
My Hermes System

A Speedster in a Fantasy World More than a thousand years ago, portals opened up in the world. Swallowing up the world whole with the vile creatures that came out of it. The humans struggled for years as their weaponry could only get them as far as fending them off. But everything changed when the first super human was discovered, a child that was born after the portals have appeared. From then on, the humans have discovered that there were others, and they all held the same power... A power that was known as the System. And those who were born with it were called System Holders. The System Holders, with their mysterious powers, were the ones who helped recover the world from the monsters, once again reclaiming it. And now, a hundred years later, a System Holder was born, the Holder of the Hermes System, the Gatherer of Souls.

Romeru · Fantasie
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446 Chs

Chapter 243: Peace

For the first time in Van's life, his heart skipped a beat for a woman.

"Hermes?" The colossal green-haired woman once again focused her eyes on Van. And after a few seconds, she let out a short sigh, "No… Not Hermes. It is quite peculiar, you smell like him. I thought you were here to send me back. It's… a good thing you're not Hermes."

"I… am," Van's tone was slightly sedated.

"Hm? You are Hermes?"

"No," Van quickly shook his head, "I am here to send you to the Afterlife.


Charles's eye opened wide as soon as he heard Van's words, "Did… did you just threaten a god!?"

'...Are we supposed to be doing something here, Angie?' Charlotte thought repeatedly before Angela answered her back.

'No idea. Let's just watch what will happen for now.'

'If a fight happens, will we be able to defeat her?'

'Are you stupid? Absolutely not.'