
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 37 - Quirk Assessment Test 1

Have you guys seen the Midoriya D. Izuku fanfic? It's pretty good MHA x Luffy fanfic. It's a fun story.

It's complete but long. I suggest checking it out since I was motivated by that.

How many are in the harem?

Have y'all seen 100 girlfriends? Yeah, that's what I'm going for.

RIP me.

Anyway, enjoy.


Two familiar female voices spoke up from the door. Izuku was greeted with the sight of Uraraka Ochako and Toru Hagakure in the UA student uniform.

'She looks really cute in the uniform while Toru I find odd....don't tell me she's stuck at being invisible since she awakened her quirk!?'

He felt saddened that she would have felt lonely and unable for people to see her face, even her parents. It is disturbing to imagine what she is going through.

'Maybe I'll ask to scan her and see what I can do.'

Izuku thought to himself before he spoke while his girlfriends were intently looking at the two bubbly girls, which caused a shiver down their spine.

"Good morning, Ochako, Toru, it's nice to see you again. I would like you to meet Mizuna, Himiko, Camie, Yaomomo, Jiro, and that girl over there is Katsumi, they are my girlfriends."

A moment of silence was heard when Izuku spoke. They were trying to process what he had just said.

"What? Did he just say girlfriends? That guy has a harem?? Is that true!?"

The pink haired girl rapidly asked Momo who sat beside her, receiving a lovely smile.

"Yes, we have a polygamous relationship with one another and do not mind it."

"Wow, so manly!"

"How the hell does that guy get so many sexy hot babes!"

The red haired exclaimed while the blonde cried in envy. Ochako and Toru were baffled at the revelation and felt anxious. Ochako had a crush on Izuku ever since the entrance exam while Toru from the time he saved her from that slime villain.

But to learn that she already had multiple girlfriends made them both relieved and disappointed that theIr chances were still there but needed to share with them.

"H-Hi, it's nice to meet you, my name is Ochako Uraraka!"

"I'm Toru Hagakure! Just call me Toru, hope we get along!"

Both introduce themselves giving a good impression while Izuku's girlfriends were judging both of them if they were to join their club.

"Likewise, my name is Mizuna Midoriya, and before you get any idea, I'm adopted." They almost thought it was incest.

"Hi, I'm Himiko Toga, hope we can be friends!"

"Sup, my name is Camie Utsushime, I'm totally excited working with you guys."

"Momo Yaoyorozu, It's a pleasure to meet you, Uraraka-san, Toru-san."

"Kyouka Jiro, it's nice to meet you too."

They took their seats beside Jiro after a while chatting to get to know each other as Izuku smiled waiting for their teacher to arrive.

Izuku noticed a cold glare directed at him and turned his head to face the other girl in the room.

"Um, hello?"

The girl just narrowed her eyes at him, but didn't say anything. She eventually closed her eyes and leaned back on her seat.

"Ah, she's Shoko Todoroki," said Iida while readjusting his glasses.

"Don't mind her, she's always been like that."

'Todoroki?' Izuku thought, before looking at Iida.

"You two know each other?" Iida nodded.

"Indeed, our family is in the same social circle. I saw her at some parties and she's always been alone...ah, I apologize, I shouldn't be talking about that."

The girl, Shoko, seemed to not mind as she just remained seated with her eyes closed.

"I...see." Izuku furrowed his brow.

'Where have I heard that name before?' Izuku decided to ignore it glance over to the other greenete such himself.

"Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya. What's yours?" Izuku greeted her but simply heard a click.

"If you're trying to make me join your girl club, good luck." She glaring at him and Izuku rubbed the back of his head as the woman suddenly shuddered when his girlfriend glaring at her.

'What the hell!? Why am I shuddering? Are you telling me they're ready to kill me just because of this guy? What's even special about him?' She thought looking at Izuku seemed embarrassed.

"Ah, sorry if that made you uncomfortable." He apologized and this somehow made her frowned and felt a bit guilty causing her to sigh.

"No, it's my fault. I'm just a bit tense today. My name is Maki Zenin." She said and Izuku heard this made him give a bright smile.

"Then I'll be in your care, Zenin-san." his expression made Maki blush confused why she suddenly felt this way. His innocent and warm smile was too much.

'W-Why am I blushing? I-Is this his quirk? No, I was there when the zero point came and from what I heard he uses firebase ability.' Maki wondered why this boy made her act this way. She always acts distant and cold because of her upbringing.

