
Let Me Nap in Peace Damnit

# Welcome back to the chronicles of Marcus. Where we find our MC in the clutches of a spicy milf. Will he escape with his chastity intact. Will he ever finish the reports his spybots sent to him. Will he implement the idea he had about putting chocolate milk in all the female Synths boobs. Only time will tell. #

As Marcus looks into the fiery eyes of Flemeth he wonders to himself. HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN!? One moment he's reading some reports the next he has a very beautiful woman gripping his face. With extreme effort he pulls Flemeths hands away from his face and steps back. Is it the right move to make? Who knows. He turns his back to her and continues going over his reports.

"You and Morrigan can come along." He says after a moment of silence. "However you will have to teach me all the magic you know in exchange. I'm new to this world and I need every edge I can get. I don't know the real reason you're coming along Flemeth and I don't care. You will be of use or you will be discarded. I have too much to lose playing your games. Go fetch your daughter Mythal, I've places to be and very little time to be there."

With that said Flemeth leaves silently and returns 20 minutes later with a gasping Morrigan in tow.

POV: Flemeth

We underestimated Marcus or maybe we were too hasty in our approach. Too steeped in our "Games" as he called it. Maybe he's right, we've lived for a very long time and in our excitement acted without thought. A very rare occasion I assure you. He does not seem mad at us, simply putting up a boundary. Letting us know that we overstepped. More and more you Garner our attention Marcus. Some say that to hold our attention is a curse. I wonder if that applies to you as well.

Being told to be of use or be tossed away angered us some, but more than anger we felt excited. When was the last time someone dared speak to us in such a way after knowing who we are. When was the last time someone told us what to do, what was expected of us.

Without a word we left to fetch our dearest daughter. To show her that there is more than even we knew of. We can't wait to see what Morrigan makes of him. We are starting to care less and less of our age. Which man would not dream of bedding the great Flemeth, of having the Mother Goddess of Elves stand by their side. No! That is the pride of the young speaking, we are above such things, we are above such feelings.

But our heart still flutters even if momentarily. Curse you Marcus for awaking such useless things. We always get what we want.

Such thoughts however shall be pushed away. For I am to be of use to another once more.

Arriving at our dwelling of these last years, we see our errant child. So beautiful she is and so proud we are of her. We may not show it or even speak it aloud, but love you we do. You are our daughter, so like the others, but so different. So more vibrant and rebellious.

We land a distance away and walk the rest, changing back to the shape she knows us best by. Morrigan is cleaning her clothes, despite how little cloth is used. She hears our approach and turns to greet us. She smiles, but not the loving one, no she smiles in the way we do. Mockingly and disdainfully of everything around her. I hear Marcus's voice whisper that she is only the outcome of our game, and I can't refute. Such a beautiful flower riddle with thorns.

"Hello Mother, I hope you walk was well?" The cheekiness of this brat. "Pah, what do you care child. You rather I fall into one of the Marshes than return." Morrigan mockingly reacts, placing a hand on her heart and gasping aloud as if I've slighted her.

"Dearest me Mother, I would never welcome such an outcome on your being. No I would be worried sick. What would becomes of the creatures that feasted upon you. They surely don't deserve such an outcome." Smacking her on the top of her head I can't but think, did I raise you right? Before banishing such thoughts.

"Pack your belongings girl, we are leaving this place." Morrigan looks intrigued. "Where to?" She asks. I look back at the invisible metal construct floating in the air before smiling. "The sky."

POV: Marcus

I read through the rest of the reports and I must say the Spy Bots do good work. I had one of the Synths give Flemeth and Morrigan a tour of El Macho. I decided that the Helicarrier needed a name and Macho kinda stuck in my head. So here we are on El Macho. Cause why be serious all the time.

After the two came aboard I had the crew set off for Highever. It won't even take an hour before we're there so I decide to do the adult thing and take a nap. However it wasn't meant to be. When I was right in the good spot, you know awake but asleep, Morrigan came busting through and made a be line right for me. Letting out a groan of annoyance I slip the reports off my face and glare at the inconvenience. Not purturbed by my glare she starts firing off questions and I got lost after the second one.

