
My Forbidden Love with U

Joy Stevens is your average smart, cool, and pretty senior at Belware Academy. In her last year in her school, she wanted to live peacefully and study hard so she can cut ties with her family when she is in college. But after a tragic incident ends up having her encounter, Luna Adams. The quiet, but cool transfer student, who has been a mystery to her fellow classmates. Joy and Luna team together to find some mystery in their school, mysteries that were never known, at the same time while sharing a bond and getting closer. What happens when two different types of girls with different backgrounds fall in love? This is my first LGTBQ novel so sorry if it's bad, anyway enjoy grammar is probably gonna be trash but enjoy.

Queen_Legend · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 3, Joy: Tease

Joy's POV:

"And this is the club area, we have at least 23 clubs at this school, the student council is one of them, I happen to be president of that," I said, proudly.

"That's cool"

It's been 1 hour, I've been showing Luna everywhere around the school, but she hardly been paying attention, she was just dazing off looking at the ceiling.

"Do you perhaps like the architecture of the school"


"You keep looking around the place."

"Oh, yeah its really nice, my mother is an architect, so when I visit her office I see building models like these"


"The ceilings are made of glass," she said amazingly.

"During the summer our school was renovated, but since its winter now they might put some shades on the glass"

"Oh well, that sucks".

I took another peek at Luna, she was so mesmerized, her eyes were looking at the glass ceiling, just staring at it. I never have seen someone so focused, I always found the architect of the building fascinating I never have seen someone who thought the same.

I turned around quickly, why was I staring at her, I thought.

"There is one more room that ill show yo-"

"who is that, "she said cutting me off.

I turned to see her staring at a billboard.

It was 3 people missing papers. Henry, Lily, and Jessica. Jessica was the most recent one.

"Who are they"

Even though it really wasn't my business it wouldn't hurt to explain to her about what happened during the fall.

"Henry and Lily were dating and stayed late at the school one night, the next morning there were nowhere to be found. At first, everyone thought they ran away together, but it was later concluded that they went missing, we don't know the cause yet, but we found all their belongings in their locker, including their bookbags, but there was no sight of them. Jessica was the secretary of the student council. So much chaos happened when Jessica went missing, she organized all the paperwork for the council, it took two weeks to find someone with her capabilities."

"You sound like you only cared about her cause she was useful," Luna said annoyed.

"How can I mourn over her when I hardly know her not to mention she had quite an attitude she tried to kick me out of my seat by fake accusations, you can call this, karma".

"Hey but she was a human being, ....what if shes de-"

"Whether she died or not is none of my business"

Luna was stunned and didn't say anything back.

"That also goes for Henry and Lily, how can they stay at the school late at night, just so the-they c-c-can..."

Luna noticed my face was beet red. She then made a sly smirk.

"So they can fuck" she said.

"So they can do inappropriate activity!"

Luna started laughing.

"You know you're quite innocent for a 17-year-old"

"Whatever, I'm not the dirty type of person unlike all you other teenagers"

I quickly turned around, annoyed, and embarrassed. Even Andy and Risa didn't tease me as much as she just did.

I quickly turned the next direction.

"Where are you going," Luna said.

"That's enough touring for today, next period is coming and I have an Algebra Exam, I saw your schedule you have Chemistry next, you know what class that is."

I hurried down the hall and up the stairs, she is so annoying, I thought.

Who the hell wears skirts that short, does she have no shame, she has so many piercings on her ear too. I hate people like her, they think they're so cool and unique when really they're just weird and stupid. That girl probably hasn't opened a single book in her life.

I calmed my self down and went to the restroom, I then looked in the mirror.

"Stay calm, Stay calm, Stay calm, stay calm"

I inhaled and then outhale.

Andy taught me a cool trick to calm myself. Say "stay calm" 4 times.

I then looked in the mirror and fixed my collar and hair, it was a little messy from walking so fast. That's when the bell rang to go to our next class.

"Now let's go ace this Exam."