long story short,guy finds survey and is now in my hero academia with Henry stickman’s power of reference.
Well folks I've seen a lot of good fighting styles recommended and I'm choosing up to 4 different styles, so here are the 4 of them, with the majority being from user Duncan_Quan
Myself- fist of flowing water crushing rock
Duncan_Quan—jigen ryu(armed girls Machiavellian)(nomura's fighting style)
Duncan_Quan—taijitsu(no 8 gates, nobody will survive if Henry uses that)
DaoistDhAFIC- black leg style (when he's carrying someone)(maybe he will teach it to midorya)
So thank you daoistdhafic and duncanquan for giving me your ideas, now onto the chapter(which isn't a joke Henry will teach him to breathe)
In the early morning of mustafu people were doing their morning commutes, whether by ordering coffee, taking the train to work, or just going to school, or you see people running the streets exercising.
"Cmon izuku! We've only ran 2 kilometers and your starting to lag behind!" A skinny man on an electric scooter shouted as two teenagers were running with the scooter itself.
The green haired kid was looking exhausted from the spectators view while the other one looked fine, barely breaking a sweat as he was running right beside the scooter, which was impressive to the spectators passing by.
"Gasp…I'm trying….gasp…all might!" Izuku said struggling to breathe as he was about to collapse on the ground, only to be caught in Henry's arms.
"Hey all might, I think we should take a break for izuku to catch his breath." I suggest to all might who stopped to check on izuku and hands him a water bottle.
"How are you not struggling like midorya young Henry? You've ran the same distance as him and you seem like you can go for more." All might said as he looked at midorya who was sitting down on a bench nearby savoring every sip of water.
"Well if you want, I can try teaching him a breathing technique I use when I practice swordsmanship." I suggest to all might while izuku's head perked up at what I said.
"Wait…what do you mean tech me to breathe?" Izuku said confused, he always thought he could breathe just fine.
"When martial artists breathe they push down their diaphragm while filling their lungs with air." I begin to explain as izuku somehow had a notebook from god knows where and writes down what I say as fast as possible.
"Now the breathing technique I use is called total concentration breathing, you start by breathing in as much air into your lungs as possible." I continue explaining as I take a deep breath to show izuku and all might what I meant.
All night was watching impressed while deku was writing everything down with sparkles in his eyes.
"And then exhale, if done right you can increase your heart rate and blood flow, allowing wounds to clot up faster and raising the temperature in your body, but best part of it makes your muscles and bones excited allowing you to go faster and longer." I finish as izuku is looking like he's in geek heaven as all might laughs and pats me on the back.
"A great explanation young Henry! I think learning this will help izuku's condition by leaps and bounds!" All might says as I think of another way to benefit izuku and myself.
"Hey all might, do you think you can have nezu make something for izuku and myself?" I ask him in a whisper as he nods.
"What do you need? I can ask him if he can make something if it's for a good reason." All might says as he reaches for his phone.
"Well there is an evoked form of the breathing technique called total concentration breathing constant, where you can do total concentration breathing all the time even when asleep." I whisper to him, "I'm hoping nezu can have someone make a support item that shocks a person making them correct themselves." I finish as all might understood where I was going with this.
"I can see about that, but it will probably take a while, but I'll see what I can do." He says as izuku finally catches his breath, "alright I'm ready to run again!" He says and we begin our run again.
After a couple more kilometers and stops for push-ups and other exercises we stop back at the beach as the sky goes orange and I see toga on the front porch of our home looking around like a dog waiting for its owner before spotting me.
She smiles and sprints towards me before jumping into my arms with a hug, "welcome back hen-Chan!" She said happily as all might chuckles at the sight muttering about youth as izuku was flustered at the sight of toga.
"Wait a minute! Henry I thought you lived alone!" Izuku blurred out while blushing before chuckling at how he looked at the moment.
"Well actually izuku, this is my room mate and other possible UA studen himeko toga, so did anything fun while we were gone?" I ask toga who let's go and nods rapidly like an excited puppy, I could almost see the ears and tail wagging on her.
(Think Komi-cat but with a dog form and with toga and you get the idea I'm going for-thelostswordsman)
"Yeah! I took some time to organize the stuff on your desk and even had time to make a big dinner for five people!" She said as she recounted what she did on one hand.
"Careful there toga or they'll think we're a newlywed couple." I tease as I see izuku starting to short circuit while all might was watching with amusement.
Toga stops for a second before blushing, showing a small smile, "I honestly wouldn't mind that at all, besides I called dibs." She said before planting a kiss on my cheek as I see not only izuku but even all might furiously blushing, which catches toga's attention.
"Ara~ I didn't know we had guests! Are they coming for dinner?" Toga says in an almost wife-like tone as I couldn't help but wonder if I somehow made her only want me instead of izuku like in the original series.
(A/N: I saw a YouTube video of himeko toga saying ara ara earlier today and I kinda wanted it to be canon in this story that she says that when she is with Henry.)(also what do you guys think? Should I have toga act like a wife for Henry due to her falling in love with him?)
"Wow toga…I didn't think you'd take the newlywed comment so seriously." I say as she ushers all might and izuku inside while I follow behind.
"So what exactly did you make?" I ask her as she opens the rice cooker and spoons out rice on bowls and places them on each side of the kitchen table before going to a pan on the stove and placing some hamburger steaks on top of the rice and spooning some of the sauce on top of the steaks.
She takes the empty seat next to me as we all clap our hands, "all right let's eat!" We all say as we dig in.
It was never said in the anime or manga but toga really knows how to cook! Everyone was chowing down like there was no tomorrow while all night was savoring each bite, midorya was eating like he hadn't had a decent meal in days.
(I know how that feels-thelostswordsman)
Toga smiled at the sight as she begins to dig in herself before I put a hand on her shoulder and she looks at me, "what's wrong Henry?" She asks.
"Do you need any blood at the moment?" I ask her as izuku looks at me like I was crazy and all might understanding what I meant.
"No not at the moment, I'll let you know when I need to though, it's usually once every 3 days when I reach a limit." She says as I nod in understanding.
"Umm…why does she need you blood Henry?" Izuku asks as all might just observes.
"We'll long story shor toga's quirk makes her have a need for blood, so I offer her mine to help her." I explain as izuku writes it down on the same notebook as I keep wondering where he keeps that.
All might slowly gets up and puts his bowl in the sink along with izuku.
"Well thanks for the meal young Henry and toga, I take it you both don't go to school?" He asks as we both shake our heads no, toga because of her past.
Mine was because the director never gave a shit about the orphans and said we can decide to go to school, but I chose learning at the library near the orphanage.
"Well I'll lend you a hand on learning for the written tests, so I'll see you both tomorrow." He says as both he and izuku go and toga and I sit on the couch and cuddle.
"You know Henry…I'm glad I've met you…I finally feel normal after all this time." Toga says as she puts her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.
"And I don't regret meeting you as well." I reply and we sit ther in each other's embrace until it was time for bed.
Well folks I hope you enjoy this chapter, I liked the idea of toga acting like the wife in their home so I went with it.
But after finding out she's bisexual she won't mind a harem,she will encourage the harem with Henry and a couple others in UA.
(Since they will all fall for Henry as a person)
But here my question for you, should I replace certain classmates in 1-A with Charles, Ellie and the general guy? I already decided to replace mineta with Charles, but who else should I replace to put in the other two?
(Comment here on who should be replaced or added)
And with that I'm out, peace😁✌️