
A longtime wish

The night began to fall. All people realized that it was time for them to stop working and start walking toward home. The people in the offices began to leave. The tiredness, and giddiness that they usually have on their face as they return home daily was not seen in them was not seen today.....

The reason is, They got three days day off for the festive time. But you know what is different. It's my peak time.

Yes, you heard right. This time when everyone has time to go home rest and concentrate on other work is the time I am busy. Because it's the time when sale in the Mall goes to peak as people will gather to buy what is needed for them on their way home.

Not to mention Thanksgiving day is approaching. Managing a store is a challenge but I am managing the main mall of 'The Dragon group of enterprises' as The Chief Operating Officer. It's like the headquarter of all the Retail mall that the Dragon group owns.

I need to put up a smile in front of the client and customers while have the necessity to be cold in from of my subordinates. Being Cold is not a challenge. But what hard is putting up a smile when you actually can't smile from the heart? The pain of loneliness is killing me.

I thought, that being in a place where you are surrounded by a lot of people will make me forget that I am alone in this world.

But the way the people show their love in front of me make me even sadder than I thought.

Today the pain was even strong as I say a little girl try to buy a gift for her parents with little piggy bank in her hand for thanks giving. She was so adorable. I still can't help but to have this lonely tear drops around the corner of my eyes which is waiting for someone to come and wipe it off....

The winter has already began. The glasses are having fog in it when I wake up in the morning. Morning Dew in the grass of the garden is giving chill to my spine. Holidays is approaching. I have a home. what is the reason of having a home when I am the only one living in that place....What is the reason for me to go back home for holiday when I know there is gonna be no one to welcome me back.

I heard that having someone waiting for you at home is a special feeling just like being with your loved once when the first snow of the year fall.

I am not sure if it's true that if you confess love to someone or being with someone during the first snowfall, means you will be together for a long time.

I never seen the first snow. Not to mention having someone by my side. I wish, I can see it in my life. And have someone to be my side when I want...

The papers in the dairy of Aiyana showed as it was flapping in the wind whooshing from the window sil in her cabinet that she left open in that cold winter evening as she is standing near it taking a sip of hot black coffee that she brewed from the fresh bean in her office as her phone was playing Recent song "Wish you were here" of SuperM.

As Aiyana vent out all those feeling that made her heart heavy she felt relaxed. She now need to go take a look at how the work is going on.

She opened the file that was submitted on her table.

The File stated "The Winter promotion'. The file is about the plan for promoting the sale and products of the Dragon group. She now need to concentrate on the work. But the scene of little girl buying present for her parents keep on popping in her mind. She closed the file and stand to go take a stroll.

The mall began to get cheered with the people coming and going to the shops as they are busy in buying Decors, Gifts, Foods and snacks etc...The most noisy shops are the gift houses and restaurants.

Suddenly a small thought popped in her mind.

'Why don't I buy a gift for the ten people out there in the streets and shops working hard no matter what day it is what time it is and what season it is, just to make the life of all commoners go in ease. Thanking these wonderful souls that are working to make our life ease is more important than thanking our family and friends for what they did.'

As soon as the idea popped up. she went back to her cabinet. Took the file that she closed a second before just because she felt there is no one there for her to celebrate the holiday with. But now, she has a whole new plan on spending her holiday.

She sat down and began to type whatever comes to her mind into a draft for the promotion.

The products that the were released for the new season was the key factor of promotion. But It is what everyone do in usual promotion.

So she redraft it as, "Give away to take away".

The promotion was initially planned to happen for a day or a two. But the plan Aiyana writing down say that the promotion will be a success as they drag it till the holiday end as a event without saying that they are promoting them self for a better sale.

The promotion draft Aiyana drafted was ready in a few minutes after she sat down to write.

Aiyana looked at the clock. it showed 7 PM. Her stomach began to make noises saying it too worked hard along with her brain and now it need something to be quiet.