
My heart's Liberty.

Sapphire on the verge of total depression.. Unknown to her a path or direction to follow .. Memories of her past and sadness flood through her mind .. Walking down the nicely scented streets of Washington might help ease the pain as she comes across a bridge.. The pain, the guilt all flood through her mind . Her entire thoughts scavenge her 'End the pain .. And all the guilt you wont have to feel it anymore just jump . No one cares and no one will even if you disappear end all your fears' My eyelids are heavy and I'm so tired the last thing i remember is when i jumped in the river on the attempt to kill myself, Where am i? Sapphire Tiffens an 18 year old young adult, who lost her father at the age of 10, due to a homicide. After the loss of her father, she has a drunk for a mom, who just could not get over the fact of losing her husband and always felt insecure of her husbands love. Ever since the death of her father, who was the only one that showed her parental love, sapphire was forced to live 8 years of her life in guilt, agony, depression and pain having a mom who made her life miserable and never showed her love or affection. She was driven by depression to commit suicide, but was saved by Erick Thompson a 24 year old successful career man, who is a big shot and runs his retired fathers company. Erick an adopted son of his big shot parents, who has lived his life trying to be the perfect son, knowing fully well they are not his parents. The two meet and bond and begin to feel emotions for each other, as Erick tries bringing Sapphire out of depression, he begins to feel love towards her and she does too. But she constantly denies the fact of falling in love, considering that she only feels Erick has pity for her, and looks down on her. Will the two of them be able to realise their love towards each other? And be able to fight away the depression, and every other obstacle that comes between them?

Teejaaymorris · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs


We drink a cup of friendship, it tastes like ruby wine, the beginning of a journey

Sapphires pov

I feel so weak, like all my energy is drained out of me, i slowly open my eyelids feeling so exhausted, i feel so strange and my head hurts the last thing i remember was when i tried committing suicide.

I'm confused, why am i here?

Where am i?

Questions all buzz into my head as i lay confused.

I sight a guy standing in front of me and looking at me with such lovable green eyes, his lips so pink, his cute curly hair he looked like a peaceful angel, but who is he?

"where am i?" i ask feeling so confused . " who are you, how did i get here?" i ask him.

"its okay, you shouldn't strain yourself too much you don't know me but i saved your life, you tried committing suicide, by falling in the river you tried drowning yourself, you tried ending your life, and i was passing by when i saw you and decided to save you, because i couldn't just ignore you like i didn't see anything, its your life and that's a gift you need to be appreciative about, no matter what your going through suicide is not the best option"

He might be cute and all but he is just so clueless as to know what I'm going through, i don't even blame him for anything because from the looks of it

he looks rich and might not have so much problems to think of like i do.

I get so annoyed because he shouldn't give me sermons or some sort of advice its not what i need at this point.

"Why don't you just shut up?" i speak up with an irritated tone .

He was shocked by my words.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me , i don't know why you saved my life you should've just let me die, you don't know what it is i'm going through, i don't want to live, i'm sick of this life its just so unfair, i have no reason to stay alive, there's no point". I tried yelling but was weak to yell but my tone said it all i didn't need his help.

"listen i know i have no idea what your going through but no matter what it is you should believe in the good aspects of life, suicide is just a way of telling your problems that your just a coward and your not bold enough to face them"

" What good aspects, there is no good aspect in my life, i'm just so tired of living i don't want my life anymore, tell me whats the point of living when no one loves or cherishes you"

I notice he was surprised at all i said but looked eager to know more and i didn't care because i needed to let it all out i held it all in me for a long time and it might just be eating me up

"i have tried to be bold but it didn't work, I'm just tired you know, no one wants me or appreciates me, i lost the person i loved the most, and after he left me my life became worst, your not in my shoes to understand me so its okay if you think differently"

Tears began flowing from my eyes i didn't even realise until i started sobbing i became emotional. And he looked sorry.

