
My Husband’s Bestfriend: My Secret Lover

Anastasia is forced to marry a total stranger whom she isn't in love with, but what happens when her past creeps in? The one person she had a one-night stand with, makes an appearance in her life, throwing her off guard. But he is here to stay. Watch how this intriguing story unfolds where love isn't as it seems.

Mira_bea · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Anastasia gently grazed her hands on the frame in her hand. She stared at the woman in it and she had beautiful, dark hair which cascaded down her shoulder.

She looked into her brown eyes and Anastasia smiled bitterly.

" I miss you so much, mom. " She whispered and tears rolled down her eyes.

A sudden knock came on the door and she snapped her gaze to it.

" Who is it? " Anastasia asked.

" It's me. " The voice of her Dad responded.

" I am not interested in whatever you have to say. Anastasia said and there was a bit of silence before the door finally opened.

" What do you want? " Anastasia asked, the moment her Dad walked in.

William glanced at the meal displayed on the table and he sighed, noticing it was untouched. He shifted his gaze to his daughter and he moved close to her, staring at the frame in her hand. " You haven't touched your food. " He muttered.

" I am not hungry. " Anastasia muttered.

" It's been three days. " William pointed out and she scoffed.

" And suddenly, you care? " She asked, raising her brows at him.

" I miss her too. William uttered, staring at his wife in the frame and Anastasia scoffed.

" You expect me to believe that? "

" It's the truth and you need to understand that I need you to accept this marriage. To help boom the business. Your mom and I worked hard to get here and what crime is there in trying to move higher, huh? " William said.

" Joining hands with the Wilsons is going to be great for us. " He added.

" There is no us! " Anastasia retorted.

" That word ceased to exist the moment you took mom away from me. " She added.

 " She committed suicide, Ana. She abandoned us! "

" No. It was you. You drove her to the edge by always being a control freak. You never loved her or me. You were nothing but a monster! " Anastasia snapped and William sighed.

" And really, this isn't about what's good for you and me. It's always been about you! " Anastasia added and her Dad sighed.

" The Wilsons will be coming for dinner tonight. " He uttered, breaking the silence.

" What?! " Anastasia asked, knitting her brows.

" Yes. I invited them over for dinner. " Her dad said

" And you seriously think I will sit at the same table with them? Anastasia questioned. " Yes. This is all for the sake of the family business! "

" And I want no part in it. What part of that don't you understand? "

" You know, I thought we could talk like the father and daughter we are but I guess it's not working. You have always been stubborn. Just like your mom. "

" Don't you dare mention her name? " Anastasia said in anger.

" Well, guess what I found out? It appears my P.A., Chloe Decker has been spying on me all along. And I just couldn't help but wonder why. " Her Dad said and Anastasia gulped in.

" What has this got to do with anything? I don't know who you are talking about. "

" Oh, but I think you do. I had my guys do a little background check on her and I found out you two go way back. You are best friends. " William said and Anastasia bites her lower lip.

" I have her with my men. She is kept in the basement as we speak. "

" What did you do to her?! " Anastasia snapped.

" Oh, I haven't done anything... yet. She is doing perfectly fine. " Hee Dad responded. " But that will only remain the same if you cooperate. " Her Dad added.

" Really? Threatening me with my friend? Now, that's low of you, Father. "

 " I don't care what you say. In fact, I don't give a damn. All I want to hear is that you will agree to marry the Wilson's son and you will get washed up, put on a dress and join us for dinner to get to know each other. " Her Dad said.

" And if I don't? " Anastasia asked and William shrugged.

" Well, then I can't guarantee your friend's safety. " He said.

" How do I know you are telling the truth? Is this one of your ways to try manipulating me into your silly request? "

" Oh, even if you don't know anything about me. There is something you should know and that is the fact that I don't bluff. " William said and Anastasia glared at him.

" Fine, I will give you proof. " He said and with a snap of his fingers, the door burst open, revealing two guards who grabbed a young blonde haired lady by the arm and they pushed to her knees causing her to whimper.

" Chloe! " Anastasia yelled and she tried to move towards her but her Dad held his hand up, halting her.

Anastasia stared at her best friend who was roughened up and there were tears in her eyes and there was also a cloth tied around her mouth making it impossible for her to talk.