Looking to my left I see the Synths look away and the ones on the right do the same. Fucking traitors. Looking back at Morrigan she's still firing off questions. I swear if she didn't have Claudia Blacks voice I'd be Ubër annoyed. Sighing I look around my goodie bag and find what I'm looking for.

Pulling it out and throwing it in her face she stumbles a bit under the sheer amount of paper I just tossed at her ass. "Look, I have no fucking idea what goes on around here. I'm just the guy in a chair. That there however describes everything that goes on in El Macho. Read the damn thing and let me get back to my nap damnit!"

Without waiting for a reply I put the reports to good use... by covering my face with them.

POV: Morrigan

When Mother said we were to move to the sky I thought her feeble. However much to my surprise there was a metal monstrosity sitting in the sky with those below completely unaware. It seems Mother knew something about this contraption for she led me right to what she called the command center.

At first I thought it odd that I had not seen another person since entering, but when we reached the so called command center I was even more befuddled. All those that I gaze upon were more beautiful than any others I've seen before. It was uncouth behavior, but I could not resist the forces of gravity that set upon my lower jaw leaving my mouth in an eternal gasp.

Mother kept laughing at me, but that was easily handled by not paying her any attention. My eyes roamed over all, greedily soaking up all they saw until they rested upon a man sitting in the far back upon an almost throne like chair in comparison to the others.

It seemed he was oblivious to our arrival or simply did not care to entertain us with his presence. However he was the most striking out of all there, more beautiful then the women and more handsome then the men. He seemed focused on a thin book of sorts when he looked up and our eyes met. Mother has taught me much about emotions and feelings and how they can blind even the wisest of people, but never once have I experienced such emotions for myself until that moment.

It felt as if my heart was resting in my throat rather then where it belonged. And his eyes were mesmerizing Blue, green mixture. It seemed as if he recognized who I was and the smallest of a fond smile graced his lips before looking towards Mother. His eyes harden or maybe the better terminology would be dulled. Such as when someone deadpans in midst of conversation. Looking back at Mother I'm taken aback one more for the upteenth time this day. Mother looked... well how should I explain it. She seemed more beautiful then I've ever seen her, and her clothes were as provocative as mine, which is no easy feat.

Looking back at the man I see him talking with one of the females on board and gestures in our direction. She then leaves his side and comes towards us. She closes her eyes and bows her head before standing up right. "Welcome to S.E. El Macho, the Helicarrier class vessel under The Sol Empire." Not only was the woman beautiful her voice was just as lovely. "My name is Marcia and my production line is of the Astrid model. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I'm not sure what a production line is maybe is how they say family? Mother giggles at me once more, and Blessed Andraste she giggled! What the hell is going on!? Before I can further my mental breakdown, Marcia intervenes. "Master Marcus has asked that we give you a tour of El Macho. If you would kindly follow me please. We will start the tour here in the command center."

After touring the vessel I bombard the man I had seen earlier with question after questions. He seemed pissed for some reason then threw a very large book in my face telling me to figure it out myself. Then he put the tiny book from earlier... oh... He was napping. That would explain it. I get quite fearsome myself if interrupted during rest.

Marcia offers to lead us to our quarters so we may stow our luggage. It has been so eventful that I completely forgot I was still carrying mine. Thanking her she leads us to our new rooms and then proceed to explain all the amenities and how to properly use them. "And if you need any help just call my name, I'll be happy to help." Thanking her once more I decide to use this so called shower and immediately fell in love. Feeling the hot water roam over my bare skin made me moan in delight.

Stepping out of the shower I use a very comfortable towel to wipe myself dry before exiting the bathroom. I see some clothing folded and left out on my bed. Looking over the articles of clothing, I have no clue how some of it is worn so I call out to Marcia for assistance. She arrives shortly after and proceeds to explain how to wear the garments. Following her steps I put on the most comfortable clothing I've ever worn.

Thanking her for her help I climb onto the bed to read the large book the man gave me. Before promptly succumbing to sleep.

POV: Marcus

zZZ, zZZ, zZZ.

We see the different POVs on this one. I don't think I wrote Morrigan as well as I'd like, but oh well. Next Chapter will be about Highever.

Altered_State_127creators' thoughts