
Statistics Unlocked

Michael was quite pleased about this new development. The occurrence also made him think further about what caused a new skill to unlock. It really seemed to be a matter of understanding the fundamentals aspects of a skill, and not merely practicing it instinctively. This made a certain degree of sense, since it was only by breaking a skill down to it's fundamental components and practicing those intentionally that one can truly improve - at least, that's what he surmised.

He wondered if this also applied to his abilities. In order to test this theory, he had the System retrieve some of the books he'd scanned on physique and kinesiology. According to the System, he still had a couple of hours before he woke up, so he decided to peruse these books and try to get some insight into what constituted physical fitness.

Instead of directly reading each book, he applied the reading skills he'd learned from the 'Fundamentals' - something that still wasn't instinctual, and he hadn't done with the programming books earlier. By comparing the various sections listed in each of the books, using their tables of contents and skimming what appeared to be the relevant sections, he started to put together a framework.

While not every book agreed, there were areas that coincided, and a few that conflicted in their approach but not necessarily the fundamentals. Some books focused on specific aspects while others took a more holistic view, but soon he had put together a list of 11 attributes that were associated with physical fitness. When he did, he was rewarded with another alert from the System.

<<Requirements met. Physique statistics unlocked. Please check Status at earliest convenience in order to examine Subject's data.>>

Excited, Michael immediately rushed over to the Lucid Space version of his mirror and pulled up his Status. When he did, he saw another notice from the System.

<<As this is Subject's first time viewing the attributes related to the Physique statistic, a short description of each attribute is available. Please confirm whether System should display those descriptions.>>

Michael agreed, and immediately saw a giant wall of text displayed on his mirror.

<<Displaying Subject's Status...



Name: Michael Prout

Age: 14

D.O.B: Sextilis 31

Overall Level: 1

Base Statistics:

Physique: 8

- Endurance: 9

- Stamina: 9

- Strength: 8

- Flexibility: 10

- Power: 8

- Speed: 8

- Coordination: 7

- Agility: 8

- Balance: 8

- Accuracy: 8

- Dexterity: 9

Intelligence: 11

Willpower: 8

Presence: 10


Student - Secondary I

Tinker - Amateur I

Performer - Amateur I

Labourer - Amateur I

Housekeeper - Amateur I

Cook - Amateur I

Unlocked Skills:

Organization - Tier 1

Reading - Tier 2

Algebra - Tier 2

Cooking - Tier 2

Chemistry - Tier 1

Stealth - Tier 0

Cleaning - Tier 1

Programming - Tier 1


Dedicated Student (7%)

Limit Pusher 6%)

Opportunist (1%)

Doesn't Have to be Told Twice (4%)

Passive Abilities:

Sleep Optimization (Level 1)

Active Abilities:

"Cooking Assistant" mode:

- Timers

- Steps

- Guide-lines

Enhanced Focus: Reading (Level 1)

Enhanced Focus: Writing (Level 1)

Lucid Space (Level 1)


Displaying Description of Physical Attributes:

Endurance: The ability of the Subject's cardiovascular and respiratory systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.

Stamina: The ability of the Subject's systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.

Strength: The ability of the Subject's muscular units, in isolation and in combination, to apply force.

Flexibility: The ability of the Subject to maximize range of motion of each joint.

Power: The ability of the Subject's muscular units, in isolation and in combination, to apply maximum force in minimum time.

Speed: The ability of the Subject to minimize the elapsed time between repetitions of a movement.

Coordination: The ability of the Subject to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular movement.

Agility: The ability of the Subject to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.

Balance: The ability of the Subject to control the placement of their centre of gravity and maintain equilibrium.

Accuracy: The ability of the Subject to control direction and intensity of a movement.

Dexterity: The Subject's fine motor control.>>

Michael observed the information displayed and tried to absorb it. He noted the new abilities that he'd unlocked, such as Sleep Optimization and his Lucid Space, and tried to process the explanations of the various components of his physique. Upon observation, things made a lot more sense. With 11 different attributes to improve, it was natural that his overall physique wouldn't improve that drastically.