" How could you? Ana yelled, snapping her gaze to her Dad. " She has nothing to do with this. "

" She has everything to do with it. She is your weak spot and now I can use her to my advantage. "

" Actually, you should blame yourself. You should know better than trying to spy on me. " Her Dad added and Anastasia clenched her fists.

" Let her go. " Anastasia demanded.

" It isn't that easy. Once you agree to my terms. Then I will let her go. " Her dad said and Anastasia scoffed, staring in anger and disgust at him.

" You are really unbelievable. " She mumbled and William ordered his men to take her away and they grabbed Chloe, taking her out of the room.

" So... What do you say? " Her Dad asked and Anastasia clenched her fists.

 " I can ask my men to do whatever they want with her. " William said.

" Those filthy dogs of yours better not lay a hand on her. " Anastasia gritted.

" It's your choice. If you refuse, I will give them an order. Agree with my terms and your friend goes home safe. "

" Really, no one has to get hurt. " Her dad said and it took seconds before Anastasia spoke.

" Fine. " She mumbled.

" I will do what you want. Now tell your men to let her go. " Anastasia said.

" Oh, it doesn't work like that, darling. She will remain under my men's protection until the day of the wedding. " William said.

" Now, you should prepare for dinner. Wear something nice. " Her Dad said, walking out of the door.

Anastasia bit her lip, cursing underneath her breath.

The day passed by and it was finally evening. Anatasia stared at herself in the mirror as she was dressed in a gown.

She sighed, walking towards the door and she grabbed the door open. Anastasia walked down the stairs and as she arrived at the living room. She could hear chattering from the dining room.

She arrived at the dining and a pair of four eyes met hers.

Anastasia stared at the middle aged man and woman whom she knew to be the Wilson's and her gaze finally shifted to the youngest man in the room and Anastasia needed no one to tell her he was her so-called husband to be.

He stared back at her with no atom of expression on his face and she finally looked at her Dad who pulled a smile at her and she averted her gaze to the Wilson's.

Anastasia diverted her gaze to her.

" Good evening, Mr and Mrs Wilson. Anastasia greeted, moving close to the dining. " Evening, dear. " The woman responded.

" Evening, Anastasia. It's nice to finally meet you. " The man said and Anastasia gently lowered herself to the chair.

 " I must say, you look stunning my dear. " The woman said and Anastasia forced a smile. " Thank you, ma'am. "

" Oh, please. It's Cora. " She said.

" And this is my husband, Henry and our son, Jared. " Cora introduced me.

" Nice to meet you all. " Anastasia said, glancing at Jared who didn't look at her. " Uh... Shall we eat then? " William asked.

" Actually, No. " A voice said and all Gase diverted to Jared Wilson.

" What do you mean, son? " Cora asked.

" I don't see the point in gathering here to eat and engage in meaningless chats. "Jared said.

" I am only here today to see my supposed bride and to know if she isn't some baboon. " Jared said.

" Excuse me? " Anastasia said, throwing an offensive look at Jared who raised his brows in question and Anastasia scoffed in disbelief at the smug look plastered on his face.

" Now that we have seen each other. Why don't we go straight to the point? I really don't like to waste my time. " He said and the elders in the room glanced at each other as silence evaded the room.

" Uh... I... I totally agree with Jared. William said, breaking the ice and Cora and Henry Wilson nodded their heads while Anastasia scoffed, her grip on the cutlery tightening.

" Like I said, I don't like to waste my time. So I think the wedding should be held this weekend. " " What?! " Anastasia said

" I believe you heard me, Annabelle "

" Anastasia! " She gritted out in correction.

" It's Anastasia! " She repeated.

" Yeah. Well, whatever. Does anyone have a problem with the date? Jared asked and his parents glanced at each other as they looked at William who cleared his throat.

 " I think it's perfect. " He said and his daughter shot him a glare " The sooner, the better " William added.

" Great. Then I guess we're done here. Jared said, standing on his feet and he walked away from the dining room.

His parents glanced awkwardly at each other and they both stood up. " Thanks for having us. "

" My pleasure. William said and he stood up, walking the Wilson's out.

Anastasia scoffed unbelievably as she grabbed a glass of wine and chugged a mouthful down her throat.