"i'm sorry if you'd not had it easy, i know life's actually rough but that's what we go through and we have lots of lessons to learn from whatever stages it is in life, i didn't want to make you cry, but it looks you probably have been through a lot that i don't know and I'm sure it was rough

but you already look pale and stressed out , don't cry you'd have a headache, and that's not what i would like you to have"

He is kind, and i feel guilty now for speaking rudely to him, and even if i did not want to be saved i still need to tell him thank you its the least i could do right now

" Thank you, thanks for saving my life, it was so brave of you, putting your life on the line to save me, that's something i know people wouldn't do much less to someone they don't know"

"It's okay i don't regret it even if it would happen again i'd still do it , you don't deserve to die no matter the pain your going through always stay strong and fight"

His phone started to buzz in his pocket, and he excused himself and walked out of the room.

Pondering in my thoughts, i even wonder if mom is worried about me or not, but i don't think she is after all she drove me out of the house saying all those hurtful things to me, and not caring about my feelings.

But i wont give up so easily, she's the only person i have left in this world and i don't want to lose her, i need to get discharged and go home, a couple of minutes pass and he walks back into the room.

"sorry i had to take this call, it was urgent, and i totally forgot about asking for your name" he said.

"Sapphire, Sapphire Tiffens what about you?"

"Erick that's my name i can call you sapph for short right?"

"yeah that's what I'm used to, uhmm sorry its just i think i'm okay now and i need to head back home, so when can i be discharged?" i ask him.

"Well according to the doctor you just need some rest but if your in a hurry to get discharged i better get the discharge papers and sign them because i think your good to go" he says.

I feel relieved because I'm tired of these hospital scents and nurses always coming in to check up.

" oh thank you"

"yeah ill be back in a minute, I'll just go sign the papers and get everything ready for your discharge and drive you home"

" You'll drive me home? But you dont know my home?" i ask surprisingly.

"Yeah, i will, what kind of guy would i be letting you go home all by yourself, I'll drive you home i insist and you could give me directions ."He says and walks out of the room.

Time passed by and finally the nurse came in to discharge me and walked me to the hospital reception where i saw Erick waiting for me, i didn't know Erick but i felt comfortable with him, which surprised me but i felt secured and less pressured.

The drive home was quiet, but he gave an effort for a conversation.

"so any friends" he asked me

"No i don't keep friends i have trust issues so its kind of hard for me to call someone a friend, i know you'd think i'm weird"

"Why would i?, its your choice if you would want to have friends or not . Friendship is totally up to ones decision"

I think its time i ask my own questions now, i thought i needed to know a bit more about him.

" How old are you?" i ask, he didn't seem surprised by my question but rather confident.

" i'm 24, you look 18, did i guess right?"

"Yeah you did i am 18"

"Your 18 and beautiful" he said and gave a warm smile.

"Thank you, my dad used to tell me that but it was a long time ago since he last told me, i was always loved it when he did" i felt sad but tried forcing myself to smile.

" Well you truly are, what happened to your dad if i may ask?"

" He died.. I was just 10 years old when he passed away and it feels like yesterday" i try hiding my sadness but i know it was evident in my eyes.

"i'm sorry to hear that, it must have been very hard for you, it's evident that you two were very close"

" Yes we were he was my everything".

We finally got home, a simple 3 bedroom bungalow with trees all around always giving home a nice sweet natural scent, i loved home because it reminded me of dad and how much he loved me.

I walked in with Erick following behind me and i called out for mom but she was not home, i knew it was time to bid farewell to Erick.

"Uhm, i stay with my mom but it seems she's not home as of the moment and i know I've taken much of your time already , Erick thank you for what you did, i know i owe my life to you and as much as i hate it but i guess this is where we say goodbye"

" Sapph take care of yourself"

I was not sure to wave or give him a hug but he opened his arms and he came closer to me for a hug and i obliged and hugged him back, i was in his arms and i felt peace and security that i never felt before.

I watched him get into his car and he drove off..

I didn't know if i would ever see him again, but i felt a part of me that hoped this would not be the last time i see him.

'wow isn't Erick nice? I guess he's the type we'd call a perfect gentleman ..

Please comment guys, it means a lot to me, and i hope you enjoy my story.

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