
The only knowledge class!

Adam's duel with the man in the highest office in the White snow faction caused an uproar in the planet. The Cadets and agents who had seen Adam before were shocked. Everyone knew that Hailey, the Inferno lotus was the general's personal student and only last ten to twelve rounds against him, but an unknown talent contended for more than twenty rounds with the general.

The private grid network of the planet was bustling with news and gossip. Some people had to exaggerate the duel like it was some kind of a war against teo people.

"I'm getting popular by each day. The news about me is quite positive. This might give a good expression on me, but it also had bad consequences" Adam said before heading to a central building through a teleporting unit.

Humans made use of nanites for almost everything except telcomunication. The grid network were accessed by galactic approved communicators which could translate different languages into one language. Adam, on the otger hand, got his nanite inplant from the system store, which was far more convenient than the scraps the federation used.

As an institution for Cadets, Knowledge acquiring was important and classes were compulsory. The special class and regular class students were to begin studies in the camp after their assessments were completed. Adam, dressed in his black cadet uniform, walked into the building with majestic steps. His dark hair made him look cool and his blue stands of hair were flashy and nice. His dark eyes shone like amber and cold glints filled his eyes. Adam had finished the aries furnace he was creating using the technique. He hadn't figure out the use of the intangible furnace, but he believed it was a key to something big. Nowadays, his hair had been turning blue rapidly and it had become noticeable. He tried dying his hair many times, but it would wash off immediately. It was like trying to hide a proud lord under dark mud.

"Hey, Adam! Would you be my boyfriend?"

"Adam, you're so handsome in real life! Let me be your bed warmer, please?"

"I will do anything to sleep with you, Adam! Let me be with you!"


A lot of shameless girls wanted Adam like he was a god. Is this really how the strong are worshipped? But Adam had other goals in life, such as exploring the galaxy, or even adventuring the universe. There was a lot he wanted to do.


The electric alarm bell sounded just in time. It was officially time for classes, and immoral acts were suspended for the meantime. But it didn't mean that it would stop.

Adam found his way to class 0001A, which was the first class in the building. Adam sometime wondered where the second year students were. He learnt that the army functioned on a two-year training, but there wasn't a second year.

"It's good to have new Cadets who are learning in classes. I'm Cadet Major Nicole Jackson, I'm not that old because I'm a second year student in white snow island" The teacher's statement was explosive. Noone knew where the second year cadets were, abd it turned out they were teachers .

"Miss, are all second year teachers?"




Almost all the students asked baseless questions like they were blockheads who couldn't reason for themselves. Nicole had to settle the class with answers, so she calmed everyone down.

"Not all second year cadets teach. The training course in the army is just a year, but covocation into the army officially is two years. This means after training here for a year, some cadets will be transferred to combat zones for experience, while others in administrative departments. Most graduates who are now officially part of the army are administrative officers because of the high toll from combat zones of war" Nicole stated.

It was crazy to think how cadets are shipped into the frontlines to fight. Most cadets knew were going on in irrelevant parts of the galaxy. But they never knew how hard it was. The federation was considered a specie with little to highly negligible lifespans that their development were overlooked by the hegemons in the galaxy. They were practically on their own.

"I'm not suprised. The federation has no capital to fight for significant parts of the galaxy. We lack resources for development and lifespan is short. Only superhumans who has reached the maximum of S ranks are capable of surviving at most a thousand years" Adam was sure of his calculations. He was now set on acquiring knowledge, skills and strength that would make him a real force to be reckoned with in the galaxy.

"Now back to our class. Today, I'll be enlightening you all about the federation. Many of you know how the federation came to survive, so I'll brief you on it" Nicole breathed in little air before she continued.

"In the galaxy, our specie are known to be ferrocious, but short lived. This is the main reason why we are not recognized by galactic powers. 2000 years ago, a meteor dropped on planet earth. It caused great damage to most parts of the planet. But when scientists tried to investigate, the meteor was gone and the planet was like normal. The was no damage done nor life lost. 20 years after that, humans started to undergo evolution. Humans relied on genetic augumentation to evolve our species, but after then, we evolved on our own. Humans started haveing awakened abilities, while those who didn't possess abilities had super strength. Our species became more intelligent and refined, but our life span has always been a bottleneck to development. After then, an alien race called the valkyrians invaded earth, but our ancestors fought until those aliens gave up and signed a truce. They were of the mythological Elvian family. After they left, we scavanged the zones of war and recovered great knowledge from the spoils left by the alien race. That was how our development started. From the use of projectile weapons, to photonic and plasmic weapons..."

Nicole continued to talk for another hour before she ended the class. Adam had long since lost interest on the topic ever since he met Hailey at eye contact in class. He felt that she was just being foolish and childish if she still felt only hate fo him. But he wasn't one to pick on girls unless they started it.

"Hey Adam! We're having a night team meeting tonight. Make sure to be there, okay?" It was Carla who shouted before coming to Adam and giving him a peck on his cheek before running out of the class with a flushed face.

Why are girls this shameless? Let her be a lesbian and get away from me. Adam would always think that way whenever they tried to get closer to him. He had to admit that the attraction between a male and a female was natural, and he even dreamt of having a lot of women by his side and one of the in that dream was Hailey.

"C'mon Adam! Why must it be Hailey? Or are you mistaking hate for love?" Adam didn't know when his real emotions started to revive. Seems like that inner demon had lost control ever since he finished the aries furnace.

Hailey had long left the classroom and was heading for her dorm when a gang of six boys in black uniform suddenly surrounded her.

"Hi girl! I heard you are quite the girl that my boss likes. Would you like to be his toy forever?"

Sure enough, these boys who never gave up would surely end up in the infirmary as usual.

sorry! I've been through a lot lately. Here is more chapters

Xavier_DALOONWARRcreators' thoughts