
My Heroine Stepsister Loves Me, The Villainess, Way Too Much

Falsely accused of treason and awaiting execution, Athena Cloverfield, the former young heiress to the fallen House Cloverfield, reflects on her life to pinpoint where it all went wrong. Athena blames Iris, her stepsister, for all the bad things that happened to her, but her perspective is utterly shattered when Iris visits her in the dungeons and confesses her love for her, going so far as to declare that she would try to rescue her. The time of the execution inevitably came, and Athena was about to be executed. Just then, Iris appears and fights desperately to get to Athena, but before she can get anywhere close, Iris is defeated and is made to watch the execution from where she fell. Seeing her desperation and finally believing the genuine tears, Athena prayed to God, for the very first time in her life, for a second chance to make amends. As if God himself had answered the prayer, Athena miraculously finds herself back in time on the same day Iris arrives at her home in the Cloverfield mansion. Seizing the chance, Athena resolves herself to be the best stepsister she could imagine herself to be, but the memories from the past timelines haunt her constantly, causing her to react negatively and straying down the same path as before. When eventually cornered into the fateful tea party, Athena, in a moment of vulnerability, confessed her inner fears of how Iris could once again ruin her life despite her trying her best to make amends. Perhaps due to an accidental but fortunate choice of words, Iris misunderstood Athena and was completely charmed by her. To Athena’s amazement, Iris swore to Athena on the spot that she would be her loyal and loving sister who would protect her from the world. And in the days after, Athena and Iris enjoyed a loving and caring relationship, just as Athena hoped to have. But fate had it out for Athena, and to her horror, the events that led to her execution started occurring once more when she got enrolled into the kingdom’s royal academy alongside Iris in this timeline. Thanks to the first of those dreadful events, she got involved with the crown prince, the same man who ordered her execution in the previous timeline, and somehow attracted his attention. To make things worse, as the days passed and Athena, for some reason, started to gain popularity amongst her peers, Iris became more obsessive and overprotective towards Athena, causing various scandalous rumours to rise and leading to both troublesome and amusing incidents. But unbeknownst to Athena and Iris, a sinister figure seeks to tear their relationship apart and eventually lead Athena down the path of doom…

Loki_Magikill · Fantasie
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4 Chs

To My Loyal Oliver, With Thanks

After three days of constant praying, I gave up.

There is no god in this world. Everyone who prays to this god of theirs up in the sky must either be crazy or just delusional.

If he really existed, he would have answered my prayers. Is it that hard to let me see Iris one more time? I even grovelled at those scumbag guards, and I just get laughed at for no good reason.

Either way, I'm done for. Tomorrow...is my execution.

I won't ever get to see Iris again. I'll never hear what she will have to say to me.

Hmm? Someone's coming...

Ah. The Holy Lady. And that idiot crown prince again.

"Lady Athena..."

Urgh...this Holy Lady's tone has always rubbed me the wrong way. What's up with her anyway? Acting all nice, calm, and serene. I know there's a hidden side to you, alright?

"Still no intention of repenting, huh? I should have figured."

Sigh...hey idiot crown prince, why don't you go get a life doing something more useful? Taunting me now isn't going to make me 'regret' anything suddenly. I didn't do anything in the first place.

"Please, Lady Athena, why won't you repent? It's the last day before your execution. I can at least..."

Oh dear, here she goes again.

"There's no need to pray or absolve her, Holy Lady. There's no hope for people such as her."

And there's no hope for you, idiot crown prince. This kingdom is doomed for sure with you in charge in the future.

"...I understand. I...never mind."

Ha. Great. Even you got the Holy Lady to give up on me. Can't even offer her last famous words of blessing. I'm officially worse than the worst criminal in this kingdom has ever seen.

As I watched the idiot crown prince and Holy Lady walk out of the metal door, the Holy Lady suddenly turned back to me.

"I...heard from Iris. That she visited you. I hope you know that she speaks the truth."

Then she walked through the door, disappearing from sight.

...Wow, thanks. You could have started with that. I would have given you a reaction, at least.

Too late now.

I lay down on the ground, the cold feeling now more than just familiar. It was almost comfortable—probably more comfortable than the platform stage.

I closed my eyes and let myself go to sleep for the last time.

(The next morning...)

By some miracle, the light outside penetrated the stone walls, shining brightly through a few cracks, and woke me up pleasantly.

Pretty good way to wake up for the last time ever.

"Lady Cloverfield. Please, wake up. It's time."

Huh. I didn't know these guys had some level of moral decency. Usually, it's a shout or a kick to get me awake. Guess being minutes away from execution gets you some final respect as well.

"Here. Your last meal. Please, eat up. When you're done, I'll bring some water for you. At least have your last bath as well. At least you can go on the block...with some dignity."

Heh. Finally. At least you let a girl end her suffering with a bit of dignity. Props to you, scumbag guard. I don't know your name, but I'll remember your face at least.

