
How I got to know Webnovel

Hi my name is Yililanis,and I'm 10 years old and I wanna talk about how I met Webnovel,well I just started today but I know this app is perfect for me,well I met Webnovel from a friend well best friend she's like a sister to me,well anyways she told me that she was writing a book and I told her to show me it and she send me a browser to her book and when I read it,it inspired me to write my own so then I saw that it said webnovel so I decided to search it up on the app store s and to my surprise it was there so I decided to download it and after all that I started to write and all that adds to here me telling my story I will be writing a lot of books soon and I wanted to say thank you to webnovel for this amazing app also shout out to Ricayah Grace the one who inspired me to try out webnovel