
A year away from normal

It was 8pm on earth's GMT time zone. Adam had decided to join the night meeting in a jungle on the other side of the planet. Shockingly, he was the last to arrive after going through all the portals to get here. He still felt weird when his real emotions surfaced all of a sudden.

Hailey who had been stopped on the way hours ago had thoroughly bashed those boys in a way they wouldn't be out of the nearby infirmary in months or may be transferred to central hospital for treatment, or worse, dismissal from camp permanently with good compensation.

"Adam! I'm glad you came for our little meeting tonight. I thought you wouldn't come and all" CK was the first to speak, alerting Hailey at the other side. The group sat round a burning campfire and some other supplies were available for convenience.

"Tomorrow, we and other cadet groups will embark on a journey. Destination is planet Tammar. This planet has a lot of ferrocious looking beasts and a wild landscape. It is an habitable planet that has not been explored. We're going to train as wraiths in that planet. Our goal is to enter the planet without firearms, kill beasts without anyone noticing us and report back to EVAC point after a year. Our knowledge classes have been aborted and the information we need on knowledge of the world has been uploaded on our private grid server. Something big is about to happen in three years"

It was rare for CK to be this serious, which only meant one thing. This situation is dire. It seemed like a great occurrence was about to happen soon. Ck's father was an officer of white snow faction, but later retired and joined politics. It was normal for him to have real inside information.

"If this is true, then the federation is trying to produce a large number of special operative soldiers. This has never happened before" Hailey was just as shocked as everyone was. The only people who were calm were Adam and their group assassin, Koman. They were very calm that even the rest had to calm down. At this point, the calm ones would be referred to as the ones with cards up their sleeves.

"Oh no! Tomorrow will be my mom's birthday. This means I won't go for leave in a year. Damn it" Carla cursed her lot in life. She wasn't really scared of the one-year exercise, she just wanted a leave of absence.

"We need to think carefully. Other Special ops cadet groups are going. Even the others from the three factions like the Hornets from Golden horde, Slayers from black star, and Canines from Vilox. Vilox is a more sensitive faction. They can kill their own people to get what they want" Dyanna calmly analyzed some piece of infomation carefully. Adam looked at the holographic projection with keen eyes before saying something.

"I think there is nothing to fear. Vilox is a not an ordinary faction. They were an organization who wanted their share of the pie in the world. The real problem will come from the Black star faction. The Golden horde faction are known to love fights, but are not as ferrocious. As long as you maintain friendly relationships with them, they will remain as friendly. The Vilox are viscious, and the World leaders knows full well, so there will be strict surveillance on their actions. But the Black star faction has been indifferent to the situation on earth and their colonies. They rather maximize their profits than care for their people. The federation alliance knows this and also know this. The Star family are the patriarch of the faction, and are more likely looking for opportunities to turn the federation into a monarchal empire ruled only by their family"

Adam's anlysis had more facts than speculations. The Slayers of the Black star faction are the hidden threat in all this. For many years, they existed, but never accepted the title of Head leader of the federation. It looked like they only cared about helping and not the ruling power.

"So we must not let our guard down. For a year, we will be in tge middle of nowhere. Airdrops will arrive once a month. Firearms will also be part of the airdrops. It more like a battle royale game on VR!" long asHailey had figured something out. It was a fight to survive game and there was an hidden rule.

"They didn't say killing of fellow cadets is prohibited. So the hidden rule is survive until the end. Cadets can also be used as stepping stones to survive. The weaker ones would help the stronger ones to survive" Koman said with a sneer. He didn't care at all in the end. He could hid for a long time without weapons as he had his ability functioning.

The group went their separate ways after two hours of planning. It was going to be chaotic after today, and many cadets will surely die in the wilderness.

The next morning came again and the artificial sun shone brightly. Adam had gotten up earlier than usual and completed his daily quests. He was still thinking about the info he received from CK. If their findings were true, it meant not only was there a war brewing somewhere, but another war brewing in their own turf. There must be some link in this regard.


A voice was heard all around the planet. This made the cadets wonder what was going on, but Adam and his teammates were fully prepared for this outcome.

After an hour, all cadets assembled in front of the general's office building. The general stood on the podium with a stern face. His aura was strong and unbearable for the cadets to handle, but he didn't cover up his presence deliberately.

"All cadets of the special ops group, Reaper. You all are young and talented humans born and awakened abilities at young ages. You all are to travel from white snow island to an unexplored planet for a year. All other factions have also done the same. No firearms allowed on this endeavor. Airdrops will arrive once in every month. You all will be equipped with power amour of your rank and class. Materials and equippments for maintainance, repairs and survival will be issued out and spatial storage rings will be available. This exercise is for both second and first year cadets!"

General Feng Jiu's announcement was like a bombshell that just landed in a mall. Many cadets were concerned, while few were excited about adventuring. Adam and his teammates were baffled about why Feng Jiu hid the keyword called 'Beasts of Advanced tiers and Elite tiers'? Yes, ther were beasts in the planet with the lowest at Advanced tier and the higest at Order tier. The Elite tier was second to Order tier. Order tier were very seclucive, but powerful. They were beasts with extreme intelligence that even humans wouldn't dare cross their path.

After two hours of preparation, the cadets boarded different starships. Starships were different from Spaceships in terms of size an purpose. Starships had the power to travel the galaxy in hyper space jump, while spaceships were limited to certain zones due to the fact that the have lower resistance to wormholes and spatial turbulents.

"We must survive for a year. I still have plans for a family in the future!"