
My Feelings For You, Park Jimin (my childhood friend)

It's been a lot of years since meeting her childhood friend. she meets him finally but is scared to meet him as she's worried if he'd remember her. They eventually meet and face problems in between. Tune in to find out what they were and how they overcame it!

Ruby093 · Urban
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68 Chs

Getting back to work

*two days later

I got discharged from the hospital. I went back to the dorm.

"Now all you have to do is rest." Jin oppa said.

I nodded.

"Y/n, someone's here to see you." Namjoon oppa said and the manager had come.

"Sir. Wh-what brought you here?" Taehyung asked.

"I wanted to talk to y/n." The others left.

"Y/n, I'm really proud of you. You've gone through a lot."

"Sir, I'm sorry I left without saying anything."

"It's ok. You must've had your reasons. And I don't wanna get into it. I came here for something else."

"As you get well, you'll start working in our company. But I'm gonna give you a promotion from the members personal assistant to the members only person who chooses everything for them and fixes the dates for their shows and other things."

"Sir, but I don't need such a high position."

"Y/n, I know you can do it. I trust you, you'll do a good job."

"Thank you sir."

"I'm glad you took the offer soon. Get well soon." He said and left.

Jimin came in with good in his hand.

"Have this." He said and fed me.

"I missed Jin oppa's and Yoongi oppa's cooking a lot." He smiled and fed me more.

"You're getting better day by day. If you need anything call me or any member." I nodded.

It was quiet for a while. He finished feeding and got up.

He kept the dishes and came back.

"Jimin." I called him. He turned back and I tapped the empty seat near me.

He sat there and I rested my head on his shoulder.

He caressed my hair with his free hand.

I slept on him. I missed everything of him. I smiled and slept.

*a month later

I was healing say by day. The bandage on my forehead and hand were removed. And it was replaced by bandaids.

I was already to start my first day at work again with guys but I'm a different post.

I was really excited to go back and work there.

I got ready and the guys had already left.

They said I can come whenever I was ready. So I wanted to surprise them.

On my way, I went to the coffee house, I worked before, to get them some coffee.

"10 frappe please." I said. She hesitated to talk.

She just got the order immediately. It felt like she didn't want me to stay there for long.

I just came to see her. But she acted weird.

"So how are things going on with you?" I asked.

"They're going great." She said and turned.

"Don't worry. I'm not here to talk about anything. Just came to buy coffee." I paid and left.

I walked to the company.

I reached soon and went to the manager's room first.

"Morning, sir." I handed him the coffee.

"So nice to see you back, all fresh."

I smiled and replied,

"Yes sir. I would like to start my work from today."

"Sure. The guys are practicing." I winked at him and left to the practice room.

On my way, I stopped by the makeup room and peeped to see Mia.

And she was there. I went in and screamed.

"BOOM!!" She got scared.

"Wahhhh!!! What you're doing here?"

"Sorry to startle you. I'm gonna start work from today."

"R-really?!" She hugged me tight. I offered her coffee.

"You told the guys?" She asked. I shook my head saying no.

"Now, come with me." I held her hand and walked to the room.

I peeped through the door and looked the boys working hard. Mia and I, walked in quietly.

The others saw me and were about to talk but I kept my finger on my mouth and said them not to say or talk anything.

We both quietly sat down and looked at them practice. They were really practicing hard.

They finished and sat down. I got up and went towards them.

"Looks like you guys are really tired." As I said they looked up at me.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Yoongi oppa asked.

"I came to have a look. And I'm gonna start my work today." I said and handed them their drinks.

They started sipping on their drinks and looked refreshed.

"Thanks for the drinks." Taehyung said.

"No mention. Anyways, I'll take a leave. You guys continue, don't over work yourselves and all the best." I said and left to my room.

I started my work.

A few minutes later, a guy entered my room.

"Excuse me, don't you know, you're supposed to knock on the door while entering someone's room?" I said.

"I'm really sorry. The manager wanted to say that there'll be a tour within a few days."

"A few days?" I asked shocked. He nodded and left.

'Few days? How within a few days? The guys are still practicing and...' I checked the dates and there was a lot of time for that.

I went over to the manager's office.

"Sir, why should they leave within a few days for the tour? Sir, they still have a lot of days not even days but weeks for the tour to come. But why early?"

"Here's something I would like to say to you. And I want you to tell this to the guys."

I listened carefully.

"Its cause....." my face grew happy hearing what he said.

I immediately ran to the practice room. The guys were startled by my sudden entry.

My breathing was heavy as I ran. I held my knees and let out heavy breathes.

"Y/n, why did you run all the way here?" Jin oppa asked.

"I-I have to say so-something to you all." I said.

Jungkook offered me some water. I drank and stood straight.

"I've got a great news for you guys." I said happily.


They were shocked.

"R-really?!" Namjoon oppa asked shocked.

I nodded happily.

"It's all cause of you y/n. The time you entered our lives, everything has been going incredible." Hoseok oppa said.

"Come on. I did nothing. It's all your hard work to your music that brought you guys here. Soon you'll be in Grammys'." I said and hugged them all in happiness.

"So, we'll be leaving within a few days. The rest of the details, I'll ask the manager and let you guys know." I said and left to my room.

Jimin ran behind me.

"Y/n." He called me. I stopped and turned.

He couldn't control his speed and he pushed me back. My back hit the wall luckily.

His hand was on my head and his other hand on my waist.

"You're fine?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm sorry." He said taking his hands off.

"It's ok. So, what is it that you came in a rush?"

"Yeah. We were planning to stay here tonight cause we have to practice tomorrow, and a lot of time gets wasted coming from the dorm till here."

"It's ok. I'll also stay here with you guys."

"Ani. You stay at home. You've gotta take more rest than any of us here."

"I'll be fine. Moreover, I'm staying with you. No buts, nothing. I am staying." I said and left to work.

Thinking I was not healed yet, the manager gave me less work. I literally didn't have much to do. I was basically free the entire time.

*knock knock

"Come in." I said.

It was Mia. I smiled and she sat down opposite to me.

"How are things going now?"

"To be honest, it's a bit boring. I've got nothing to do."

"Did you know, the guys got nominated in billboard for social artist?"

"Jinjja?!" She was surprised.

"The guys are working damn hard. They need to look after themselves."

I agreed.

"We'll plan something there." I said and winked at her. She understood it and was happy.

"Are you free?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Why?"

I pulled her hand and walked to the practice room.

I peeped through and they were resting.

"Do you mind if we join?" I asked.

They smiled at me and asked me to come in.

"What brought you here?" Jimin asked.

"Why? Shouldn't I come?" I asked looking at him.


"I was just kidding. We were bored and didn't have anything to do. So we came here. Continue your practice." I said and went to sit.

Me and Mia were talking about random things. And how things are going between her and Namjoon oppa.

"I know about everything."

"What everything?" I asked.

"Your feelings for Jimin. Tae told me. He was worried. So when do you tell?"

"I'm not sure. I'll have to wait for the right time."

"Don't take too long. Or else you'll lose him."

"Don't say things like that first. And I'll say soon. Don't worry about it." I said and looked at Jimin.

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

I can't take too long. I should say soon. But I don't know how he feels about me.

I'm totally confused.

To be continued.....