
Another Attempt

The 12 million naira was a bluff.  It was Mike's idea. He opined that the man will take us serious only when we play hard with him. While I aimed at freeing Sonia from the clutches of the manager, Mike, who was desperately in need of money was gunning for the man's money while his girlfriend had revenge on her mind. 

She had already supplied us with all the data we needed; phone numbers, address and so on. Mike's idea worked because when I switched on the phone the next day, the man called almost immediately. 

“I don't have 12 million naira!” He screamed on top if his voice. “My annual income is not even up to that amount. Why are you doing this to me!” I ended the call. Few minutes later, Sonia called to inform me that the man had been begging and pleading with her to tell -her boys- to reconsider. 

She asked what was going on and I explained to her what I was trying to do. “Blackmail!” She screamed. “Why did you not inform me about it!” She was furious as she kept shouting over the phone. I managed to calm her down. 

“Everything will work out fine.” I told her when she had calmed down a bit. “It’s easier for you to say because you are hiding under your voice over the phone. It’s my picture that is out there and it’s my ars'e that's on the line here!” She said. 

I understood her perfectly. If things go south, she was the only one known by the manager amongst us all. But I assured her that we had him on his throat and he can't help it but pay up and do as he was told. He had a lot to lose if he messes up: his work, his marriage and family, and a soiled reputation. 

Finally, she seemed to understand and agreed with me on the plan. “That serves him right!” She said. “But next time, inform me on time so that I will know how to cover my a'rs'e.” “What is it with you and a'r'se?” I asked and she laughed so hard that I had to stop here. .


I collected the four hundred thousand naira sent by the etisalat manager through moneyGram.  After long pleas and bargain, we agreed on a million naira, which he begged to pay in parts: the first installment was the four hundred thousand, while he said he would complete the payment within 2 months. 

I gave him a fake name, and got a fake driver's license with the same name. The picture on it was distorted so much that it will take an eagle's eye to get the resemblance. 

I traveled down to Minna, the Niger state capital to make the claim. The bank teller nonchalantly photocopied the driver's license and handed the money over to me. When I returned to idah, I split the money in two, took a part and handed over the other half to mike and his girl. Mabel was at Mike's room when I entered. We all went out that evening to celebrate the deal. 

It was the first time I saw mike being romantic to his girlfriend; like the money was a spice to their relationship. Mabel and I sat together, while mike and his girlfriend sat opposite us, cuddling and necking like pigeons. It was a cool restaurant, like an exclusive inn. 

I got some chips and irish cream for Mabel. I remembered the ugly one and his ways of impressing girls with money. I felt like towing the same line this night and just feel how the hypothesis works.

 I got a martini for myself while Mike ordered for himself and his girl. I didn't feel free discussing the blackmail case in the presence of Mabel, but it seems Mike was over excited and couldn't keep his mouth shut. 

“That man must pay all the money in two months time!” He said excitedly. I knew he was wrong. The man ain't paying a dime further and I saw the hand written on the wall. 

Mike had earlier disagreed on the one million deal. He kept insisting that the man pays at least 3 million. I had to convince him that it was going to be difficult getting such money from the man. It was more difficult convincing Mike that we should go ahead and collect the first installment and not insist on the full payment. 

The bargaining period had dragged on for over two weeks, and I was certain that as the days goes by, the man will start seeing reason not to pay, or to call our bluff. I wasn't intending on fully blackmailing him. I just needed to make him stay off sonia, and it was apparent that he had already done that. The money was just an icing to the cake; although a nice icing it was.

 Mike was desperate, desperate and greedy: he wanted it all. I stopped contacting the man after the first payment. I had achieved what I wanted, but it was obvious that Mike wanted more as he kept insisting the man must pay up. “He must complete all the payments.” He said again with a glee on his face. “And we must send the picture to the wife!” The girlfriend added. That was not part of the deal. 

I knew the girl wanted vengeance. Maybe she wanted to prove to the aunty that what she had been telling her was nothing but the truth. I didn't want to argue with them in the presence of Mabel, so I just nodded and smiled. Later, I shifted my attention fully on Mabel and engaged her in talks, just to divert from the focus of mike and his girlfriend. 

We both talked all through the outing. It was nice to hear her talk about her love for music. When she took the last gulp of her irish cream, she leaned on me, relaxing her head against my body.

 I crossed over my hand and caressed her shoulders. “I'm tired. I need to get home.” She whispered to my ear. “Let me take you home then.” I said to her. “I mean my home.” She said. “You mean I should take you to your room?” She smiled and nodded her head.

 I told her I really would love to spend the remaining of the night together. “Who said we are not spending the night together?” She smiled as she asked. “Are you scared of spending the night in a girl's room?” She asked and I couldn't help but smile, and relieved. If she prefers us spending the night at her place, then no qualms. “I ain't scared.” I said to her.

 She bent over and whispered to my ear. “You need to be. . .I do bite” We both laughed at her joke. . . I actually thought it was a joke. . . It wasn't! She did bite me. . .


Mabel's room was nice and modest. It wasn't heavily furnished like mine, but neat and well kept. The floor was carpeted while the bed was well kept. She didn't have any electronic gadget, just a reading table, a standing fan with her clothes neatly hanged on the wall hanger standing at an extreme of the wall. 

It was a self-contained room and she was obviously staying alone. She must be a perfectionist as was displayed on her room. Everything was well kept; no loose cloth hanging somewhere, no book lying carelessly on the table, no cup or spoon out of place. Just unlike me. 

She sat on the bed as we entered the room. She looked tired, or the mild effect of the drink was taking place. She went inside the bathroom and showered, joining me on the bed as I watched her photo album. I needed to shower so I asked if I could use her bathroom in which she nodded. 

I didn't envisage the scenario of sleeping at her room, neither did I come with my toiletries. I managed to take a bath without a soup as I avoided using hers, which was an antiseptic soap as my skin reacts to anything that is not a mild toilet soap. 

I didn't have my towel so I used my singlet to towel myself. I joined her at the bed wearing just my boxers. I noticed I was already having an erection just seeing her on the bed with a nightgown. 

She lay on her back and faced up. Her big eyeballs seemed to be more enlarged this night as she stared at me while I joined her on the bed. I tried so hard to hide my dikkk which was really getting harder. 

I lay beside her, crossing over my hand to caress her back. She drew closer to me as I rubbed her back, applying my strong and firm hand to strengthen her back muscles. She seemed to be enjoying this as she turned fully, lying on her belly.