
My Fated Lover

This story of a successful, popular, and craziest rising star among teenagers, kids, and even adults named Ace. A hot young man which is unlike other actors got popular for his unique acting skills. The young man shows boldness and badass boy's skills with his sharp words which look like coming straight from the devil himself. That devil becomes a rising star of the entertainment industry. He was done with his exhausting life and meanwhile found an app on his phone which erased the loneliness from his life. And the normal girl named Arana runs errands for her only family her younger brother. She was busy in her hustle-bustle life, without thinking about herself she just used to work different part-time like a lifeless doll from day to night without even giving thoughts about her life. She becomes a daily life outcast who just used to work and work without interacting with anyone. Meanwhile, her friend who was worried about her suggests a chatting app, so that at least she tries to chat with someone else rather than the customer, boss, and her brother. And from here the story begins, on the platform 'ranchat' Of one who has made himself into an outcast and of the one who more or else doesn't even have time to think about being one. Will she be like a Cinderella waiting for her prince to rescue or Will she be a princess who guards her prince? Read the story to know more. And the cover definitely belongs to me. ^^ Enjoy^^

StrangePeace · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
16 Chs



"Dinner?" A rare smile appeared on her face as she asked,


"Good" she smiled as she praised him.

"I'll be back soon"

"Really?" She frowned a little listening


"Okay, now goodnight. You must be tired"

"Okay... Goodnight.. take care"


She turned around and found Ryan all clingy hugging the wall and staring at her with squinted eyes.

Arana shoved her phone back inside her pocket and walked towards him "Sorry, I-"

Before she could say anything to him, he snapped "Who was he? Lover? Boyfriend?Husband? Crush? One-sided love? A friend with benefits? who? who? who?"

Arana chuckled seeing him acting like a fangirl.

"Brother" making his mouth shut, she repeated again "He was my brother. Ryan"

Ryan sulkily looked at her, while Arana just laughed. Though it's only been a few days or almost a week, he has never seen her smile like that, In fact, he had never seen her smiling happily.


After getting off from her last shift,

She was walking back to her small apartment, but suddenly a black Mercedes stopped in front of her. In a moment, the window of her side slide down and a cold voice strike in her ears "Get in"

Arana recognized that voice and just quietly get inside the car.

The moment she gets in, the car sped off.


"You can order anything that you want, it's on me"

Arana quietly stared at the expensive menu of that luxurious restaurant for a while and sighed as she said "Water, I'll take water"

That waitress awkwardly stared at her, if it wasn't because of the lady she has come with they will never let a girl looking like a beggar to even step inside their restaurant.

That lady rolled her eyes upward as she said "Are you doing this on purpose?"

Arana just looked at her pursing her lips, she answered "No, it was just the only thing that I can afford" Wondering her eyes all over the fancy place she added "At this extremely expensive restaurant"

That lady just sighed helplessly and looked at the waitress "Get me a coffee"

That waitress politely nods and throws a look at Arana before walking away.

Arana completely ignores that look she just gets, while the lady sitting in front of her had noticed everything and her lips curved into a smirk.

"Arana, how long are you going to keep this up?"

Arana just blankly stared at her as if she had no idea what she is talking about.

This attitude of her makes her feel pissed even more, sometimes she doesn't get it. Is she really a fool who doesn't get anything or it's just she understands everything and still just acts dumb.

"Why don't you just end this game of yours and just return?"

"Where Aunt Meili? Where should I return?" Arana asked calmly

Leaning forward, Aunt Meili said, "Where you belong darling to your family an-"

Cutting her off, Arana chuckled "Family? My mother died in a car accident and my father turned into a crazy drunk man and just died" leaning froward just like her she rests her face on the palm of her hand and looked straight in her eyes as she added "So basically, Aunt Meili, I am an Orphan and Orphans....don't have a family"

Aunt Meili gritted her teeth, she was trying her best to keep her cool as she said with a hint of irritation in her tone "Then what about your brother?"