I look down at the food placed before me. It's...croissants. The ones that were ruined.

Wait. What? Those guards wouldn't do this for me. Who in the world...?

I looked up at the guard who was in front of me.

Ah. It's you. Oliver, my good old bodyguard. Guess they let you come serve me one last time.

"Thank you, Oliver."

Oliver widened his eyes as he heard me, his expression surprised.

"Lady Cloverfield...this is the first time you called my name. I'm honoured, my lady."

Urgh. Guess I was mean to you as well. I...should say something.

"A-Ah. It is? Well, I do apologise. At least I did it one time."

Oliver scrunched up his face and bowed, hiding his face.

"Yes...indeed, my lady. I...am most...hrgh..."

Ha. Haha. I can see your tears falling, Oliver. I...thank you. For crying for me. It's good to know that at least someone has some sadness for my death.

Ah. Right. I should ask him to help me pass a message to Iris.

"Please, raise your head, Oliver. I have one last task for you."

Oliver raised his teary face straight up, staring into my eyes with a determined look.

"Yes...yes, my lady. Anything for you."

"Oliver. Please. Pass a message to Iris for me."

Oliver flinched, shocked to hear Iris's name.

"Iris, my lady?" he asked in a curious, surprised tone.

"Yes. Tell her...that I'm sorry. For never being the sister I could have been. And...I thank her for her kind words. And...if you don't mind..."

I look away, a blush rising on my cheeks.

"Tell her I love her as much as she did."

"My lady...I..." Oliver paused for a moment before a sad smile broke out of his lips. "I understand, my lady. It shall be done."

"Thank you, Oliver. And...to you, I...sincerely thank you for your service. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for serving the Cloverfield house, even when everyone has left."

Oliver's face scrunched up once more, trying really hard not to cry. His hardened, mature face looked like a child who couldn't hold back his emotions as tears continued to flow down his cheeks.

"I...am eternally grateful for these last words of gratitude. Lady Athena, I...would serve you again in the afterlife, if there is one."

Ah...how loyal you are, Oliver. If only I'd talked to you more. Maybe I wouldn't have ended up here.

"Hey! Are you done yet?! The block's waiting!"

Ah. There you guys are. You scumbag guards are as tactless as ever. I swear, if there is an afterlife, I'll haunt the living heck out of all of you.

Hmm. Nah. I'll haunt that idiot crown prince first, then the Holy Lady. Then, the whole bunch of other people that I hate more. You guys ain't worth my haunting.

"Keep your filthy mouths shut before I do."

With a menacing tone, Oliver glared at the scumbag guards, silencing all of them. Turning back to me, he gave me a bow.

"Now, please, my lady. Do eat up. I will prepare the water and towel in the meantime."

Standing and walking towards the cell door, Oliver continued to glare at the guards.

Meanwhile, I looked back down at the croissants.

Ah...how delicious-looking they were. I shall dig in.

As I held on to one of them, I felt a tinge of pleasure shoot up my hand. The softness was amazing. I quickly raised it to my mouth and took a big bite.

Almost immediately, my tears began to fall. It was the best taste of bread I've ever tried in all of my life. At the same time, it was the saltiest bread I had ever eaten. Probably salted from my tears, I could care less at this point.

Oliver came back with a bucket of water and a towel, placed on the ground, turned around and stood guard in front of me, blocking the view of the guards outside, who audibly clicked their tongues.

Seriously? I'm dying on the platform today, and you scumbags still want to peek at my body?


I continued to eat my last meal slowly, savouring every flavour I could taste from each bite of bread.

Then, I plopped the last piece into my mouth, and I proceeded to use the towel and bucket of water to wash myself off.

The water was cold as hell, but it was surprisingly pleasant. I removed my clothes slowly and started wiping off my dirty body as thoroughly as I could. After all, this was my last chance to look presentable.

Even in the face of death, a child of Cloverfield must look dignified. And I thank Oliver for that opportunity.

Soon, I was done wiping off, and I put on my clothes once more. My skin still looked horrible, my clothes were as untidy as ever, and I probably looked just as bad as before. But the obvious dirt on my skin was all gone, and I felt just that one bit of dignity come back to me.

Tapping on Oliver's shoulders, he turned around and bowed. I gazed at his form, as firm as ever. I began to smile and decided to thank him, and probably for the last time ever.

"Thank you, so very much, for the towel and water, Oliver."

I folded the towel and placed it into his hands, and I walked past him towards the cell door, where the scumbag guards were standing, ready to escort me to the execution platform.

Before I reached the cell door, I stopped and turned my head back around, looking into Oliver's saddened eyes.

Just...one last thank you.

"And...thank you...for visiting me for the last time before the end of my life."

I gave him the best smile I could manage, hoping to express my greatest gratitude.

"I'm counting on you for the message to Iris, my loyal guard."

Oliver burst out crying but held his form and bowed deeply as I walked out the cell door.