
My Hand Is Forbidden

16 year old Rykenn has the best grades in his school, has won numerous academic awards, and has a bright and promising future ahead of him as an architect; his parents constantly praise him to people at their job, saying how bright Rykenn’s future is. But on one fateful day as his bullies are bullying him again around a crowd of delinquents, Rykenn immediately touches them with his bare hand, and kills one. And as everyone else is trying to take him down, he keeps touching them accidentally, killing them all with just a touch. With the murders being brought up greatly by the police and detectives, social media, and the news worldwide, Rykenn must keep his newfound deadly power hidden, avoiding touching people with his bare hands, and staying out of trouble, which is damn near impossible. And he tries his hardest to find out the cause and root of his dark power, called “One Touch.” Rykenn’s parents are Japan’s top detectives, along with their team of other detectives. And they are on the murder case. Rykenn, afraid of getting caught and possibly ruining his future, does his best to avoid detection, suspicion, and keeping his detective parents from catching him. But Rykenn can’t catch a break. With more bodies piling up, new enemies, people with similar abilities like him, organizations, cults, and rivals, Rykenn’s ability to stay under the radar becomes damn near impossible..

EASYYMONN · Fantasie
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13 Chs

War Hunter

Haruka asked Kaito, "Why not tell the world..who our son's murderer is? To let them know the severity of the injustice that is being dished out???"

Kaito paused his live feed for a second, which was currently being viewed by over 140 million people.

Kaito continued to say, "The one who we search for…if we expose his name to the public, he will be dealt with by the authorities, which will jeopardize our mission of dealing with him ourselves. And if Vague and Aurora fail, then I will deal with him. But I doubt they will. Vague has garnered two related Laws, and Aurora has a Law that is nearly unbeatable. Rykenn has a Law that somewhat competes, but can't handle three Laws at once.."

"It's all going to according to plan.."

"It should fall into place, not apart if executed correctly. And ever since Kage was brutally killer, I began to plan this. I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you'd react."


"I'll start from the beginning. Kage, Khennta, and the others murdered in cold blood. I got with the other leaders of the Red Knife to work out contingency plans to steer the detectives Yumi and Zero's team off course, knowing they are the parents of our target: Rykenn. The entire meeting, they kept mentioning how they wanted to use this to spread the Red Knife further, to make an example out of everyone, to show fear to the competitors. They were struggling, competing with the Sanarju Gang, a rival gang that old wields katana's. They've been stealing all the business from them, and even ratting to police to get the Red Knife caught up. Which is why many of the Red Knife drug depots got leaked to one of the detectives hackers, a nerd named Sector. All of them got hit, and police questioned them."

"Did they ask about your involvement? Or about the Needsless killer?"

"No. You wanna know what that detective Yumi asked them?"


"They asked them…'What happens after death?' That question, barely relates to the topic at hand. And I wondered why the team of the 5 greatest detectives of Japan would ask something like that. Then it hit me."

"Which was?"

"She must have a Law. A broken one, a Law that contributes to her being one of the best detectives in Japan. It'll give the detectives what they need. I ended up gaining a feed from one of the interrogations, look."

Kaito pulled out his phone, and he laid it on a nearby stool. And he pressed play, and the video began.

It showed Yumi in an interrogation room with a Red Knife gang member.

Yumi's voice could be heard, asking, "What happens after death?"

The Red a knife member's voice replied, "I'm not talking!"

"Talk or not, you'll just-."

"Die? Bring it on then!"

"It's not that simple. You wont die, but we've already checked your belongings. You have a family, a daughter, right? She just turned 17?"


"Fuck all of that. Don't beg for mercy when my scythe is nudging the side of her fragile neck."


"Just answer the question. I won't ask about your involvement with the Red Knife, or the Needless killer."


