
Another S*e*x

I must have heard the two greet each other at the door that morning before opening it. I awoke when I heard the noise. Because the door wasn't secured, I grabbed my boxers when I noticed the handle shift. When both of them entered the room, the short was halfway through my laps as I knelt on the bed.

I couldn't get their expressions out of my head fast enough. Monica was awakened by Kehinde's yelling, and she reached for and wrapped the bed sheet about her bare body. Ken had charged at us, but I was standing between him and Monica.

I wasn't sure what his original goal was and what action he wanted to take, but he must have changed his mind as I stood, a full 1 foot 2 inches taller than him, my big shoulder obscuring his view of Monica. He was no match for me; he was probably much younger than me. Kehinde was more emotional than active. She sat on the only seat in the room, her palm covering her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks.

She tried as much as possible to comport herself, trying had to stop the tears in her eyes. Monica was more interested in shouting at Ken. “What do you want here? I asked you to leave and never return! Go to hell!” it was obvious she wasn’t a bit sober of the entire sex-capade. 

Ken had shouted back and called her names; “slut”, “LovePeddler”, “cheap-slut” but Monica verbally matched him, returning all the names with a similar version; “cheat”, “pig”, “dirty-scum”.  I stood in the middle of the room, barricading the two vicious opponents, ensuring nothing physical ensured. 

As usual, neighboring doors started opening as hostel mates started clustering on the corridor and room door. I threw Monica her clothes and she proceeded into her bathroom to change. Right inside the bathroom, she was still verbally abusing Ken. It was obvious ken had cheated on her, sleeping with someone whose name was yet to be mentioned. 

Kehinde walked past us at the room, opened the wardrobe and started packing few of her things into a small bag. It was obvious she was heart broken. She must be the soft type that lets her emotions get the better of her. I wasn’t really bordered about her. I owed her nothing. 

She was the sole owner of her emotions and she has the right to channel it to wherever she wishes to; I wasn’t indebted to her. Seems she had a feeling she had been betrayed by her best friend. 

Ken had looked me in the eyes and said he was going to deal with me. He said he was going to make the campus too hot for me.  I felt his pain, but he needed to man up and channel his anger in the right direction. 

I still don’t owe him any apology. I didn’t see any need to reply him. I kept calm as he boasted of how he was going to mess up my life. His gloats didn’t move me a bit. I had seen worse, from worse looking guys. The worse he could do was to arrange cult guys for me. He wasn’t a cultist himself; I was sure of that. A cultist would have handled it another way. 

I had listened to his boast and shouts, there was no colloquial expression or slang he included in his speech to indicate such.  At times like this, a cultist will terrorize you with words peculiar to his brotherhood, so to make you understand what he was made of. 

I would have been hearing words like; “I will rugged you.” Keyword being –rugged- , “I will treat your fckup,” keyword –treat and fuckup-. I would have picked up more words like anchor, flag, fly, colour, mend, bush, chance and lots more. He was just making empty threats so I didn’t border replying or engaging him. I knew the trend. If he arranges cult boys for me, I will buy them drinks, as simple as that.  

That I was still in the room at that point was to ensure they don’t tear each other’s neck. I started feeling uncomfortable when the crowd in front of her room grew and some even ventured to enter the room. I reached for my clothes and wore them, picked the condom and stuffed it into my pocket. At that point, Monica proceeded out from the bathroom fully clothed and still asked ken to leave her room. 

I felt my presence was no longer necessary, so I picked my red wine, fixed into my armpit, using my arms to hold it in place. I walked out of the room and headed to my room. Inside my room, I could still over hear them exchanging words. 

As the tempo raised, it got so unbearable that I had to leave my room. I went downstairs to Mike’s room. 

“Please nau, tell me how it happened.” Hilary’s pleas brought me back to reality. I told her everything that conspired. She smiled all through the tale, like she was excited at the turn of events. 

“B'i-ttc.h! Serves her right!” she exclaimed when I was through with the tale. She looked more excited that I wondered if there was something I was missing. “That’s unfair!” I said to her. “You don’t understand.” She said. I listened as she opened up to me. 

She said Monica had made her feel like a LovePeddler because she slept with me. Monica had spread the story of what she termed as betrayal to their cycle of friends and from then, they all treated her like an outcast. She said they had a circle of close friends, three of them, with two other girls, Toba and her roommate. 

She said that Toba, the girl that claimed to be the head of the group had proclaimed that she was not fit to be their friend any longer, and they had dis-associated themselves with her. “Now who is having the last laugh?” she asked me. Girls and their wahala!  

I wasn’t interested in first laughs or last laughs, I hated being caught up in the midst of turbulence like I had been caught up.  When she was through with her tale, it became clear why she was excited with the recent turn of events. 

Why were they making so much fuss about sex? It still beats me. I had not seen Kehinde since after the event. It looked like she packed few of her things and left the room for Monica.

 “I hope you fvcked her well.” She leaned over and asked me. “She really needed a real man to fck her pusssy, not that fine young ken she was painting pictures of.” “You are spoilt!” I whispered into her ear and she giggled. 

“I hope she moaned and screamed!” she said still laughing. “No need to answer, let me just show you how it was.” I said and grabbed her shoulders. She screamed playfully, trying to wriggle her way out of my hold but I held on strong. 

“heeelppp.” She screamed playfully but my lips soon covered hers and hushed off the sounds while we engaged in a hot romantic session.  We kissed and teased each other as she wrapped her leg across my shoulders, displaying a deep passion for sex.  

We ripped off each other’s clothes and engaged in a hot and passionate sex. It was so deep and wet; the passion she exhibited during the period was really immense. She took it a higher level by really making it deeper than just sex. Her responses, her flows, her caresses, the way she looked at me while I rode her, the way she teased my nippples with her tongue as I thumped her, and finally screaming my name when she ca.me; it was more than sex, it was love making.  

I instinctively knew she had started having feelings for me. I shoved that thought apart. We had defined the affair. It was strictly physical, no strings attached, her exact words. 

We lay on the bed exhausted after the sex. She traced the lines on my chest and played with my hairs as we tried to catch our breathe. “I think I’ve started liking you.” She said to me. 

"Did you hate me before?" I jokingly inquired, and she grinned. I understood what she meant; I had anticipated it, but I wasn't ready for such discussions just now. I liked the way the affair turned out. I still don't believe in relationships, especially after what happened with Chifawu, and I wasn't ready for commitments. Commitments come with its baggage. I tried to shift the subject before she dug deep and heard anything she would not like. I racked my head for a topic to engage her in, anything, but nothing came to mind. I had to return to the previous topic before the sexual activity because that was the only thing my mind could think of at the time.

"Who was Ken cheating on Monica with?" I inquired of her. I had intended to pose the question for the umpteenth time in order to complete the missing jigsaw.

Now was the perfect time to inquire. “Toba.” She responded.

"You mean Toba the girl in charge of the group of friends?" I inquired.

"You're right, Toba the b'itc.h!" Wahala for the girls! she said with  grin.