
Why is it always me

I am Ana. I was a normal business woman with a normal life. I was the CEO of the most famous company but it all changed... I was heading to my high school gathering. I got into an accident, well to be honest it was my ignorance and clumsiness that ruined my life.

i wore a long dress and i ignored the fact that i was clumsy. I tripped and fell(btw this is just embarrassing). That fall ended my life.

Now i am Annalise Mechenzy the daughter of the greatest knight Sir Jonathan Mechenzy, in a comic that my friend wrote.

All my life i thought that being a noble woman was easy. No work no worries no hardships. Just chill and enjoy, but after becoming "Annalise Mechenzy" daughter of the so called famous knight, i understood that that sh** is nowhere close to luxury.

This is my life's story.