


FOXY_007 · Teenager
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3 Chs

CH 3 : Car Crash

<p>I gasp as l feel something poking my ass so l quickly turn around to come face to face with him ; we were just breath away from each . He smirked while looking at my lips so l turn my head the other side but he grabs my chin making me face him . <br/><br/>'You know l watched what you did there kitten'<br/><br/>What the fuck ? l am in trouble lf l don't leave now . Just Focus on the situation and blame him to make him forget what was he here for .<br/><br/>'Sir can you move back please you are too close to me and l don't know what are you talking about'<br/><br/>'Where is the chip darling?' He says with an evil smirk .<br/><br/>'Chip ? what chip ? which chip ? , l am just waiting for my friend what the hell is your deal ? blaming a girl for something she didn't do while being this close ? l will scream lf you don't let me go'<br/><br/>'Then scream' <br/><br/>'Yes l will-'<br/><br/>'But remember the minute someone comes here there is going to be a lot of blood shed'<br/><br/>'You - you - how could you kill someone?'<br/><br/>'l can and l will , so tell me where is the chip kitten'<br/><br/>l gulp and look around to see no one.<br/> l pull him by his collar and whisper in his ears .<br/><br/>'In your dreams honey' <br/><br/>I kick him in his stomach which makes him walk few steps back instead of been furious he had an amused look . <br/> I quickly get in my car and drive away as fast l as could but after few minutes of driving in different directions l finally seem to lost them, l breath a sigh of relief but then l see a car in my rearview mirror which looked really shady ; l pick up speed as the roads were really empty and now l was entering a forest lane ; This is bad they could do anything with me in the forest ; fuck l thought l would be alone that's why l took this lane now l can't even reverse my car back to a different path . As l enter the forest lane l take my gun and shoot at there car's front tire which makes them skid and stop ; l laugh but they shoot a bullet which hits my back tire and makes me skid and hit a tree .<br/><br/>*Groans* My vision was blurry and l could feel my forehead bleeding ; I open my car door with all my strength and walk into the woods after few seconds of walking into the woods l lost my total strength as l here leaves crunching from behind and l hear a voice which was unfamiliar. Were they some different guys and not the ones whom l met at the bouquet?<br/><br/>----------_-------------------------</p>