
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · Aktion
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32 Chs

The Flood

Bandits stormed the walls as the ram banged against the gate. It was pure chaos. Bodies falling. Citizens crying. Men screaming. Blood dripping. No mercy. Athena protected me the best she could but now I had to kill as well. The thought sent chills down my spine and my hands were shaking. I couldn't hear what she was yelling at me. It was loud and my heart was beating fast. I froze in place. A bandit ran at me and I instinctively struck him. Cutting off his hand that held his sword. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Finish him!" Athena yelled at me, while holding off three bandits.

I raised my sword high and before landing the finishing blow, he looked into my eyes. Fear took hold of him and he shook his head and tried to plead for his life. I closed my eyes as my sword pierced his skull. I retracted my blade and saw his blood pouring from his face. I immediately vomited and fell to my knees. I knew the fight wasn't over. I gained strength and went to help Athena. By the time I stood up she was standing still, covered in blood and surrounded by corpses. I followed her as she cut down as many as she could. I couldn't stop shaking when fighting. I kept seeing his face. It was burned in my memory. We pushed the bandits back and re-secured the walls and destroyed the siege towers. 

The Black Company still had many men waiting outside the walls. The battering ram never rested and continued its assault on the gate. It was only a matter of time before the door was breached. Marx was talking to many knights trying to come up with a plan. His face changed drastically when he came up with a solution.

"What's the plan?" Athena asked

"I will jump down from the wall with dynamite and blow up the ram before they break the gate." Marx said

"That's insane!" Athena said

"I know. But it's the only way." he said

"It's suicide." she said

"We must protect the civilians. No matter the cost." he said

"But-" she started to say

"NO BUTS!" he said, looking her in the eyes, "This is our job. Our duty. We must fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. The city will NOT fall! We will defeat them and reign victorious!" he shouted

The other knights cheered.

"Allow me to go with you, sir." one said

"Me too!" another said

"And me!" another said

Before he knew it he had ten knights willing to jump over the wall and give him an opening to destroy the ram. He smiled and raised his arm.

"FOR REMUS!" he shouted

"FOR REMUS!" they returned

They jumped down and the knights killed the men operating the battering ram. Six of them held off bandits that came running from the woods. Archers gave them cover as well. Marx and the other four pushed the ram back and got some distance from the gate before attaching the dynamite to it. Marx looked up and smiled at us before being blown to smithereens. Pieces of the ram flew all over. The knights on the outside fought valiantly before succumbing to the wave of bandits. 

Athena turned to the knights.

"Do not let their efforts go in vain. We must defeat the Black Company! Here and now! Archers! Fire!" she screamed

Arrows flew over the wall and into the open field where the bandits were. They were forced deeper into the forest and it gave us some time to rest and help the wounded. We hurried and helped who we could. I looked over the wall and saw Jack sitting still on his horse alone in the open field. He looked pleased, as if he was testing what our resolve would push us to. I realized he was still planning something.

Athena ran up to me.

"I think Jack is up to something." I said

"I have a feeling too. Let's get some food and we can talk more." she said

I nodded and followed her to get food and drink. The mood was somber. Everyone knew that we were all going to die. They were just waiting for the orders to defend the gate. We finished our meal and walked back outside. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Athena. She had a gentle smile on her face. But it wasn't a sad smile. Instead it was hopeful.

"Another battering ram!!!" A scout on the wall yelled

"Impossible..." she said

We ran to the top of the wall. This ram was also shielded, but this time it was made out of pure steel and a lot bigger than the last. And we knew the Black Company didn't have that kind of resources. Kralovia really wanted them to win.

"Ready yourselves!" a knight ordered

Knights stood in front of the gate with shields and swords in hand. Archers aimed at the gate as well. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Slowly but surely the gate door could not handle the pressure any more. I stood with Athena in the back and we waited. Listening. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam.

"Knights! Defend with all your strength!" Athena yelled

"Yes, ma'am!" They yelled

A few seconds later, the door broke and bandits flooded into the fort. The knights quickly got organized and formed a defensive circle. It felt like endless fighting. They just kept pouring in. Men on both sides fell cold to the ground. Both lines were thinning out. It was just a matter of who could hold out longer and who had more soldiers.

Athena and I fought together. She was so swift and killed them effortlessly. Once again I was faced with a bandit that I had to kill. He charged me and I slashed at his head, but he jumped back. I quickly ran at him and swung. He blocked and parried. He kicked me in the stomach. I staggered backward, and he went for my throat. I ducked and pushed him to the ground. I swung down at his chest while he was on the floor. He barely dodged as I sliced across his chest. Not deep enough to hinder him but deep enough to draw blood. He stood up and was ready to strike. I kicked him in the chest and he stumbled back. I had to kill him quickly. He looked up at me and then his eyes widened and he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the ground. The two of us tumbled down and we fought. We rolled over each other. My hand was on his neck while his were on my shoulder. I put all my weight on his neck and started to choke him. I struggled against him, but he was stronger than me. He started to push me off slowly. Before he was able to push me off completely I grabbed my dagger and stabbed him in the eye. He pushed me off and slowly removed the blade that was lodged in his face. Blood quickly poured out of his eye socket and he stood up and picked up his sword.

Impossible. That should've killed him. I began shaking and was afraid. My breath quickened and my vision was blurred. My whole body was numb. I wasn't ready for this.

"Rowan! Snap out of it!" Athena shouted at me

I looked up and saw her behind the man with her sword through his chest. He was dead.

"Get up. We got to go." she said

She helped me up and we both ran towards the gate. I grabbed my sword. We found ourselves behind the knights as they fought. My head was light. My vision was blurry. My legs were heavy. We managed to push them outside the fort and were now fighting in the field.

In the midst of the chaos, I saw a messenger climb on a horse and ride towards Fort Zeke.

  I saw Jack. He was smiling. It was the same smile I saw earlier. My blood was boiling. Rage filled my heart and soul. Athena looked at me and saw who I was looking at. Jack was sitting in the back and watching his men fight. His smile grew wider and wider.

We snuck around and Athena grabbed a spear and lunged it at him. He jumped off his horse and the spear tore a hole in its head. She told me to stay close to her. Jack stood up and I ran at him.

"Rowan!" Athena shouted, running after me.

I didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. Just Jack. As I got closer I raised my sword and swung at him. He caught it and twisted my wrist. I fell to the ground and he drew his first sword. Before he could do any damage, Athena swung and he jumped back. I quickly stood up and he drew his second sword.

"*Laughing* A woman!!!!" he was hysterical, "This will be fun!"

It was just her and I against him. He licked his lips before running at us.