
My Hate For Love.

“Love. Yes, many people call it a good thing though, I hate the concept of loving someone. Loving someone, especially if they are out of your league, is like a bed of roses. It’s attractive on the outside, but it’s thorns are painful on the inside. It’s like telling you to come close yet not too close or I'll be hurt. So love is like a binding contract, one you cannot escape from. So that also means I’m bound by it. So although I hate love, I hate myself even more for being bound by the thing I hate the most. " Hence, my story continues on why I, Kou despise love.

k1ngjr · Urban
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1 Chs

The Loser.

It was just like any other day. Kou walked down the loud and obnoxious isle that was ahead of him.

"Come on! Get in Line the train will go soon!" A loud security lady yelled.

Looking up, he could visualise the repeatedly flashing green lights which signalled the train from its station, ready for departure. Uncomfortably seen as though the queue was cramped, he tried to shuffle his way through the crowd but was being mercilessly thrown around.

[This fat… Ow! That hurts lady!] Kou thought to himself while trying to escape the crowd's grasp, finally leaping out and falling to the floor.

"Alright, Alright let's be on our way. Be careful as well! Stop rushing, there's still time before the train arrives!" One of the men who operated the train yelled.

Kou got up and fastened his tie which was ruffled by the intensive movement previously.

[Such a busy morning. Well, it is Monday after all.] He once again thought to himself while reading a book named "The one lie". He held it firmly with both hands as the wind occasionally blew the pages away from the place he read - causing him to feel a bit frustrated.

Kou wasn't particularly attractive, infact one could go far enough to say he was "below average". He was short, and his eyes were full of dread because of the week that lay ahead of him. With bagged eyes, untidy hair as well as poorly maintained skin, it was obvious that Kou didn't take care of himself.

"Oh here it is." Kou said to himself while looking up at the approaching train.

Preparing himself against countless others, he got into a position as though to run a marathon and the finish line was ahead of him, he got ready. The thing is this train was extremely popular and many people frequent here, going to work and even school.

The train finally yelled out the signal of the horns being blown. The door slightly opened yet at that moment, everyone began to sprint to the door at full speed including Kou. He successfully managed to get in the train with ease and sighed in relief before being bombarded with the rest of the hurdious group. After being squashed like a measly ant for several minutes, he shoved and struggled to find an exit before reaching out and feeling a sensation. Quite supple and soft, until he realised it was in fact a girl's bosom. Immediately moving back he didn't dare to turn around. Not even once.

"Hey." a feminine voice called out to him.

[I've decided. It's not me and I'm keeping my head turned this way.] He thought anxiously while sweating.

"Hey!" she yelled once more before grabbing Kou' shoulder.

Luckily, the train opened its doors and leaped out with such joy he thought:

[GOD REALLY IS ON MY SIDE!] Kou thought to himself.

[I hope she doesn't catch up to me..] Kou thought once again before walking towards his destination.

Though, he could hear in the background the words: "PERVERT!" before seeing security chasing after him.

The girl's appearance was seen as this: She had dark purple hair, almost so faded to the point it was black, black eyes and even wore glasses. Though to say she was beautiful was a stretch. Infact, it's too much of a stretch. She had pimples and even untidy hair like Kou's. Though, she had a loud shout and yelled as though she was the most confident person in the world despite her looks.

After glimpsing at the girl who understandably snitched on him, he ran to school. Kou continued to run until he reached the gates of his school. It was called "Memory Lane". Breathing heavily and holding on to the side of a wall right in front of the gate, people asked:

"Are you alrigh- Ugh it's him..." a group of girls muttered before moving away and turning their heads in disgust.

"What's wrong with me huh? It's not like any of you are any prettier, bugs-bunnies." He muttered though to his surprise they had heard what he said and in response:

"What did you just say?!"

"Nothing-" he replied, trying not to look obvious.

"Looks like our friend here needs a little teaching huh? Shall I get my boyfriend Risky on you?" one of the girls said.

[This is Mary. She's the most unpleasant girl in the school. Just because she's going out with one of the strongest guys in the school she thinks she's all that. Pitiful If I do say so myself.] Kou thought to himself while looking down.

Although Kou had this thought, she was indeed pretty. Infact, unfavourably stunning to the point all the boys fawned over her, leading her to have an arrogant personality.

"Oh? You got nothing to say huh?!" she said while pushing him.

After receiving the pushes for a while, it got to a point where Kou became frustrated and pushed away her hand.

[This was indeed the biggest mistake I've ever made during my school career.] Kou thought to himself.

"Oww!" the girl yelled dramatically before pretending to be injured.

"Did you see what he just did to me?! Kiara?" Mary said, convincing her friend to frame Kou.

"I did! Let me call your boyfriend right now so he can teach him a lesson! What a loser." she said while dialling the numbers on her phone.

"Hey! This is Kiara, your girlfriend got hit by this kid because he thinks he's all cool and she's upset right now!" Kiara said cheekily.

Kou could hear Risky's voice subtly and heard the words:

"He's dead meat."

[Instantly shivers ran down through my spine because I realised that I was in big trouble. Not only do I not have confidence, I'm not strong enough to fight against these guys. I'm short, weak and ugly. This is my curse. Though, I'm not backing down from this fight despite the fact I may lose. As unconfident I may seem, I have my own pride too.] Kou said within his mind before getting up.

Mary began to smile evilly as though she conquered something. She began to kick him and yell:

"Go on! Hit me back! I dare you!" she said while smiling cheekily.

As he was continuously getting hit, Kou said in his mind:

[Why is this happening to me. First the girl incident, now this. What did I do to deserve this? Stupid girls, stupid things. At the end of the day, everything is just a waste of time and we humans just refuse to accept it. Like honestly, everything I'm doing right now, eating, living, studying, working hard is just a means to an end. Just a way to pass the time before death takes hold of you. Just like my Mother-] Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by hearing Risky's voice.

"Hey." The sound of Risky's voice roared dominance and conquered Kou's heart beat. His heart dropped in fear as a hand was placed on his shoulder with a voice saying:

"Let's chat for a bit."