




So now today is my wedding again but now we both are completely and happily agreed for our dream wedding,I can't believe that I fall with my forced bride and she is my whole world,her laugh makes my heart flutter her cry feels like a stab ,if I look back to those days where we were like strangers even after our marriage then we both fall for each other then our most dangerous part of life, our breakup (I sigh heavily while remembering those days in which I was like a monster) and when she came back in my life there was my another angel ,my baby, my Aron 

I'm fully recovered now and totally ready to wreck by soon to be wife who always tease me,I will not show any mercy today (I smirk and came out of shower) 

I dried my body and put on my love's favourite cologne and wore my tuxedo,I wore black tuxedo perfect and elegant, after wearing my watch and taking the final look I came out of the room and sat on couch waiting for everyone,we just man's are in the house,mom and Scarlet are in parlor with Clara also ,she isn't even picking my calls,she went away in morning after saying that we will talk and do everything after wedding, like what dude ..in these days she didn't even gave me a single kiss, just wait Scar ..(I was thinking everything when I heard my Aron's giggle,I opened my eyes and saw him running towards while dad was coming behind him,I took him in my arms and kissed his both chubby cheeks) 

FERNANDO: My baby is looking so handsome huh…(Aron giggles)

DAD: So …ready for the wedding..(he said while sitting on couch beside me and look at him excitedly) 

FERNANDO: Wish there was a word more than ready and excited (I said to him and he chuckle)

we were talking when Grandpa also came and he also sat beside me other side of me and it's been 30 minutes we are waiting for Daniel, don't know what this man is doing upstairs,But before I could call him we all hear grandpa's angry growl 

GRANDPA: Daniel!!!Get your ass down right now (he said and with in some seconds Daniel was standing in front of us)

DANIEL: I'm ready…(he said while ignoring everyone's stare) Oh.. let's go we are getting late (he quickly ran towards car and we follow him and sat in the car)

We were sitting and today Grandpa wants to drive so we let him 

Today is the most special day for me finally my Scar and Aron will be going to be mine again ,she will be in my arms forever,I promise love this time when I will hold your hand I will never gonna leave you

I smiled widely while looking outside and Aron was busy with dad 


Today Clara would be mine ,I can't believe that this day came like a firefly. We both were waiting so patiently for this day as now from today Ms Clara Andy will be known by the name of Mrs Clara Daniel ,I haven't seen her for the whole freaking week ,that was the most beautiful day for me when I meet her ,my love life 

I sigh and closed my eyes and starts to remember everything 



I was sitting on the bench in park while thinking about the whole mess in my house , Bro's condition is so fucked up ,I know he always try to look like he is fine but he is not,I know him Scar is his life now , can't he moved on,he regret leaving her and tomorrow we have to go other country for our contract in Paris 

I closed my eyes and try to clear out things in my mind and that's when I felt that someone fell in front of me and then hear a beautiful voice but that voice was full with pain ,I quickly opened my eyes and I saw a girl who was hissing in pain while clutching her ankle and I went to her ,she look at me and I was drowned in her beautiful eyes and at least for one minute we both were staring at each other but again she hissed and I look at her ankle which was  red and there was a cut on it  which starts to swell ,I examine her ankle and look at her for permission 

DANIEL: Can I ?(I asked as gentle as possible and she nodded while biting her lip )

I gentle grab her ankle and again she hissed and tears starts to form in her beautiful eyes ,so I quickly picked her in bridal style and she looked at me with horrified expression making me chuckle

I was trying my best to control my throbbing heart and made her sit on the bench 

DANIEL: Wait here …(I said and she nodded,I quickly went to buy a bandage and came back and saw her still waiting for me and when she looked at me she smiled) here…(I against I front of her and put her foot on my lap and put bandage on it ) 

CLARA: Thank you so much..you are so caring (she said smiling and I sat beside her) Hey..we didn't introduce ourselves.. myself Clara I'm dentist (she said while giving her hand for handshake) 

DANIEL: Hey.. I'm Daniel…(i said while shaking hand with her and we both smile at each other) By the way how did you get hurt (i said and she chuckle) 

CLARA: Actually,I was going to hospital which is very near from her but I was busy looking at the flowers and greenery around me and I accidentally step on a stone which made me loose my balance and I fall but it's really normal for me as I'm such a distraction I always hurt myself (we both chuckle) 

We talk more and more when her mobile suddenly ring and she picked and after cutting call 

CLARA:Hey I need to go now…I have a patient waiting for me and thanks for your help (she said and slowly get up and went with slow pace) 

I again sat on my bench and put my hands on my heart which was trying to get out of my chest 

Then I went back home and we went to Paris

After coming back from Paris I again meet her in cafe when I was coming back home after dropping brother

Then we again talk and I told her about my self,my surname and everything

Then we talk a bit and we exchange our numbers

Then we  starts to meet each other,I mostly took Aron with me so He made a great bond with Clara and this is how we both fell fir each other and I propose her and she accepted it and now she is going to be my wife


I opened my eyes with a smile on my lips when I heard dad's voice

DAD: We are here let's go…(we all get off from car and media gather around us like a bees and we went inside the hall ignoring their questions)

We enter the hall and it was decorated beautiful we all were looking at it ,it was empty as guest didn't came yet , today is the grand wedding of me and Fernando brother ,our colleges, employees, friends, relative were present

Then me and brother went to stage , waiting for our soon to be Wife while Aron was standing between us 

One by one guests start to arrive and the hall was full now 

When the lights of the hall turned off Aron grabbed me and brother's hand tightly and brother made him stand close to him 

But then the front door opened revealing the most beautiful scene Infront of me 





Picture of hall are on my Instagram and community

@Author Bunny