
My Husband and My Alpha

Clara is a human who moved to the Immortal world due to an accident. The phoenix seal on her neck targeted by the Black Witcher made her have to stay near Jasper Owen, her husband and a Werewolf. A ritual is being performed by Clara and Jasper to protect Werewolf races and the owner of the phoenix seal. In the end, the ritual makes Clara have to deal with her human husband—Brandon Hover—who turns out to be a member of the Black Witcher.

YuniHana_ · Fantasie
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15 Chs


A rough decay just escaped from a man's mouth. He combed his blonde hair quietly, as a gust of wind hit him. Brandon let out a long breath. His hand immediately tidied up the books on the desk.

It had been several hours since the man sat in a gazebo with a stack of books in front of him. He began to learn about everything in the world he had just visited. Anne's explanation last night regarding Black Witcher made him understand more about why the Werewolf hated the people so much. However, the White Witcher also attracted Brandon's attention. Although the difference is striking from some of the methods they use, in fact, the two factions are unwelcome wizards in the Immortal world.

Suddenly, someone shook off the cloak, and then sat next to Brandon. The man was of a type, almost plotting to the heterochromia-eyed man who had just arrived. The man smiled pettyly at Brandon.

"What is your motivation for learning everything?" he asked.

Brandon sighed, then leaned on the back of the chair. He looked at Eden. "So that I can be stronger than you," he said.

"Wow, it's amazing." Eden then applauded. "You have to go through all kinds of rituals to achieve immortality, Bran."

The blonde-haired man hissed in annoyance. "What's the ritual?" he asked. "The ritual of sucking blood from your scar?" He reached out about to nudge the bandage on Eden's arm, but failed because the man hurriedly shook off his hand.

"There were many rituals, among them...."—Brandon squinted at Eden, making the chick-haired man sigh—"If you were told to swallow the heart of all the creatures in the Immortal world, would you like to do it?"

"I don't care," Brandon replied. He re-thrust the body. His red eyes looked towards the stack of books in front of him. "If only I could bring Clara back into the human world, anything I would do."

A voice like broken glass sounded from Eden's mansion, right on the second floor. The two men swiftly turned their heads. Eden got up as he patted Brandon on the shoulder.

"I think she's starting to get into the fray again," he said, then walked towards his residence.

In the meantime, Brandon sighed. The voice just now must have been deliberately made by Clara after he locked the woman in the room. His memory gleaned at the incident this morning that almost took away his sanity.


This morning, Brandon immediately headed for Clara's room after he had finished taking a shower and changing clothes. Anne was still asleep from exhaustion from the struggle with him last night. So, he let the woman wear the room devoted to him today.

The man opened the door quietly. His eyes lit up when he found Clara about to jump off the balcony. He immediately ran over and restrained the woman's body.

"Clara! Are you crazy!" snapped the man. He pulled Clara's body that was about to fall,

However, the woman actually quickly removed Brandon's hand from her waist. "Don't get close!"

Brandon sighed. He looked at Clara with a worried look on his face. "Clara, come on, I can explain everything," he said. "Don't make it difficult for me!"

"You started it all!"

Clara's bluff just now left Brandon speechless instantly. He knew if Clara was just pretending to be amnesiac. "You remember?" he asked with a distance.

Clara took a huff of saliva. How could she be so sloppy just now? It's so unlucky that her life is this time. She didn't even know whether the man in front of her was Brandon or not.

"Not at all," she said later. "My temper hasn't stabilized because my baby died and now you kidnap me here. Don't you have any brains, huh?"

A gasp escaped perfectly from Brandon's nose. "Okay, I get it," he said. "Go back to the room and let me explain everything from the beginning."

"How can I trust you? You are the Black Witcher and I should have stayed away from you!" The woman retorted.

Yes, Clara was right. Brandon Hover who is now a member of the Black Witcher and will become a full Witcher if he manages to learn all the knowledge and perform rituals. He probably won't go back to being human despite being able to bring his wife back into the world there.

"I'm sorry," the man said. The look in his eyes turned somber.

However, the remark was ignored by Clara. She actually climbed back over the balcony railing, about to jump up. Her slow movements due to enduring the pain of her former operation, allowed Brandon to pull her body and directly led her into the room.

Brandon locked the balcony door with his newly learned magic. Fast enough for a beginner it seems. Clara, who rebelled, was accidentally slammed on the mattress. The blonde-haired man instantly locked Clara's movements instantly.

They looked at each other. Clara tried to withdraw her hand, but Brandon's hand was much stronger than her. She even realized that the man's strength had changed, unlike the Brandon she used to know.

"I'm sorry."

Brandon screeched before finally one peck from her landed squarely on Clara's lips. The female gasped and wanted to rebel. However, Brand actually embraced it even deeper. Their two lips lunged at each other, no matter if the sun was rising to fill the sky.

Clara's heart rippled strangely. She had never felt this touch before, not even from Jasper once. The peck that she thought was sweet and able to carry her floated instantly. However, the other side of her still insisted on taking it off immediately even though she honestly couldn't deceive herself.

One thing Brandon knew when he became a Black Witcher. His saliva can be tempered and used to put others to sleep. Now, he used that step so that Clara would no longer try to escape. His saliva was like nicotine which made Clara addicted and kept wanting more from him.

"I'm sorry."

Time and again the man fumbled begging for forgiveness to the woman who hadn't necessarily forgiven him. Brandon let Clara crush their lips, sucking her honey-sweet saliva, until she fell asleep again.


"You're so smart, Bran." Eden said as the two of them reached the door of Clara's room.

The door opened, and so did the balcony door. The window glass shattered and I don't know since when the woman named Clara disappeared from there. Nothing was left by her, except for the drops of blood that soiled the floor.

Brandon touched the blood, then lived it out. "Clara's blood," he said.

"Are you sure?" asked Eden who was standing by the man.

Brandon nodded, making sure that the result of his nose detection was not wrong. He had already smelled the scent of Clara's blood many times. From the first time they hooked up and Clara lost her virginity, until when the accident happened. Even without the Black Witcher ability, Brandon can already guess it.

His red eyes turned towards the balcony as his steps approached the open room. He sighed softly, realizing that Clara had managed to escape from there. His hand squeezed firmly on the balcony railing.

"Jasper …."
