
My Hero Academia: Reborn as Denki Kaminari (COMPLETED)

Reborn in MHA as Denki Kaminari. NO system or cheats. The only thing he has going on for him is his own ambition... Will he fly or walk? Will he be just another... side character... HE WILL NEVER ACCEPT SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!

HolyJoker · Anime und Comics
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112 Chs

Chapter 30

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

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[33 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]

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Chapter 30

Title: Playing...


Kaminari moves at top speeds around Hosu, his eyes moving around while trying to figure out where everyone and everything is. He isn't concentrated on finding the Hero Killer or Iida or anything like that, after all, even if he defeats the Dero Killer, he won't be able to take credit for it because it is unlikely to be public.

As Kaminari is running, he sees a school bus being attacked by a Nomu. Immediately he lets Bubble Girl land on the ground as he runs towards the Nomu. He can see that this nomu can't even follow his movements, unlike the one during USJ.

He casually just pulls the children first and then he kicks the Nomu on the back of its head.


The creature's head is smashed on the ground and cracks appear on the pavement due to it. 


From other's perspective, this all happened in the blink of an eye.

Kaminari then looks at the kids and gives them a confident smile and a thumbs up. "Everything is gonna be alright now!!! For I am here in a Flash!"

The kids look scared as they point behind Kaminari, there are two Nomu's behind him. With a smile still on his face, Kaminari turns around and grabs the Nomu's head with his hands.


And plummets them on the ground, he turns to the kids and does a thumbs up once again. "Well then children, if you are ever in danger. Simply yell out my name e and I will be there in a flash!"


He grabbed Bubble Girl once more, after all, he can't use his quirk without a supervisor nearby. That is a law and it can't be altered for only him.


It doesn't take long for Kaminari to find another Nomu terrorizing some other people. It seemed like he was terrorizing some college girls. 

Kaminari drops Bubble Girl once more and then grabs the Nomu by the side of the head and bangs them on the wall.


It wasn't really the hit that did the true damage, it was Kaminari frying all of the Nomu's brains. He is doing this because he knows what they are and what they would do.

Kaminari then looks around and sees the young girls scared. He approaches them and he sees that they seem scared. So he smiles and reassuringly says. "Hello there! My name is Flash and I am a Hero. Are any of you hurt or in need of medical help?"

The girls shake their heads and Kaminari smiles. "I see, then that is good. Call the police and they will come to take care of it."


He disappears once again and garbs Bubble Girl, immediately running towards the next people he should rescue.


Next to save, is an old woman, Kaminari drops Bubble Girl and he sees that the Nomu is about to hit her. But he intervenes and cuts off the Nomu's arm. 


But suddenly he sees that some debris is about to fall on the old woman. He also understands that if he goes to help her, then he will most likely be really struck by the big debris himself. If he goes at his top speeds he might be able to make it, but he would crash into the old woman and kill her.

For a split second, he truly speculates to go and help the old woman. But at that split second he understands just how dumb that would be on his part, he would be giving his life for someone else.

Something he wouldn't like to do… but he still acts like he is going to as he moves at speeds just enough to avoid the rubble.


The rubble crashes on the ground and the blood of the old woman sprays on Kaminari's face.

"NOOOO!!!!" Yells Kaminari as he falls on his knees. This reaction, even he isn't sure if he is faking it. He did just let someone die after all... and the thoughts on his head weren't exactly pain ridden... they were coldly logical, even he wonders if he likes those thoughts.

That is how Kaminari spends the rest of the night, helping people and being seen as much as he could. He also made it seem easy by the ways he was taking out Nomu's. 

Of course, some accidents happen and Kaminari couldn't save everyone. But he wasn't bothered by that at all after some time. After all, it was better for some random people dying than him. At least that is what he thought to console himself. He did let someone's sister, mother, grandmother, and parent die... that is the truth of the situation, and he can't deny the truth.

Still, though he had a moderate state of mind, he appeared to me more absentminded around others to sell the whole thing. People immediately assumed that seeing innocent people die had shocked Kaminari.

He was currently outside of the office of some police officers when a woman with a bunny tail and ears walked in. She was still in her hero costume.

He immediately recognized the woman. She is Miruko number 6 Hero. She suddenly stops and looks at Kaminari.

"Yo there kid! Whatcha doing?" Asks Miruko


-Kaminari POV-

As I looked at Mirko I couldn't help but contemplate that I would like to do with her for a one-night stand. Though I know that our difference in age, and Mirko's personality, that is unlikely to ever happen.

I can't help it but decide to play as prey against her.

So I look at my hands, clench them in a fist, and sigh. "Mirko, Nr.7 Hero, I must say… did they bring you here to cheer me up?"

Her face winces slightly as I say that. Guess that is bull's eye then. In the end, I get up and walk past her. "Don't worry, I am okay… I saved a lot of people today."

I go to the water dispenser and pick up a plastic cup from the side and see that my hand is actually still shaking as I fill the cup with water.

Damn, I am not even faking this one. I guess I am still in shock. Well, it is logical, with so many unpredictable deaths happening around me… I truly understood just how fragile humans are.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and Mirko's voice. "It's okay… you can't save everyone. No one is perfect."

I don't say anything at that, but suddenly I feel a tug behind me and Miruko hugs me, bringing my face to her chest. 

"Huh?" I hear her slightly surprised voice as this happens. She probably expected me to be embarrassed or something. 

I just straighten up and see that she is shorter than me even though she is standing on the tips of her fingers. I put my arm around her waist and bring her body closer to mine and use my other hand to clasp her chin. Immediately I can see that she is embarrassed, I don't let her analyze the situation as I bring her lips closer to mine. I lean down… and kiss her cheek.

"That is how you embarrass someone," I tell her, and as if on cue she blushes heavily.

I clasp her cheek as I lean backward and with a sweet smile on my face say. "I love you Mirko…"

She is left in shock and I continue saying. "And that is how you deal a critical hit."

I then start walking away with a smile on my face. I am all calmed down now… I leave Mirko behind and at the corner I see Bubble Girl looking at me with a frown on her face.

I smile and wave at her and get closer to her. 

"Are you some super playboy or something?" She asks me, and I just smile and wink.

"No… I read it from a manga." I say as I touch her shoulder. The playful smile still on my face, but she doesn't seem to be affected by it at all now.

"Wow… that makes the whole situation lame now!" Exclaims Bubble Girl. 

"Bahahahaha!!" I can't help it as I laugh at that.


A/N:.... Weird update time schedule... sry...

Also we see that the MC is actually an adult inside the body, he isn't easily flustered like some japanese MC's who are old men but still flustered by women at his age... and they also act like kids...

P.S: If we get 1000 power stones, there will be a bonus chapter for the day.