


FOXY_007 · Teenager
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3 Chs


Another boring day of my life , this is my 5th bouquet of this month so much stress. As an simple employee of a simple company i have too much work to do and i always try my best but in end time something is bound to mess up and my chances of getting fired gets more by each event . I wish I could quit but money , F***king money is needed everywhere. Back then i was so rich but the money was dirty money and too much torture, so i decided to

start a new life which is still stressful but less chaotic then before.

'Maria , stop been depressed every f***ing second we have a problem'

This is Jenna Haze my subordinate and a best friend, she is really hot tempered but she cares for me more than anyone . We met 3 years ago , i was in street and she helped me without asking about my past and since then she is being like my sister .


'Yes , now who messed up'

'The pianist is not coming and performance is in 1 hour'

'Ahhhhhh , GOD JUST KILL ME'

'Before that fix this situation'

'ya , i have to or that lip filler moster (MY BOSS) will not even let me die in peace'

'You jinxed it , look she is coming'

' Maria , you can't even do one thing properly'

' Lara i am trying my best and giving my best , why can't you see it ? '

' O ya ya "BEST" , then where the hell is the pianoist MS. Maria Jones?'

' He...he.. is not coming'

'Ya right you are giving your best , is this your best Maria?'

'No , I am -'

' shut up , you know the main entertainment source was playing the piano in this event, are you f***ing kidding me Maria'

'The pianist was-'

'I don't need excuses, i need solution Maria and i need it right f***ing now or else say bye to your job and this month's salary'

Jenna : 'This is unfair , you can't do this to Maria'

'I can do it and you know i will do it , if you don't solve this problem right now'

Jenna : 'but-'

l cut her off 'l have a solution , you don't need to worry'

'Whatever just fix this shit'

lara walks away with her balloon lips .

'what are you going to do? where will you find a pianist in 1hour '

'I will'

'Oh and how?'

'I will play it'

'what you know how to play a piano ? , are you sure you will not mess up?'

' yes and i am dam sure i will not mess up ok then i am going home to dress up'

'what?you look good already and that will take so long , are you sure you will be back before the performance ?'

'i will be back soon , don't worry about me , just keep an eye so that no one messes up'

'Ok then go ahead , i will take care of the things here'

I take my car and go to my apartment which i bought from the dirty money , as l come out of my car, l look carefully around the parking area to witness anyone suspicious, after checking l go inside the building and press 45th floor the highest floor . This floor has only one room in whole corridor which is mine , no one is allowed without the code of this floor . I unlock my apartment door and look through everything so there is no danger , the outside security can still fail sometimes .

After checking everything inside the house, l go to my closest and take out a sexy Balck cocktail dress ; l do my make up AGAIN and l fix my ashy blonde long hair which is up to my waist and put golden and black eyeshadow over my green eyes and my signature red boom looking lipstick and then comes my real dress up ; l move a book from my book shelf that opens a room which is behind the big shelf. This is my favourite room as it has my favourite things in the world which are my lovely and beautiful guns and all sorts of devices. I take a small gun out , a knife and put it on my thigh band which was fully covered by my dress .

I lock my apartment door and go back to my car and drive to the bouquet .


who do you think she really is ?? 😉

A) A FBI agent

B) A secret detective

C) A terrorist

D) Mafia queen