
My Husband Fears Sometimes From Me

A story of a woman name Leona. A journey where she has been reincarnated, before she died she lost her husband her children’s her family, friends. everything she values was lost but a second chance has been given to her by god and it has become her obsession to protect their love one and cherish her life

hasan_shaikh_9264 · Urban
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9 Chs

A Stupid stunt can kill a person. (8)


Ok boss….the gang leader on the call ended their conversation. Boss has relayed the order, everyone has to underground now. Following the order those mercenaries and rouge had parked the cars and abandoned all the stuff, they blend into public and dispersed into crowd in night time.

Dood…After something a sound can be heard and a car trunk open slowly, a man came out of the trunk. His foot landed on the ground bustling noises of car and people's. Buildings, lights, music can be seen and heard, Neo lost in those things watching all kinds of happening which is going around. He breathed the air of freedom, an emotional an happy smile pass his face a feeling of a freeman, a life without slavery. Thank god, and thanks to the person who had help us.

Honk.Honk.Honk…. A car approaching the Neo when he was astray in walking on a sidewalk suddenly hit his leg. He was send flying and hit on his head. Both his head a leg were bleeding. His vision blurred and the last thing he knows someone was lifting him. Before he fall unconscious he assumed those thugs had caught him. He hope Zack can make it at least. What kind of bad luck has befallen on me.



A woman coming out of shower in bathrobe sit on a vanity table applying makeup, her red lips, long eyelashes, Brown colour pupil and a light makeup, not applying accessive makeup but to make sure her natural beauty should enhance her looks her long brown hair curls over her shoulder, a purple dress she chose to wear which shining like a star in the night, wearing a high heels she come out of her room.

Amused with the stunning look of her, Lucifer jaw drops. An unparalleled beauty radiating attractiveness shining like stars in the crowd her looks can topple countries, he said to her….Boss can I take you to date. Gabriel on the centre of the living area along with the people in the mansion were stunned to see their Maiden in these beautiful looks. No one can blame those people, because Leona in her life never adorn herself like this before, they have always seen her in a dark vibe clothing.

Were as Gabriel look at Leona in this new avatar of her, a personality of a girl which Leona never like to show to anyone, A smiling- A happy expression on Leona face shows that she has changed something in herself, A different side of her. Watching her, Gabriel is as curious as people in the mansion.

Leona with a happy expression come out of her room, thought were in her mind of something which making her happy, she heard Lucifer says….Boss can I take you on date. Her facial expression changed glaring dagger at him. She slowly walked toward him & says….Yes we can go but not on a date but on a long drive. Leona turn towards Gabriel a grin on her face show that there is something mischievous hidden in her smile.

The trio's hit the road in a luxurious car full on high speed, Lucifer watching his boss enjoying driving and time and time she will put a smile on her face…. What's up boss, you seems to plan a crazy night should we also grab some beer…Lucifer anticipating a fun night, Gabriel seems in a deep thought watching the new sight of Leona. She have change, was it the same Leona who use to isolate herself from worldly affection, she never drive never dress herself pretty never put that happy expression on face, what happened to her, what change her.

Leona who was driving car at high speed, dangerously overtaking vehicles, breaking a lot of traffic rules, her mobile keep on beeping notifications of charges, she got fined for breaking traffic signals, but the current her seems not effected even a little bit she seems to eager for something. Something that her life depends on it.

Yes I have plan a crazy night but we don't need beer…chuckles Leona, giving Lucifer a glance….we need first aid kit…response for Lucifer questions while the latter brow knit. While not carrying about those curious eyes. She drive to a place were she was needed to. A figure appear in her sight, the moment he appeared she held her breath.

A longing of lifetimes , an emotion of reminiscing, a promise to each other. Every memory ever moment flash pass her mind. Not drowning in her emotions she slow down her speed pulled a hard break, when see realise the figure on the road is lost in thought not even realizing a car is approaching him if he didn't move it might hit him.

Honk.Honk.Honk… Leona pull the hard brakes and honk multiple time, but was too late to reverse time and the car hit him. Leona heart tightened when the incident struck her what she did….boss….Lucifer startled by the realization. Leona had just hit someone it's not that she hadn't killed anyone before by car, but this seems different she seems want to hit that person but not harm him, confused but her actions Lucifer glance Gabriel while the latter was equally has the same reaction as Lucifer, but focus on Leona, it seems like he was reading her but not sure was he actually able to or not.

While Leona baffled and as well stunned by her stupidity, she panicked and run out of her car to the figures….No.No.No why is this happening, did I just killed him. Why god why is this happening to me after all this, my stupid stunt is coasting me my entire life to ruin again. She approached the figure looking at him. Whispers under her breath NEO….

Leona quickly run towar Neo hold her in her embrace trying to stopped her bleeding, trying to shake him up, holding him trying to lift him up. Gabriel & Lucifer stump at the sight, they saw Leona eyes, tear falling through her face on the person cheek. She seems to value this person in her heart.