Life hasn't been fair for a quadriplegic like Adam. Though, he gained a new Chance, he was still a pawn to many people. Would he realize who he is and accept it?
Adam was living life like the rest of the high ranks in the facility after he awakened his ability. After his duel with John, he got new clothes and accessories for his daily use. He also got the chance to live in a better room, unlike before.
"I have just two days more to complete that mission. I still need to continue my training." Adam said to himself while wearing a smile. He got up from his bed and changed into a black leather wear.
Adam's dark hair was well arranged as usual, so he left his room. His first assignment for the day. He was to supervise the research unit with Rhian the ...
"Hey, Zero! You are meant to supervise this unit as my assistant. What are you doing standing over there?" The person he alwas had at the back of his mind finally appeared.
"Ma' Crimson! It's good to see you after a long day. I..I don't understand what you mean by assistant, ma'am?"
Rhian felt her blood boiling. She was ready to unleash her powers on this moron. Adam actually felt like teasing the lady a little this morning like always did others, but he realises too late that this one was different.
"Well, I heard you've awakened not too long, so I've decided to spar with you. How do you like it?" Rhian said with her not too usual wicked grin. It would be a pity if he agrees.
Adam felt like declining her offer, but an emergency notification popped up almost immediately.
<mission >
<Details >
<Lady Crimson is a noble warrior who loves to taste new fighters and awakenings. She has offered generous friendly spar between you her>
<Fight 30 Lady Crimson for minutes>
<Reward: ???>
<Punishment: ???>
"We....ll, I would love to show off a little of my awakening. I accept your generous offer." Adam replied with a little bow to Rhian, not noticing he lips curled up into a smile.
With a click of Rhian's fingers, crimson light covered both of them and the disappeared, only to appear in a training room.
"It's a skill I learnt from my boss and his skill books. Don't worry, it's not really reliable in a fight because of its long cool down time. I don't need to be petty in using a technique like that."
Rhian explained to Adam to coolthe guy down. He was actually frightened about that ability being used against him during an actual fight. If itwas like that, he wondered how he'll counter such thing.
'I haven't tried out my new ability. Activate God eyes.'
<God eyes activated>
<Name: Rhian Crimson>
<Alias: Lady Crimson>
<Awakening: Death soul>
<Grade:A >
<Rank: Elite>
<HP: ???>
<Energy: ???>
<Status: Extremely dangerous>
Adam was confused about why he couldn't see all informations about her. "Don't tell me I need to meet specific..."
Rhian didn't allow him to complete his thoughts as she interrupted him with her voice. "Alright newbie, let's get started with our spar."
With that said, Rhian activated her ability again. But this time, she covered her body with the aura. "This is the way you activate your awakened ability. Try to feel that unique thing in you and channel it to your heart."
Adam tried to do exactly what she said, but it refused to work for him. "WTF! It's not working! Is this crazy thing a scam?"
Suddenly, Adam's point exploded. Rhian had started attacking while he was still off-guard. This was not playing well for him in the slightest.
"Fuck! My health points got drained by one attack? How dangerous is she?"
<Blitz activated>
Adam activated blitz immediately to avoid the next attack by Rhian. It landed with a bigger explosion which he evaded by a hair breath.
"Pretty good speed for a beginner. Let's go again?"