

"Bian, what are you doing? Who's he? Tell Daddy who do you love?" Bubu asked with more hurt feelings, because Bian's love for him was so great.

"I'm sorry Daddy, I can't tell Daddy. Let me keep this feeling to myself." Said Bian getting up from her place away from Bubu and running towards her room.

Bubu was still silent with a red face. Bubu really didn't want this to happen. Currently Bian alone with a broken heart. How can he help Bian so that Bian's feelings of love can disappear.

"Oh my God, what should I do now? I can do nothing but stay away for a while, so that Bian can forget her love for me. I'm sure over time Bian will be able to forget his feelings for love. Bian will grow up to be a more mature girl who understands her feelings better." Bubu said in his heart with a sad feeling.