
My Hero Academia: Reborn as Denki Kaminari (COMPLETED)

Reborn in MHA as Denki Kaminari. NO system or cheats. The only thing he has going on for him is his own ambition... Will he fly or walk? Will he be just another... side character... HE WILL NEVER ACCEPT SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!

HolyJoker · Anime und Comics
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112 Chs

Chapter 73

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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[30+ Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]

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Chapter 73

Title: Overly Injured...


Kaminari looks at the Nomu's body, he uses his iron sand to crumble it into a ball and flows it away. 'The Doctor might be a psycho, but he is a genius anyway. That Nomu body might become useful in the future.'

But what Kaminari didn't see was a man from far away looking straight at him, with a smile on his face. While the man took a sip of ice tea and jumped off the building.

Kaminari frowns, feeling something strange. A feeling of foreboding making its way into his chest. "What was that?"

He knows that feelings like this shouldn't be dismissed, so he decides to keep his guard up just in case something happens.


Fifteen minutes later and the whole forest is surrounded by the police force and heroes. Kaminari is just laying against a tree, with a bloody and tired look on his face.

Seeing the police he breathes a sigh of relief. "Finally you guys got here. Be gentle with my body, my bones are all broken… don't move me around too much. I would suggest you bring Recovery Lady here as I feel like I am about to pass out."

So with saying these instructions he closes his eyes, unable to keep himself conscious as he stops forcefully using electricity to keep his brain awake. 


The next time Kaminari opens his eyes he has a tired feeling through his body. He is covered in bandages like a mummy. 

"Ugh…" He moans in pain. 'My body feels like it's been hit by a hammer continuously and my bones smashed into a pulp.'

"Kaminari!! Are you okay?!" His classmate's screams ring through his head. Annoying him even more about this.

'Ahhh… they are so goddamn annoying.' He complains internally, his whole body is hurting and their voices just ring in his head.

He opens one of his eyes and sees Momo, Mina, Asui, and many other classmates. He tried to talk, but he noticed that just breathing feels painful. 'Are they using enough morphine? This hurts like hell, did they attach my ribs wrong?'

Of course, as the U.A medical staff is top-level, none of them made such a rookie mistake. But Kaminari felt pain just by being conscious.

Though Kaminari doesn't give up that easily and slowly summons up some iron sand from the window and it slowly flows into his body through the pores in his skin. They enter his bloodstream and he manipulates them to put his ribs in place and hold them there. Slowly he starts temporarily patching himself up. But that isn't all there is to it as he sends a signal to his brain to dull his sense of pain and slowly he hats up the iron sand inside his body and his bones all are surrounded by a metallic shine to it.

Which is stronger bone or metal? Obviously, the latter, unless one has some Quirk, metal is many times stronger. Plus Kaminari easily can stop the metal from rusting by using his Quirk.

"Hey, is he okay?" Asks Kirishima as he sees Kaminari's face bandages move.

"His body is shaking." Observes Sero. "Recovery Lady said that even with her using her Quirk on him interval to wait for Kaminari's stamina to recover. It will still take a week for him to be able to say anything."

Suddenly Kaminari's body twitches hard.

"Someone go and call Recovery Lady!!" Yells out Momo.

Tenya is immediately up for the job as he dashes off.

Kaminari stays conscious through the whole self procedure. 

'Metallic bones acquired!' He thinks and as Recovery Lady comes into the room she sees him awake and immediately uses her Quirk on him.

Immediately Kaminari feels his body heal even more and his skin reattaches itself and the open wounds stitch back together. 

"Others, go outside and don't come back for today." Recovery Lady orders the other students away.

After they all go away she looks at Kaminari and frowns. "Brat, what the hell are you doing to your body?"

"..." Kaminari doesn't answer that.


Suddenly the computer at the side of the room turns on and a robotic voice speaks. "I have experienced a Quirk Awakening. Also, I can't speak with my body, so I will be using this."

He has long since experienced his Quirk Awakening, but this is the way that he will start categorizing any ability that he doesn't want to explain. After all, with the information he has, the Electricity Category Quirk type would experience an evolution with crazy villains and heroes appearing from it. But Kaminari would never do something like that; he would rather keep it to himself.

"So what did you do to your body?" Asks Recovery Lady again, she can feel something is wrong.

"Can you bring the computer closer? It's hard to control it from so far away." Says Kaminari's robotic voice coming from the computer.

"Stop changing the subject!" Yells out the old woman. She knows just how hurt Kaminari was, he had taken damage that would have at best crippled him for life, but thankfully the bones were all set perfectly so her healing then just held everything together so he could be moved away. 'This kid, he is experimenting with his body!'

"..." Kaminari stays quiet for a couple of seconds. "Nothing too troublesome, I just put my bones back in place before passing out."

"I am talking about now. Why was your body convulsing?" Recovery Lady is a top medical worker, she knows human bodies perfectly and she also has plenty of experience dealing with injuries.

"It was just me trying to use my Quirk and accidentally shocking myself." Kaminari lies through his teeth. His robotic voice makes it hard to read his emotions.

*sigh* "Just be careful." She warns him, not wanting such a promising young man to run his potential by doing something stupid.

"Don't worry, I never do things that I am not guaranteed to win," Kaminari reassures the old lady. She only gets up and starts walking away, her grandmotherly look now back on her face.

"Yeah, you laying here not even able to talk doesn't exactly say that." She then closes the door behind her and walks off.

Kaminari is alone in the room. "What an annoying hag."

His real voice rings out, though a little raspy it is his true voice. He suddenly moves and stands up, wincing slightly due to the muscle pain. 'Seems like the muscle tissue hasn't healed yet.'

Slowly iron sand gathers as an exoskeleton that helps him move. 'How troublesome, if only I had some type of regeneration Quirk, I would have to deal with this. I would accept even the weakest amongst them.'

It's a shame to him as he would appreciate even the ones who only strengthen normal regeneration or increase stamina. But that is only his mind wandering around as he is idle and doesn't plan to train when he is confined in this hospital which he can only barely move.

Now Kaminari has something resembling a regeneration factor for his bones though, and if they are broken then he can manipulate the metal to stitch back together. This is a very crude method that might seem like regeneration from the outside, but it isn't.


Two days later and in a place extremely far from civilization. There lies a prison called Tartarus, in the deepest levels of it lies All For One, he is tied in chains while at the same time being in life support. Giant machine guns are pointed at him and cameras surround the room.

*plat* *plat* *plat*... 

But suddenly footsteps are heard and All For One looks at a corner of the room that suddenly turns dark. The Symbol Of Fear smiles at that. "Well, isn't it surprising to see you here?"

Then a figure walks outside of the shadows. "Long time no see… All For One…"

Out of the dark comes Kaminari with a smirk on his face.