Yumi stood across from the Red Knife gang member, her eyes as cold as steel. "I have a question," she began, her tone measured, "It might seem unrelated, but humor me. Imagine the unimaginable—an undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. What occurs after death? A question that lingers within the hearts of the living. Here's a metaphor I'd like you to unravel, answer me this:" Yumi leaned in, placing her hands flat on the table. "In the seemingly endless expanse of the cosmos, a lone star blazes persistently. Each day it burns brighter, its light stretching across distant galaxies, illuminating the void with its brilliance. Then suddenly and without warning, the star fades, its brilliant light succumbing to an abyss of blackness. It turns into a void, concealed behind a tapestry of cosmic dust. Yet, the universe continues, planets keep orbiting, and supernovas keep exploding. Time seems to heal the black void's sorrow, gradually replacing it with a nebula's birth — the creation of new stars and planets from the remnants of the extinguished star. But the question remains, where did the light of the original star disappear to? Did it wholly dissolve into nothingness? Or did it venture into another journey, masked and woven into the cosmos' unending narrative?"

The room fell silent with the gang member absorbing the metaphor, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Death is...just nothing. The light goes away forever. It's over," he replied after a moment.

Yumi gave a thin smile, leaning back on her chair. "Incorrect," she declared, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it merely changes forms. The star's light embarks on a journey across the universe, absorbed and reflected by numerous celestial bodies. Some light veers off into the infinite vacuum of outer space. The star may die, but its energy, its legacy lives on, etched into the matrix of the cosmos."

A dawning realization reflected on her face as her Law worked its magic beneath her veil of calm observation. Forming a bridge to her actual query from his incorrect answer, Yumi continued, "Just like the star, Kage was a significant beacon in Red Knife – fatal and fierce. His sudden death, his transformed energy, impacted many, leaving traces behind. Given that each act leaves behind evidence, much like a star's light, I believe he was not a victim of mere chance. Someone with an unknown power has extinguished Kage's flame for their gain and obliterated the teens who knew too much."

Catching the suspect's flickering gaze and his increasingly sweaty demeanor, Yumi concluded, "That same someone is shielding their guilt, masquerading amidst the ordinary. Still, they fail to realize that even in the blackest night, all it takes is a sliver of light to unveil the truth. Isn't it so?" She let the heavy silence punctuate her revelation, dark eyes drilling into the Red Knife gang member's consciousness. The metaphor's function had served - the truth glimmered in his guilty demeanor.

Their unanswered question wasn't unanswered anymore.

Yumi stood up, saying, "I basically used the metaphor to answer my own question, your answer depends on if I instantly know the answer to my own internal question or not, you wouldn't know what I asked, that's just how it works. Good day. Now I got what I needed."

"What..was the question?!"

"If you knew exactly who killed Kage and the other teens that were and weren't in the Red Knife. With the metaphor I used, I now know you know it's someone Kage was harassing for money daily, and you know it was someone, a young one, who has some kind of power to deal with Kage and the others. But you never heard the name.."

"H-how?! What?! So it's true! They said you…"

"Yep. Whatever you heard, is true. Bye bye, punk ass."

The interrogation was over.

Haruka said to Kaito, "What is her Law..?"

Kaito explained, "This is coming from my youkai, since my Law of Spiral relates to her Law. Yumi's Law is called the Law of Bright. Yumi's Law of Bright, entrenched in the intricate mechanisms of cognitive complexity, intuitive deductive reasoning, and metaphoric comprehension, is a rare investigative technique that dovetails the circuitous realms of psychology with direct interrogative methodology. At its simplest, the Law is based on understanding and exploiting the human psyche's tendency to seek the 'simplest' or most immediate response to a complex metaphoric question. The metaphor serves as a distorted mirror, reflecting the cryptic, seekable truth about the actual query. The Law is referred to as "Bright" because it enables Yumi to shine the light of truth into the shadows of evasion and deceit, revealing answers hidden in conscious or subconscious barriers. In the formulation of metaphors embedded within the Law of Bright, Yumi must encapsulate the essence of the question she aims to unravel. The metaphor, while appearing to address a separate topic altogether, must be intertwined profoundly with the true, underlying question."

"So her metaphors…her Law is within the metaphors?!"