Izuku then places his earphones listening to some pre quirk era music like "Hero" from Skillet. After a few minutes, Izuku suddenly sensed something in his presence.

"If you're just here to make friends you can pack up your stuff and leave."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in front of the class where they saw a man in a yellow sleeping bag, looking at them with a tired and sleepy face.

The man unzipped his sleeping bag, stepping out of it reluctantly. He was a slender man with messy shoulder-length black hair and had an overall worn-out appearance, looking like he just got out of bed with his eyes tired and droopy.

"You are all busy with your own business you didn't even noticed me walking inside, well, except a few," the man stared at Maki, Jiro, Mizuna, Himiko, Momo, Camie, Katsumi, and Izuku for a few moments before looking at everyone in the class,

"If I were a villain you all would've been dead by now."

The class gulped, with the only exceptions being; Momo who still looked as calm as ever, Camie who was just giving him a laid back smile, Izuku who was looking at the man in excitement, and Katsumi who was grinning.

'Who is this guy?' Each of them wondered as they looked at the scruffy face

"Welcome to UA's Hero Course." The man spoke as he stood up and unzipped the sleeping bag.

"It took you all eight seconds to quiet down, that's too long, time is precious, rational students would understand that." The scruffy man scolded them, giving a disappointed tone examining each one of them. The man sat down on his chair.

"I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. And my first impression of you all is...."

He narrowed his eyes looking around at his new student. Izuky was slightly surprised when he heard his name, recalling one underground hero who fit his teacher's description.

'Eraserhead? I didn't expect him to be our homeroom teacher and from my investigation he had expelled the whole class from the previous year.'

Izuku before stepping foot to U.A after passing took the time to investigate, finding that the only Pro heroes that would teach are Vlad King and Eraserhead. In addition to some other pros taking the role of a teacher like the Lovely Lady Nagant as the Philosophy Teacher.

"I am not impressed." Aizawa then reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a number of P.E uniforms, tossing them to the students.

"It's kinda sudden, but put this on and go onto the field. Don't make me wait." He then left the room as quickly as he was in it, leaving everyone completely confused as to what happened.

"Wait, where's the field again?"


In only a few minutes the class of twenty found themselves on a practice field. Thankfully UA had some pretty good sign markers to lead students to locker rooms and practice fields. So this time no one got lost on the way there.

"A Quirk Assessment Test?" All the students questioned when they heard what they'd be doing.

"But what about Orientation? We're going to miss it." Ochako was confused.

"If you want to be a Pro you don't have time for pointless ceremonies." Aizawa replied slightly annoyed at her question.

"Here at UA we're not tethered to traditions. That means we get to run our classes however we see fit." With a quiet exhale Aizawa held up a phone-like device.

"You've been taking Standardized Athletics Tests your entire school lives; but you've never been allowed to use your Quirks. The Ministry of Education is still trying to pretend we're all created equal; and not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day they'll learn."

Izuku and his girlfriends just looked excited to finally test themselves against other students their age. They have spent a large majority of their time training therefore want to see how they would fare against people.

Aizawa pulled out a phone from his pocket and showed a list of exercises to the students.

"You know how you did physical fitness tests in junior high? This will be like that, but you will be using your quirks to go even further in your scores." Camie pouted and nudged Katsumi.

"U.A sure is tough huh? It's like our first day and they're already making us do some physical tests." Katsumi rolled her eyes at her friend's remark.

"Despite your Quirk, you are in peak physical condition. This will be easy for you."

"That's true, we've trained enough to handle it." Jiro said.

"Still I would like to see itsuka in the orientation." Mizuna said, still in her human form.

"Enough chit-chat or I'll expel you! Now then, Midoriya, since you were the one to get the highest score on the practical exam, walk into this circle." Aizawa instructed, pointing at the white circle outlined on the ground.

"I wonder what his quirk is? It might be powerful in the first place. " Said a girl with short messy pink hair, a pair of horns, and pink skin.

"That's so manly!" Said a boy with spiky red hair while hitting his fist into his palm. Before anyone could say anything more, Aizawa turned to them all with menacing red eyes.

"Shut it." Everyone shut their mouths. Izuku walked inside the circle and stared at their teacher, waiting for instructions.

"How far can you pitch a softball in middle school?" Aizawa asked while only Izuku shrugs.

"Around 90 meters I think." Aizawa nodded, feeling a little impressed by that record. When he was at Izuku's age, he could only throw up to 75 meters or so.

