea. "Malia, it's not what you think. We were just talking."

"Talking," she scoffed, the bitterness hardening her features. "Talking about what, Adam? About the new intern your eyes can't seem to keep off? About how refreshing her youthful vibrancy is compared to...me?"

Her words were like daggers, each one twisting in his gut. Shame washed over him, hot and suffocating. He knew he shouldn't have lingered, shouldn't have let the conversation with Sarah drift into anything flirtatious. But the temptation had been there, a siren song he couldn't resist in the face of his own marital discontent.

He opened his mouth to deny, to plead, but the words died on his tongue. What could he say that wouldn't sound hollow, like the desperate excuses of a guilty man? In that moment, the truth, unspoken and ugly, hung between them, a poisonous cloud threatening to consume their already fragile marriage.

The silence stretched, thick and suffocating, before Malia spoke again, her voice barely a whisper.

"I'll be expecting answers, Adam," she said, her eyes boring into his soul. "Honest ones, this time."

With that, she stood from her sit and walked away, leaving him alone in the wreckage of his own actions, the remnants of a stolen conversation clinging to him like the scent of betrayal. The restaurant lights, once warm and inviting, now seemed cold and accusing, reflecting the hollowness in his heart.

malia's heart pounded like a trapped bird as she stormed out of the restaurant, the image of adam's embrace with the "fair woman" seared into her memory. ignoring the concerned stares of patrons, she hailed a cab, its arrival a welcome escape from the suffocating scene within. as the car pulled away, she couldn't help but steal a glance back through the rearview mirror. adam, still locked in conversation with the woman, hadn't even noticed her leaving. a fresh wave of bitterness washed over her, leaving a taste of ash in her mouth.

meanwhile, outside the restaurant, a different drama unfolded. josephine, adam's ex-girlfriend, emerged from a sleek black car, a wide smile lighting up her face as she spotted him. before he could react, she was in his arms, her laughter echoing in the cool night air. adam, momentarily caught off guard, offered a polite hug, trying to mask his unease. but the warmth of josephine's embrace, a stark contrast to the icy chill he felt moments ago, sent a tremor through him.

suddenly, a flash of movement caught his eye. malia, her silhouette framed by the restaurant door, was storming towards her cab. panic jolted through him. her stiff posture, the set of her jaw, spoke volumes of her unspoken accusation.

he ripped himself away from josephine's embrace, ignoring her surprised gasp, and sprinted after the disappearing cab.

"malia!" he called chasing the the already moving cap, , his voice hoarse with desperation, but the car was already pulling away, swallowed by the city's neon jungle. josephine, confused and hurt, watched him go, the echo of his name hanging heavy in the air.

What have I done?? He said to himself felt a cold dread grip his heart. he had messed up, royally. one innocent conversation, one fleeting embrace, and his already fragile marriage might be shattered beyond repair. filled with self-loathing and the desperate hope of catching up with malia, he entered his own car m, his mind racing with the consequences of his actions.

Adam's frantic calls echoed down the hallway, bouncing off the closed bedroom door as if they hit a brick wall. The silence from within was deafening, heavier than any sob or angry shout. Each unanswered plea chipped away at his resolve, leaving him trembling on the threshold of their sanctuary.

He pressed his ear against the cool wood, straining to hear a whisper, a rustle, anything that might betray Malia's presence. But there was only the rhythmic pounding of his own heart, a drumbeat of regret and fear.

"Malia, please," he choked out, his voice thick with desperation. "Don't shut me out. Let me explain."

Silence. His name hung suspended in the air, unanswered, unwanted. Shame burned in his throat, acrid and bitter. He deserved this, deserved the icy silence, the locked door separating them like a chasm he himself had carved.

He sank to the floor, his back against the door, the coolness seeping through his clothes. Memories flickered through his mind, a montage of shared laughter, stolen kisses, whispered promises. Each image was a fresh stab of pain, a reminder of the trust he'd broken, the love he'd jeopardized.

"I messed up, Malia," he confessed, his voice barely a whisper. "There's no excuse, but please believe me, I never meant to hurt you. You're the only one I love, the only one I ever will."

Was she even listening, have I lost her? The thought was unbearable, a suffocating weight pressing down on him.

He remembered a line from their wedding vows, spoken with such certainty, such hope: "With all my faults, I give you my all." His faults. They seemed to multiply with each passing moment, a tangled mess he couldn't unravel on his own.

Suddenly, a sound from within startled him. A muffled sob, the tremor of hurt echoing through the barrier. It was a sound that tore at his soul, yet filled him with a flicker of hope. She was there, behind the door, hurting, but not yet beyond reach.

"Malia," he pleaded, his voice raw with emotion. "Let me in. Let me fix this. We can, I know we can. Just give me a chance."

He waited, his breath held captive in his lungs. Then, hesitantly, the lock clicked open. The door creaked a fraction, just enough for him to see a sliver of her face, tear-streaked and red-rimmed.

But before he could speak, before he could reach out, another voice sliced through the charged silence.


It was Josephine, standing at the end of the hallway, her confusion laced with hurt. Her presence, a stark reminder of his misstep, was a blow that almost knocked him off his feet.

Malia's already bruised heart cracked further at the sight of Adam pulling Josephine down the stairs, their hands intertwined. Every muscle in her body tensed, anger and hurt warring within her. The door slammed shut with a resounding thud, echoing the shattering of the fragile image of trust she'd desperately tried to hold onto.

"What is she doing here?" Malia's voice was a low growl, barely controlled.

Adam whirled around, his face flushed with a mixture of guilt and exasperation. "Malia, it's not what it looks like," he stammered, dropping Josephine's hand like a hot potato.

Josephine, caught in the crossfire, stammered, "I saw you leave the restaurant and looked worried, so I followed to make sure you were alright."

Malia's gaze flickered between them, each word adding another layer of ice to her already frozen heart. "Worried? Is that what friends do now? Follow married men home at night?"

The accusation hung heavy in the air, sharper than any knife. Shame flooded Adam's face, hot and suffocating. He knew he had no right to defend himself, not after his earlier deception.

Josephine, sensing the tension, took a step back, her hand instinctively reaching for the doorknob. "I apologize," she mumbled, her voice laced with hurt. "I shouldn't have interfered."

But before she could leave, Malia's voice stopped her. "Wait," she said, her eyes fixed on Adam. "Don't go. This concerns all of us now."

Adam's heart lurched. The truth, messy and complicated, was about to explode, throwing their lives into disarray. Josephine, an unexpected player in this tangled drama, stood poised on the precipice.

Malia turned back to Adam, her eyes blazing with unshed tears. "Tell me everything," she demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of pain and defiance. "Tell me why you were with her, why you lied, and why I should believe anything you say ever again."