"Yes. This sleight of hand creates a complex and multidimensional analogy that indirectly mirrors the information Yumi is seeking. Yumi then presents the metaphor to the suspect — her question appearing to veer off-topic, yet deeply rooted in the problem at hand. Operatively, this places the individual off guard, compelling their cognitive resources to unpack the seemingly unrelated question. The response, inconspicuously, gives away more than just an answer to a random question. The suspect might answer incorrectly or correctly to the metaphor, but within this divergence lies the actual brilliance of Yumi's Law. If the response aligns with the correct interpretation, it reflects a cognitive sync with Yumi's thought process, yielding valuable insights on the suspect's knowledge related to her real query. If they answer incorrectly, the Law leverages this deviation, helping Yumi intuitively deduce the correct answer to her concealed question. The Law of Bright, thus, is a testament to Yumi's perceptiveness, cognition, and interrogation dexterity, allowing her to glean the truth from shadows of deception through layered metaphors and cognitive nudges."

"So the only way someone can counter her Law.."

"Is if they have the correct answer to the metaphor. And based on her success, 90% fail off of her metaphors. Anyway, we don't have to worry about Yumi finding us. I never told anyone of our location, I was afraid she would interrogate them, and she'll easily locate us. Sad she doesn't know her evil, injustice-filled son is the Needless killer, the only people that know his name is the ones who were killed by him, and us."

"You didn't tell Vague and Aurora the Needless Killers name?"

"Of course not. Again, Yumi is a threat. And she's always lurking. I can't have them stopping me before I expose injustice to the world."


"Injustice is an insidious phantom that lurks within the shadows of our world. It sneaks into our lives, staining our spirits with the ink of brutality and deceit, and undermines the core of what we cherish most. The Red Knife Gang is the very embodiment of this rampant injustice, a parasite thriving even amidst our mournful loss, exploiting my son, my Kage's, death for their vile agenda."

His voice echoed in the hushed room, every syllable soaked in regret and nudged by an undercurrent of simmering vengeance. "Driven by the prospect of influence and power, I mistakenly allied with this blood-smeared organization to build a business empire. My hope was simple. I wanted Kage to inherit an established life, one unmarred by the rigors of hardship. In my clouded vision, I conflated material wealth with parental affection. I believed that this secured future would be the greatest gift for my beloved son."

Kaito's eyes glistened with unshed tears, reflecting the tormenting remorse seared into his heart. "They say hindsight is 20/20. I now fathom the depth of my erroneous belief. I realize I offered him an inheritance when all he needed was a father who would guide him through life's twisted alleys. I misconstrued what it meant to be a good parent, lost in the deafening din of ambition, only to wake up to his lifeless form, a soul too soon extinguished."

A weighty sigh left his lips as he continued, "The Red Knife not only shrouded his radiant existence but also revealed the shallow depth of my parenthood. Kage deserved a father, not a businessman. He needed love, guidance, and presence, not an empire dyed with the hue of the underworld's sins."

Pausing, Kaito locked his gaze on his wife Haruka; sorrow and regret gave way to resolve. "My son's loss has ripped open my eyes to the festering wound in our society-- the unchecked power and influence of gangs like Red Knife. I realize that justice can't be traded for affluence or borrowed from ill-gotten influence. They've made a powerful enemy tonight. A father's fury knows no bounds and no mercy. Kage's lasting legacy shall be a world free from the venomous grip of these gangs — his, and every other innocent life stolen too soon, shall not have been in vain."

Starting as a small band of rogues, the Red Knife Gang quickly evolved into an organized criminal network. Running petty crimes, they drummed up substantial influence within their local territories over time. Their chief goal is power and influence. They aspire to control and spread their operations for territorial dominance and command over local economies, asserting this power through drug trafficking, racketeering, and other criminal ventures. Their aim isn't simply wealth but establishing a stronghold of feared sovereignty in their chosen landscape. Formed in the gritty backstreets where law enforcement seldom tread, the Red Knife Gang was initially just a small group of thugs who banded together for mutual protection. With a shared goal of survival, they soon found power in unity, and thus the gang took its early shape.

