
My glitched system

Innocent, shy, and vague Oliver has a dark side and a voice in his head?

christhenewwriter · Fantasie
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1 Chs

chapter 1- the first day

As Oliver walks in the school he gets looks from all the students in the hallway. They have never got transfer students, even if they did, it definitely wasn't in the middle of the school year. Someone who seemed to be his mother was walking beside him, the two of them were going to the principal office. Oliver's head is down, he doesn't want to look the students in the eye, but by doing so he bumps into someone.

"Look at that freak."

"Already making trouble."

He hears the people talking about him along with laughs, but instead of worrying about the people he hurry's to help the person he bumped into even though he hit his head.

"I'm sorry, i wasn't looking" Oliver says "hey, no problem! i wasn't looking myself so its my fault." They both stand there for a second, then the silence is broken by a tug on Oliver's shirt, followed with a "lets go" by the person people assumed to be Oliver's mother. As they start walking again, the person he bumped said his name loud enough for Oliver to catch it clearly.

"Shadow" they say. Just before Oliver was about to cross the corner he screams "nice name Shadow!"

As Oliver entry the room, he is instructed to sit down along with the lady by his side.

"Hello, Oliver!" the principal says "my name is Hansen, but you can call me Mr.Han." Oliver has a massive headache from bumping into Shadow so he can barely hear Mr.Han.

'My head hurts i could just die' Oliver thought, he manages to get a hello out but scattered all over the place, "h-he-hello." to Mr.Han it sounded like Oliver was just shy but he just can't think straight. "I see this is your mom?" Mr.Han says, "no no, i'm his sister, our mom couldn't make it, so sorry" the principal, Mr.Han, and Oliver's sister start talking back and forth, After about 3 minutes Oliver sees nothing but black. waking up in a hurry hes body is pulled down like a 100 pound rock is weighting on his chest, shadow, the person Oliver bumped into is standing by the side of the bed he was in.

"how did u know my name? i never told u...." shadow says "what are u talking about? you told me your name when i was leaving?" right before shadow is about to talk, he hears 'i didn't tell you before u left, i never told u!' and Oliver screams "yes you did!" shadow is surprised that Oliver answered him before he even said it and gets up. "your just crazy, you're here in the middle of the year because the others school thought so too!"

shadow says, walking away "first day of school...man i hate school"

this is my first book, yes i know this first chapter is short but i wil try to make them longer and with better context but for now take this "the first day"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

christhenewwritercreators' thoughts