
My Grandpa Is Too Op

A young adult named Lim Yejun, born in South Korea , lived in United States and died at the age of 21. Got reincarnated as an old man in his hated novel “Sword’s End” in which the main character becomes stronger as time pass by with his system.

LeafPanda · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: The Quest for Artemis' Potion

As night fell in the medieval village of "Sword's End," Bruce and Lucius were tucked into their beds, the day's adventures having exhausted their youthful energy. My new life as their grandpa was unlike anything I had expected, and my heart was filled with a sense of belonging that transcended time and space.

With the boys sound asleep, I seized the opportunity to embark on my own quest. While they dreamt of tales and adventures, I would make one of my own. My knowledge of "Sword's End" told me that this world held many secrets, and one, in particular, piqued my interest – Artemis' Potion.

According to the novel, Artemis' Potion was a legendary elixir, said to grant incredible strength and vitality to those who consumed it. It was a plot device that had often irked me, but now it represented a chance to change my own story.

Quietly, I crept out of the thatched-roof cottage where the boys slept and ventured into the moonlit village. It was a surreal experience, like stepping into the pages of a novel once again. I navigated the cobblestone streets with my old, arthritic body, grateful for the cloak of darkness that concealed my movements.

My destination was the hidden grove where Artemis' Potion was rumored to be concealed. I had to be careful; the novel described many challenges and guardians protecting the elixir. I hoped my knowledge would help me overcome these obstacles.

The grove was shrouded in mystery, its entrance guarded by gnarled trees and ancient stones. My journey to rewrite my fate had just begun, and Artemis' Potion was the first step. With each creaking step and whispered incantation, I ventured further into the heart of "Sword's End," determined to grasp my own destiny.

As I entered the grove, the scent of wildflowers and the soft murmur of a hidden stream filled the air. My path was illuminated by the faint glow of the moon, guiding me deeper into the enigmatic forest.

Little did I know that the challenges that awaited me in this quest would be just as absurd and unpredictable as the world of "Sword's End" itself.