"I want you to send this ball as far as you can using your quirk. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle." As Aizawa said as he tossed Izuku a small softball which he caught easily.

"Sounds simple enough,"

Izuku clenched the ball tightly before his whole body was shrouded in flame suddenly shrouded his body afterwards producing a powerful gust of wind startling the students except his girlfriend, who just watched in fascination. Everyone was shocked, especially the white and red haired young girl.

'He has a flame quirk like that man…. he's someone I must overcome.' Shoko thought, looking at Izuku with anger in eyes.

"Haaaa!!" His throw was so powerful he caused a whirlwind to briefly appear, causing the other students to take a few steps back and cover their eyes and mouth to not let dust enter them.

"Holy shit! That was manly as hell!"

"He caused a tornado to appear just by throwing a ball! He really is the next All Might!"

"It's still weaker than All Might, kero." Obviously. Izuku used his flame quirk and added a bit of One for all. If he went all out the entire place would be scorched and everyone would be naked because of their clothes melting.

After a few seconds the device in Aizawa's hands beeped, which made him slightly surprised at the result.

"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of." The pro-hero said as he showed what Izuku's score was, which was 2350.6 m.

"This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your 'Hero Foundation'."

"Oh man, we're really up against these monsters!? Do we even need to try? They'd beat us anyway."

"2350.6 meters, that's so unreal!"

"Still, this looks so fun!" Izuku couldn't help but frown when he heard someone said.

'Do we even need to try?' He also saw his girlfriends frowning.

'You'll face villains who will, most of the time, be in advantage and would probably beat you, but is that a reason to not try and give it your all?' He looked around the class shaking his head slightly disappointed.

'With that kind of mindset, you're not suited to be a hero.' Aizawa seems to have the same opinion too as he glared at everyone in class.

"Fun you say? Do you even need to try, you say?" He took a deep breath.

"Egocentric villains, villains who hide in the shadows, psychopaths, once you become a pro you'd always find yourself in a disadvantageous position with your enemy knowing almost everything about you. You'll face a villain you can't beat no matter what you do, and knowing that, you're just going to give up?" His glare intensified to the point that most students almost wet themselves.

"What about the people you swore to protect? You're just gonna leave them because you can't beat the villain? If so then pack up your things and leave! The hero course doesn't need someone like you!"

Izuku agreed with every word that their teacher spoke. It was the same words that his master taught him when he decided to roam the past of heroism.

"If you can't handle my teaching then feel free to drop out. Either way I don't care but since.." His hair seemed to stood up and his eyes glowed crimson.

"...You said this is fun? All right then. In that case, new rule: The students who ranks last in total points will be judged 'Hopeless'," The next words to leave the man's mouth sent a chill of dread through everyone.

"And instantly expelled."

Izuku knew he wasn't kidding when he said this. He did his research on U.A and found out that their homeroom teacher expelled the entire class last year as he deemed them hopeless.

"Our freedom means we can expel students as we please!" Aizawa said while pulling his hair back, an almost mad grin on his face.

"Welcome to...The Hero Course!"

"WHAAAAAT!?" Everyone cried out instantly.

"H-He can't be serious! It's the first day!" The pink skinned girl said.

"B-But... This isn't fair!"

Ochako cried out while Aizawa resisted the urge to roll his eyes at this naivety. Though, he was impressed at the Izuku and his group having a burning desire to show their worth.

"Life's not fair kid, get over it. Some are born with powerful quirk, some don't and have to work hard because of it, some are born rich while others could barely feed themselves. This is reality." Aizawa gave a menacing grin at them causing them to quiver in fear.

"Give your Plus Ultra performance, there's no way you'll ever become real heroes if you don't." From there, the rest of the tests began. Meanwhile, Nobody was able to notice the two spectators.

"Mama Tohru, are you sure Izuku won't notice us here?" Kanna's voice asked.

"Totally, our invisibility surely wouldn't be noticed by Izuku, so we're good." Tohru's voice assured. She accepted her role as Kanna's Mama even though she sees herself as more of her older sister.

As it turns out, Tohru and Kanna followed Izuku to school a little while after he left home and casted an invisible spell to make them unseen.

"I'm worried about that teacher expelling Izuku or the others on the first day." Kanna hoped Izuku would do okay.

"Don't worry, Izuku is going to pass and show everyone his awesome dragon-side! I'm also confident in the ability of my friends." Tohru believes as they watch the eight physical tests begin.