
A moment of truth

I came to the class just in time. These 45 minutes were quite productive. I prepared a basic plan (with three variants depending on Nie Li's behavior) and bought ten fresh soul crystals at the 'Gate-Market' (the one spread before the school gates).

I decided to become a scholar. Fresh crystal trick (meant to identify soul attributes) would be a starting point for my research into cultivation techniques. Astrology is another promising field because I know that the day-night cycle greatly affects the state of natural energy, shifting it between yang and yin states. Another important field of study would be Geography (with a focus on Ecology). Depending on the situation at hand, I just need to shift the balance between subjects.

If Nie Li would be quiet, then he isn't one from the story: either his younger version or the one affected by the new me - either way, I should recruit him (and Du Ze) into my gang. Once I reveal my 'discovery', that fresh soul crystal can show the attribute of the practitioner's soul (which should help with cultivation). Young Nie Li would discover his attribute and have a better chance of killing Sage Emperor. In that case, I should focus more on Soul Attribute and Geography, to improve our chance of survival after the fall of Glory City. Old, friendly Nie Li would probably identify attributes, revealing his state as a returner. In that case, I should focus mainly on Soul Attributes and Astrology.

But if he would be that bastard from the story, then I should avoid him and benefit from his Purple Grass, Gambling schemes and use Heavenly Sacred Border, while possible. In this case, my timeline would be rather short, so I would have to train, cultivate and study much harder and prepare some secret hideouts (to survive the downfall of my family).

Finally, I took mu place new Ye Zi Yun and the lesson began. Only five minutes in and the fucker has revealed his true self, disrupting the lesson and baiting aunt Xiu, our teacher, into a bet. It was a dangerous moment, my interference could devalue my foreknowledge, but I couldn't just let things go his way that easy. So when aunt Xiu began laughing at his challenge, I took an apple from my spatial ring and stood from my place. He was completely focused on her.

"You think you can rise your soul force from 5 to 100 in two months?" - she asked, still laughing.

"I only asked one question." - he replied, and got an apple to the head. This gave a pause.

"Shut-up! You disrupting the lesson. One more word and I'll send a letter to your family, we'll see how they like your little bet." - my words cooled the tempers enough to avert the mistake.

"Thanks, Yue'er." - said Shen Xiu with a kind smile. - "Student Li, you will spend this week at the back of the classroom, go."

Then all commoners in the classroom joined him at the back of the class, supporting him with their silent protest and binding him to canon rails.

"What a moron," - I said quietly while taking my seat.

"Who do you think he called the most beautiful woman?" - replied Ye Zi Yun.

"Aunt Xiu, obviously, the bastard was staring at her breasts the entire time." - I answered matter of factly. - "Now, he might go after you, just to strike against me."

"You probably right." - she agreed after glancing at teacher's bosom. - "Let us see how if he would."

This whole thing was totally off-script. But die was cast and there was no turning back.

Canon train is departing. Choo-Choo!

Verynewcreators' thoughts