
Chapter 4: Care!?

Beatrix POV:

As i opened my eyes slowly I remembered the events that happened yesterday....

(Is this for real?... He really did save me but why?... I know he didn't want to explain the situation towards my friends but that doesn't make any sense at all!...) lost in thoughts. Someone finally called my name and as I looked for the person i saw...

Good you're finally awake!...

H..hi... How long did i sleep for?...

Mmm... about an hour or so~ I don't really understand why you mortals need to sleep for that long after getting injured!... He said in a sarcastic voice.

Well our bodies need time to heal after all!..

Okay.. okay since your final awake you can get dressed up you can just get some clothes in the cabinet over there and go downstairs and I'm going to prepare some food for both of us got it!?...

Okay.... and thanks....

Yeah... yeah whatever.*teleports away*

(Better get ready now then I don't want him to get mad especially since I'm under his mercy for now) as you walk up to the cabinet right Infront of the bed you saw a lot of beautiful clothes and you started to wander (Why the hell those this person have woman clothing at his place!?...)but you just put that though aside for now and you started getting ready.....


Leo's POV:

After preparing some nicely cooked Steak and some coffee for both of you, you set a side in the table and waited patiently for Beatrix to go down...

After a couple of minutes you finally heard some footsteps and someone finally called your name...

H..hi Leo!...

As you look to see who it was you saw Beatrix wearing a beautiful red dress and her hair was in a nicely styled band her look really complemented her hezil brown eyes and her beautiful black hair sadly you feel butterflies in your stomach....

(What the hell is this felling?)

Are you alright Leo?....

Yeah I'm fine let's just eat...(what this feeling maybe I just need to eat food yeah that's it.)

Oh okay!..(why do i care if his alright? maybe because he saved me yeah that mass be it!)...

After that small talk you went and sat Infront of him in the table where he prepared some nicely cooked steak and coffee it was silent for a while before one of you decided to finally talk.....

So what do you think of the food?...

It's actually really nice thank you....

Mmm....and how is your injury?....

It's a little bit better thanks to the medicine and rest that you give me but my body still hurts because of the impact that I received from that demons attack....

Okay so because your still injured I will be the one going to do the rest of the assessment for the day or until you get healed up and you can't say no about it either!....

I appreciate it but I can still can fight even if I'm injured!...

Yeh,I know but do you really want to die that bad!?... one more hit from an upper class demon and you are died by now so your staying here and besides you can't leave either way even if you wanted without my permission!....

(His right about that I can't take one more hit from an upper class demon but why do he care that much?... Wait did he say I can't leave this place without his permission!?..) Wha...what do you mean by that!?, Why can't i leave this place if I wanted to!?...

Well first of all when I said we are going to my place I met it we are in my place of living in but not in the human world because my house needs fixing so we went to my other place in the demon realm or should i say the underworld some even called this place hell so don't even try to wander around if you don't want to die and I'm leaving one of my guards to look out for you but before I go I think I can show you around a little bit of my domain....

(Wait did he said I was in the demon world!.. What the hell!!.. I should not agree to this I mean I have no choice but still this is too dangerous for me!...what in the great heaven and hell did i put myself into!?...) Oh.. okay I mean I don't really have a choice right?...

Mmm... at least you now your place but don't worry I will send you back to earth ones you are healed and better and don't think much about this....

Okay I guess....( this is going to be a long day for me guess)...

Good seems like you are done with your meal so we better get going!...* grabs her and teleport away*...

What the!!!...

<At the throne room>

Beatrix POV:

After Leo grabs you and teleports away without any saying you blink your eyes to finally focus on what's in front of you, you saw a big and beautiful design throne room fit for a king but what else do you expect he was a demon lord after all!.. lost in thoughts Leo finally snaps you back in reality.....

What it looks like:

It's beautiful right!....

Ye..yeah it looks amazing but why did you bring me here!?...( you actually didn't really want to admit that this throne room is really beautiful and looks nothing like a throne room for demons but you are till very curious about why did he bring you to this place out of all the places he could have bring you!?..)

Well thank you for that statement my throne room is really amazing because I was the one that design it but the main reason why I teleported us here is so I can call one of my guards and introduce you....

(I do admit that he as a good taste for design!...) Okay...

Come closer so that if anything happens I can protect you!...

Okay... *you do what he has told you and step closer to him*

Deminias!... Come over here this instance!..

After he said that someone teleported right away from both of you that name and the person right Infront of you is very familiar you where snap back from one of your long thought thanks to Deminias speaking.....

Greatings Lord Samuel what is it that you need my services for?...

(So his the person with him at the Coffee shop!.. And Wait his real name is Samuel!?.. What did I really put myself into if I remember correctly Samuel is a fallen angel and known as the Grim reaper him self and based on the book I read his not the nicest person ever one of the scariest demon lords out there and you don't really want to get in his bad side of things and his floor in hell is one of the stoping point for all souls after  died and he was said to be well respected in both heaven and hell!... im really I'm at his mercy at this point...)

It's nice to see you again Deminias this person besides me is Beatrix but I think you are familiar with her already right!?...

It's nice to see you to Lord Samuel and yes I am well aware of her...

Okay so she will be staying here for a while and I want you to protect her with any means necessary got it!?..

Yes my lord and it's nice to finally have the chance to talk to you properly Lady Beatrix...(And not spy on you and give information to my lord)

Ah..yes indeed( what the hell does that mean with him being familiar with me I don't even know him that much!)

Okay so for now Deminias will walk you around my palace because I still have work to do and Deminias make sure that she is comfortable that's all I'm going to say....

of course my lord we will be taking are leave now and please excuse me but my I take your hand my lady so that I can teleport us away?...

Ye..yeah sure why not and thank you for asking permission first...

You don't have to thank me lady Beatrix I'm just doing my job...

oh okay....

*Grabs her hand and teleports away*

After that conversation Deminias shows you around the place and oh boy this place is really beautiful if Leo/ Samuel didn't tell you that  you were in hell you wont believe it yourself the place was covered in beautiful decoration and one of your favourite spots there is the garden itself it has a lot of beautiful flowers of all kinds this place is really peaceful and that's an over statement if you ask me and also has place has a beautiful view of the sky's of hell it self!...funny enough the sky of hell in that floor at least sim like the exact same thing with earth it self!... you where mesmerized by it's beauty and actually can't help but smile throughout the thor.....

<Hour's Layer>

Beatrix POV:

Lady Beatrix that's where we end the thor you my rest in the living room or at your bedroom I will be outside the door where you're resting if you need me while you are waiting for my lordship to come....

Okay thanks I guess I will wait for him in the living room....

Okay I understood my lady rested well then...

Okay thank you again...

You're welcome my lady....

















<To be Continued>

Author Message:

Hi everyone this is where I will end this chapter sorry for the long update and in this chapter it looks like Beatrix will be Stok in hell for a while at least hope she enjoyed her stay and nothing bad will happen at least. But overall I hope everyone have a good read and see you all in the next Chapters good bye!!!....

Total of Words: 1684