
Mr . Anderson's secret.

"Come to my office , Alma," said dad as he hunged up.

It was surreal to have dad calling like that. I hope he wasn't bringing another crazy bitch into our lives .

" I hope not " I said as drove back home.

"Alma where are you?" Asked dad

"Almost there," I lied.

My phone rang once again .

"Dad pl..." I don't know what happened but I clearly had dad choking sobs.

"Hand over the drive ," the intruder said in a cold voice.

"That's the last thing I would do"

"That can always change" added the man.

"Alma, your daughter,right?I 'll just finish her off but we..."

" Don't even dare touch her. That's a warning. I've to admit dad really had the guts to speak back .why hadn't he mustered the same courage to file charges against mum?

"Think, Mr. Anderson... "

" Get out!!!" Said dad in a loopy voice.

"Da..." they had pulled the trigger.

I completely froze when I had the gun shot.

"Found the drive?" Asked the intruder in the same cold voice.

"No, boss " he said.

"Let's go, some one is here come on let's go . Co... there voices and foot sets died slowly .

"Alma...run...dear... run"

"They're after you, they'll kill you Alma , run...Al..

"Dad keep talking I'm on my way. Stay with me. Ke-" just like a breeze my father slipped from my hands.