Over time, their operations grew more sophisticated. Gradually transitioning from small-time thefts and hustles to larger, more profitable endeavors such as drug trade and extortion, they quickly started gaining infamy. Their appetite for power and influence wasn't satiated by dominating their initial territories. They envisioned a larger and more complex network, a pervasive sphere of influence that encompassed several key areas in the city.

Leadership within the Red Knife Gang started to place emphasis on extending operations through a blend of subtle infiltration and overt force. Recruitment accelerated, and through a combination of fear and calculated alliances, their sphere of influence began to broaden. The current status of the Red Knife Gang is that of a considerable force within the criminal underworld. Their operations have diversified into many illicit activities, with drug trafficking, racketeering, and organized crime being their primary sources of revenue and power. While certainly powerful and broad in scope, their empire isn't infinite. There exist rival factions and uncontrolled territories, as well as the persistent threat of law enforcement. Despite these challenges, the Red Knife Gang continues its relentless march towards power and dominance, leaving a searing trail of violence and intimidation in its wake.

With the echoes of Kaito's words still ringing in the room, Haruka replied, "Every thread in the tapestry of life is delicately woven by the hand of justice," Haruka began, her voice steady, unwavering. "When a hand attempts to fray this tapestry, to rend it apart with cruelty and untruth, it disturbs the natural equilibrium, creating a monstrous vortex of misery and despair."

A sorrowful smile graced her lips, as she continued, "We sailed our ship on the misguided sea of illusion, thinking that power, wealth, and alliance with the insidious Red Knife would safeguard our beloved Kage, gifting him a life of ease. Instead, we exposed him to a world beset with shadows, a world where he eventually lost his life."

Tears welled up in her eyes—the raw pain of a mother's loss seeping through, but she blinked them away. "Injustice wormed its way into our lives, decked as a friend. And the largest of this monstrous breed, from what we have come to know, is Rykenn. He sits on a throne built on ruthlessness and fear, directing the show where families bleed and hearts break. We believe he took Kage from us, extinguished an innocent life, and continued trampling on fragile souls beneath his tyranny."

The room pallid with heavy silence, Haruka's voice, a piercing arrow, aimed at the heart of their grievous storm. "Rykenn, who we believe helms this ship of injustice, is not invincible. A serpent, however venomous, can be nullified if one is brave enough to snare the head."

Cladded in her armor of tenacious resolve and smoldering vengeance, Haruka pledged, "We allowed this injustice to breed and take root in our midst, but we refuse to be silent spectators anymore. The tide must turn. Every animate being should thrive in the light of justice, not quiver in the fear of tyrants like Rykenn."

She paused, her next words resounding with a powerful crescendo, "We shall dismantle this fortress of falsehood, brick by crimson brick. The war against injustice begins tonight. Not just for our Kage but for every child, every parent, every heart rent asunder by this unchecked menace. Our grief will not remain just a lament, a wail lost in the night. It will become our war cry. We will douse this raging flame of injustice, and make sure Kage's loss becomes a beacon for others. We stand, united, against the leviathan of injustice, and it shall crumble under the might of our collective resolve." Her words echoed in the room, a rallying cry for the battles to come.

Everything was in a supersonic panic, the news helicopters were hovering over the school, social media was going crazy, and Mika and her partner Hiro were ducking behind a car as bullets were flying all over the place.

Mika exclaimed into the camera, "This just in! The school is being guarded by what looks like members of the Red Knife! They're all wearing tuxedos that have the Red Knife symbol on them! They're all posted on different buildings surrounding the school, having a firefight with cops and other law enforcement!"

The cops and other agents were taking cover behind multiple places, shooting at "Red Knife" gang members in buildings surrounding the school.

"I think I hit one!"

"Keep firing-!" A cop was shot in the neck, along with two more cops, and they fell down to the ground.

Hiro said to Mika, "We should go! Now!"

Mika answered, "We'll be fine! We're nowhere near the bullets!"