"By the way, System, I've been meaning to ask. It shows my physique as an 8. What's that in comparison to? What's the frame of reference?"

<<The System's criteria compares the Subject to an average physically fit adult individual of the Subject's species.>>

"Got it. What would you say the physique of the top 5 in my class are?"

<<Based on visual analysis, System would conservatively evaluate them as having a general physique value of 10.>>

Michael clenched his fists, though he still couldn't feel it. Forget about his proficiency at the various events in the Regional Games, even his physique couldn't match up to them. Furthermore, the odds of them being the strongest competitors out of the entire Games was extremely unlikely.

"I have to get stronger, fast. Wait - that's not right. I need to improve my physique. System, would I be correct that it's easier to improve lower level attributes than higher ones?"

<<Subject's question is rather vague, as a number of variables can impact ease of improvement, but in a controlled environment lower level attributes will show benefits sooner, yes.>>

"Right. How can I improve my coordination?"

<<A number of practices can help improve coordination. These include compound movement exercises, such as more complex weightlifting, aerobics, as well as swimming. Yoga or Martial Arts also require and train coordination.>>

Michael nodded. He needed to develop some of these skills for the Games, anyway, so they'd eventually be added to the plan. He already had the new Daily Routine, and didn't want to bite off more than he could chew. Still, he had less than six months until the Games, so he couldn't afford to take things too slowly.

"Are there any viable candidates for coordination exercises that I can start now? Something that won't conflict too much with the current routine?"

<<Is Subject requesting a mission?>>

Michael gritted his teeth and agreed. He didn't want to be pulling in more and more missions, but since he wouldn't be able to place well in the Games if he didn't improve his physique anyway.

<<Confirmed. Generating Mission.

[Mission: Improve Coordination]

Description: Research and practice any of the following exercises or disciplines in order to elevate your coordination to 10 by the Regional Games:

- Swimming

- Yoga

- Internally-focused Martial Art

- Weightlifting

- Dance

- Gymnastics

Rewards: Mental Enhancement Module.>>

Michael reviewed his options, and decided to find as many books as he could on yoga and internal martial arts at the school. The others required facilities he couldn't easily access on a regular basis, and dance just seemed too complicated. Plus, he would need music and that wasn't something he could do at 4am, or late at night. Still, the list of books he needed kept getting longer and longer!

By this point it was almost time to wake up, so he went back to his bed and lay down as he had the day before, ready to re-open his eyes and tackle that new dreadful routine again.


4:00am, September 10th, 2000 CE

Michael opened his eyes and flexed his limbs as he got used to the sensation of controlling his body again. He was stunned to find that he was only mildly sore, significantly less than he expected to be.

"System, is that your doing?"

<<Confirmed. System would like to suggest that Subject adhere to nutrition plan provided more strictly, as the System is relying on the outlined nutrients to properly restore the Subject's body.>>

Almost in perfect timing, Michael's stomach started growling fiercely. He was famished. Still, he had his new routine to tackle, first. Perhaps because of the clear gap he felt between himself and his targets, or due to the significant recovery he felt compared to the previous day, he made his way over to his exercise area with determination.


His early morning passed much better than the previous morning, and he even had the chance to make himself a hearty wild-greens omelette. He also transferred out the slow-cooked offal stew he made into a number of containers, making sure that it was well-sealed before putting a vacuum flask full into his bag along with the rest of his meals for the day. While doing so, he had a chance to chat with his parents as they started their day, discussing the books he'd 'skimmed' last night and his plans for the project. His parents were a bit suspicious by the amount he had 'skimmed', suspecting he might have stayed up too late reading, which he vehemently denied. He then packed the rest of his gear and took off for his morning run to school.

Week 1 of the top 500 achieved! Let's see if we can keep it up for the next 3!

As always, enjoy and I welcome all the new readers! Don't forget to add the book to your collection, and I'll never say no to more Power Stones! As a reminder, new release comes every 24 hours, but if we can get into the top 500 rankings here for an entire month, I'll double the release schedule and let a chapter out every 12 hours for the next month! Also, please review the book if you haven't already!

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