

Dangerous love always brings blissful ectasy and longing memories. The forbidden interance Love between territorial creatures Rage, anger and ego takes more than we bargain from all. ( The blood of the innocent will flow ) The Awakening Ives parents are the Alpha and Luna of the park. Ives mother was expecting the park had hopes on a male child to carry on the legacy of the centurion and rule the park. Having birth a girl it was a bing wore to the park but they could have more. Years and years went by and they had begin to live with it and the fact, but Ives began to opturn the signs and obture of an Alpha which was rare but not impossible. My mother new they would impose the idea of me ruling as the not boring of a male child has given some people the hope of having me has their luna while they or their children became the Alpha.. Scared and finally free youngster Named Josie fall for a rogue Alpha werewolf.........

ybeee2_0 · LGBT+
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3 Chs


Ives awoke in the soft moonlight that filtered through her bedroom window. Her sleep had been restless, filled with vivid dreams that seemed to cling to her like an unseen shroud. The memories of her father, a renowned Alpha who had perished in a brutal war, haunted her night. 

The weight of her lineage bore heavily on her, and she was unsure if she could ever live up to the legend of her father. His heroic deeds, whispered with reverence throughout the pack, seemed an insurmountable standard. 

With a sigh, she rose from her bed, feeling an irresistible pull that beckoned her to the library. It was a place of mystery and magic, hidden deep within the heart of the pack's territory. Most pack members were unaware of its existence, but Ives had spent countless hours here. 

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she pushed herself up and out of bed.

 The room was spacious but felt empty, a reflection of her own isolation. Ives lived with her friend who is mostly often not around, as befitting her role as Alpha in the dream, but the solitude often weighed heavily on her.

As she lay in her bed, she contemplated the path she had chosen. The mantle of leadership had fallen to her after her father's tragic death, and she was still grappling with the enormity of the responsibility. The pack looked to her for guidance, strength, and protection, and she was determined not to let them down.

Ives couldn't ignore the dream any longer. She had to know more about her father's past, the war that had claimed his life, and the details she couldn't recall. With determination, she left her room, her footsteps echoing through the silent den. The dreams were a nightly torment, and tonight, she couldn't ignore their call. They beckoned her toward the library, a place of mystery and magic that held the answers to the questions that plagued her. She had spent countless hours in that hidden sanctuary, seeking solace and understanding.

As she approached the library's heavy oak door, it creaked open on its own, as though the guardian spirit of the library welcomed her. A hunched figure emerged from the shadows, the wise old librarian. With ancient eyes that had seen centuries, the librarian regarded Ives with a knowing smile. The library was a vast chamber filled with ancient tomes, their leather bindings cracked with age, and shelves upon shelves of handwritten records. In the soft glow of candlelight, the room held an otherworldly aura.

"The past holds the key to the future," the librarian whispered cryptically. "In these pages, you will find the answers you seek."

Ives nodded, her heart heavy with anticipation and trepidation. She entered the library, the door closing behind her with a soft, final thud. She was alone with the mysteries of her father's legacy.

As she wandered through the labyrinth of books and records, Ives experienced her first flashback. It was as if her father's presence enveloped her, a vivid memory of him leading the pack in battle. His strength, courage, and unwavering leadership left an indelible mark on her. Tears welled in her eyes as the memory faded, leaving her with a profound sense of pride and loss.

With newfound determination, Ives continued her search. Each book she opened, each page she turned, revealed a small piece of the past. She was on a quest not only to honor her father's memory but also to find her own place in a world where she was the Alpha.

The moonlight filtered through the window, casting an ethereal glow across Ives' bedroom. She awoke with a sense of restlessness, her dreams still clinging to her like an invisible shroud. The dreams were always the same, vivid and haunting. They were memories of her father, a revered Alpha, who had perished in a brutal war that had left a lasting scar on their pack.

The weight of her lineage bore heavily on her shoulders. Her father's name, whispered in reverence, was both a source of pride and an insurmountable standard. The stories of his heroic deeds were etched into the pack's history, and Ives couldn't help but feel that she could never measure up.

The curiosity of the male Alpha piques up asti her feelings 

The library was concealed within the heart of the pack's territory, a well-guarded secret known to only a few. Its entrance was hidden behind an illusion, revealing itself only to those who needed its wisdom. The moment Ives decided to go there, the library's door creaked open as if in welcome. She doesn't notice fully. 

Shocked she stepped inside, the door closing behind her with a soft, final thud. The room was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting long shadows on the towering bookshelves. Each book was a repository of knowledge, and each scroll held secrets of the past.

The guardian of the library, a hunched figure with ancient eyes that had seen centuries, emerged from the shadows. With a voice as soft as the rustling of leaves, the librarian spoke. "The past holds the key to the future, Alpha Ives. In these pages, you will find the answers you seek."

Ives nodded, her heart heavy with anticipation and trepidation. She knew that the librarian was more than a mere mortal; they were the keeper of this sacred place, a guide to the hidden history of their kind.

The library was a living entity, a realm where books whispered their tales and records came to life. Ives had always felt a deep connection to this place, but tonight, her need was greater than ever. She had to know more about her father's past, the war he had fought in, and the details that eluded her memory.

As she wandered through the labyrinth of books and records, Ives felt an inexplicable connection to the stories of the past. She could almost hear her father's voice, see his commanding presence as he led the pack into battle. His strength, courage, and unwavering leadership left an indelible mark on her.

In the midst of her research, Ives experienced her first vivid flashback. It was as though her father's spirit enveloped her, transporting her back in time to a pivotal moment in the war. The battle raged around them, and her father's howl echoed through the chaos. He was a formidable figure, a true Alpha, and his pack followed him with unwavering loyalty.

Tears welled in Ives' eyes as the memory began to fade. The image of her father, a hero to their kind, was etched in her mind. She could feel the weight of his sacrifice and the honor that he had brought to their pack.

The library had unlocked a door to the past, and Ives was determined to step through it. She continued her search, meticulously studying each book, turning each page with reverence. She wanted to uncover the truth of her father's history, not just to honor his memory but to find her own place in a world where she was now the Alpha.

Hours turned into minutes as Ives delved deeper into the library's ancient records. She was surrounded by the whispers of the past, a symphony of voices that guided her on her quest. As Chapter 1 came to a close, Ives was deeply engrossed in her research, the library's magic enveloping her. She had only scratched the surface, but the journey to discov

er her father's legacy had only just begun.