"That's dumb logic! The things we do for this job!"

"Ugh fine! We got enough footage then! There's a reason I do this, ya know!"

"I know!"

Yumi and Zero arrived on the scene, sliding in and taking cover behind a steel armored truck.

Yumi said, "I'm going in and killing all of those fuckers! My son is in there!"

Zero added, "I can see something weird in front of the school..like a veil.."

"It's invisible to the naked eye..it's a Law. But we're going in!"

Suddenly, Resu, Astra, and Bean arrived.

Resu said, "Let's go!"

Astra said, "…Seven is in there. Going in alone."

Bean replied to Astra, "Yeahhhh NOT happening. Let me go in."

Out of nowhere, Mr.Sun, the retired old janitor, landed feet first near them, saying, "My my my, what a mess."

Resu exclaimed, "Grandpa!"

"Resu, you stay inside the jeep, and do what you must.

Yumi thought, 'I have to get to Rykenn! I won't lose him again! But that veil!'

Zero touched Yumi's shoulder, saying, "Don't worry, we're going in."


Bean asked, "Is Kaito and Haruka still streaming?"

Astra answered, "..Yes."

"Yumi, with your Law.."

Yumi replied, "…That gave me an idea."

Yumi thought, 'If I can use my Law on them…Kaito and Haruka, I could possibly find out where they are. And get answers..I just need to show myself to them.'

Zero said, "You're thinking what I'm thinking what you're thinking?"

"I need to get in contact with Sector. I need my face on the screens now, and talk to Kaito face to face. I'll metaphor the fuck out of him. How dare he put my child in a position where I might lose him again. I won't have it. Astra, get into the school, save everyone you can, take Bean with you. Zero..my love, clean the buildings of these Red Knife members. Apparently, based on them shooting everywhere and defending the school, they have someone already on the inside that's wanting to take down the Needless Killer, wanting to continue their own mission of furthering the Red Knife's influence and power. Based on my interview with the Red Knife member, the killer is young, and went to the same school as Kage. But he never heard the name."

Mr.Sun said, "Perfect job, youngins."

"Why are you here, old man?"

Bean added, "Yeahh why?"

Mr.Sun smiled, "The Red Knife…they're the ones who killed Resu's mother, my daughter. I regretted doing anything before, I hated my Law, I saw it as a curse. But seeing on the news where this might be the final stand with the Red Knife, I'll play my party."

Zero said, "What if you die or something?"

"Then so be it. Just let me at one of those Red Knife members and I'm satisfied."

Yumi sighed, "Tch. Whatever, you were in our position before. Do what you want. Kaito and his dumb wife Haruka are going to pay..go all out. Use your Laws. Show them why we are who we are. But not in front of people unless you're killing them. I'm calling Sector. And on this day, I'm gonna find out who the Needless Killer is. But first priority, is my son."

Me.Sun Resu, Zero, Bean, and Astra nodded, and went to do their tasks.

Resu tugged on Mr.Sun's arm, and said, "You're gonna come back, right?"

"Of course I will. Now go inside the jeep and use your gift."

"Okay..I will."

Inside the school, students were panicking, screaming:

"I don't wanna die!"


"We gotta leave!"

The staff and teachers were trying to calm down the students, but they were getting pushed out of the way.

Rykenn and Seven were running down the hallway, and entered their classroom.

Rykenn yelled, "Out of the windows! Now-!"

The room was immediately split in half by an unseen force, and the room caved in, and everyone was falling, and the teacher was immediately sliced in half, her blood spitting on the walls.

Nanazaki yelled, "AGGH! Who's trying to get us?!!"

Gen grabbed onto something, exclaiming, "Grab onto something! Use your strength, students!"

Megumi was rolling on the floor, and she was falling down the large hole in the middle of the floor.

Rykenn yelled, "No! Megumi!"

He dove after her out of instinct, but didn't realize that he couldn't touch her.

'No…' Rykenn thought, watching Megumi fall with tears coming out of her eyes.