
My Ghost Boyfriends

Flora never thought that her boyfriend was a ghost, but because Flora was already living comfortably with Dhaniel, Flora accepted it happily. However, Flora must accept the consequences if she wants to stay with Dhaniel.

Rainbow_Dash_6446 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

1 First

Drak!!! DRAK!!! DRAK!!! DRAK!!!

The sound of rapid footsteps could be heard a lot.

The sound, which is believed to be more than one pair of feet, is running around chasing something or maybe someone.

At the start of the escape, a woman was seen running fast accompanied by lots of footsteps, with gasping breath, this woman ran as fast as possible to avoid them.

But unfortunately, he ran in the wrong direction and got stuck in a dead end road.

"Where else are you going to run, huh?! Your only way is to give in and obey our orders!!" Threaten one of them.

This woman just kept quiet, tired and afraid at the same time.

"Go away! You guys shouldn't bother me!!"

"But that's what we will do, we will give you the best choice, give up and obey, or we will force you and you will be hurt because of it."

"None of you will be able to disturb me!! So go away!!" Throw him away.

This woman didn't give up at all, but she realized that her abilities wouldn't match them, she just closed her eyes and hoped that a miracle would happen to her.

Several men started to approach and tried to touch this woman, but suddenly a big light blinded their eyes and made them fall helplessly.

This light even made the woman faint.


"Flo!! Flora!! Wake up!!! Flora!!" Someone shouted loudly in the ear of the woman named Flora.

"Oh my!! Jena why are you screaming in my ear??" Flora protested.

"Flora, I woke you up earlier, but why do you look like a dead person??" he replied.

"What time is it Jen?" Flora asked.

"8.30! And the meeting starts in 30 minutes, do you want me and you to be fired because of your sleeping like a dead person?!"

"Give me 10 minutes to get ready." Flora quickly rushed to get up.

"10 minutes no more!!"

"Yes ma'am."


In the office

"Hurry Flora, the meeting will start soon,"


The task has been completed well, and finally Flora and Jena can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally I can breathe too," said Jena.

"You haven't been breathing all this time?" Flora teased.

"This is just Flora's parable."

"Jen, I dreamed the same thing again last night." Flora said.

"I can't believe you've had the same dream for weeks." It doesn't make sense as Jena said.

"It can't be helped, that's what I experienced."

"I don't think it's just a dream, maybe it's a clue or something." Jena tried to guess.

"What do you mean ?"

"I think you need a smart guy or something."

"Smart people? Do you mean shamans like that?"

Jena nodded.

"Jeez Jena, you still believe in things like this nowadays?"

"Why not? I think there are still many people who use things like this, for example to boost their business or to attract people they like. Don't you want to try it, Flora?"

Immediately, Flora tapped Jena's head with a pen.

"Why was my head hit?"

"Stop messing around with nonsense."

Jena scratched her head which didn't itch, she was just giving advice, it wasn't wrong, right?


Flora pov

For the past few weeks I have often dreamed the same dream, I don't know why, but it's actually like that.

I'm also not one of those people who is sensitive to mystical things, but I often feel lately, like I see a black shadow passing by, feel that someone is following me but after I look there is no one.

Maybe people will think, if this is just my hallucination, maybe I'm tired, but they won't understand what I'm feeling.

Today I came home a bit late, it's possible I'll run out of the night bus, because I didn't bring my motorbike, I caught a ride with Jena this morning, and Jena came home this afternoon.

After finishing, I quickly cleaned up my desk and rushed home.

But my guess was correct, at this late hour there would be no public transportation, like it or not I had to walk to the main highway.

I stepped my feet a little quickly, I was afraid, not afraid of mystical things but more of bad people.

My guess was correct, there were several groups of men hanging out, and unfortunately they saw me!

Gosh, I'm so scared! How about this?! there is no one I can ask for help.

And in the end I had to run to save my life.

But damn, I'm stuck in a dead end! they are getting closer, oh God, what is the fate of my life now, if my life has to end, I beg you to forgive me all this time.

I closed my eyes with both hands, honestly I couldn't fight them all.

But in this fear I felt that someone was blocking them, I didn't feel that my body was being touched or injured.

And suddenly someone asked me "Are you okay??"

I looked up, a silhouette was in front of me, because the light behind it blocked me.

I'm sure he's a man with a sturdy build.

I looked at him and nodded.

He held out his arm to help me get up from there.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

He just nodded and looked at me, I saw his face, beautiful eyes, sharp nose and handsome.

What I think !!!

"I'll take you home." He said, but he sounded stiff and cold.

I nodded, at least I was safe until my house.



Flora was shocked when she heard this man ask to stay at her house.

"Don't you have a place to stay??'

he shook his head.

"You don't have any siblings?"

He shook his head again.

What answer should Flora give? On the one hand, Flora cannot let a man live in the same house as her, but on the other hand, she owes this man her life.


Without warning, this man entered Flora's house.

Looked around for a moment and soon sat on the sofa.

Flora looked confused about what to do.

"Hmm.. May I ask?" Flora asked.

He nodded

"Mmm... Where are you from?"

Unexpectedly, this man shook his head.

"Huh? Mm... Or just like this, you can just stay at the hotel, will you?" Flora offered.

"Hotel? What is that thing?"

Flora was surprised "Huh, seriously, you don't know what a hotel is?"

He shook his head again.

"Or just like this..."

"I just want to stay here,"

Before Flora could finish her words, this man had already interrupted her, making Flora confused.


"I will take care of you from now on."

His words made Flora even more surprised.

Making Flora even more confused.

"Mm... OK, never mind, you can stay here, but... You have to do what I ask, okay?" Flora gave this man a condition.

He nodded.

"And, I want to ask, what is your name?"

This man fell silent again "Name?"

"Yes, name, what's your name?"

"Name... Luci... um... Dhaniel."


He nodded.

"Okay, Dhaniel, you can stay here, but you sleep here, okay?" Flora told Dhaniel to sleep on the sofa.

"Will I sleep with you?"

Once again, Flora was wide-eyed by Dhaniel's words.

"Mm... Dhaniel, you and I can't sleep together, you sleep here, and I sleep in my room, okay?" Flora explained very slowly.

"Why ?"

Gosh... what other answer could Flora have to give?

"I can't explain why, but that's something that shouldn't be done, you will do what I say, right?" Flora asked.

Dhaniel nodded

"Okay, I'll take a shower after that, you take a shower too, and we'll have dinner together, okay?"

"Shower? What is that??"

Flora really didn't understand how there were people who didn't know anything about life.

"hm... I'll explain everything later, okay."

he nodded again.

"Can I come with you? I want to know how to take a shower."

oh my gosh...