

**Most liked comment- Go after Andre and tell him the truth because you still want to be friends***


I ran after Andre and grabbed his wrist when I reached him in the corridor, then dragged him along with me to the storage room.

He didn't say anything nor did he resist me.

After shutting the door behind me I looked at him, "Don't do this Andre." I told him, "I know I'm at fault here. I said something else and did the complete opposite..." He didn't reply. He just kept looking at me with a blank expression.

"Andre... I'm really sorry for this but I really didn't want this. It just turned out this way. I even rejected him!" I gulped, "I refused him and went back but my omega started fighting me and it became too painful!"


"Andre..." I stepped closer to him, "We can still be friends right?" I grabbed his hands and took them in mine, "I did try to stay away from all this but he's my fated pair... In the end I just couldn't resist the bond..."

There was a small pause, "Then what about me?" He finally asked in a whisper, "What did I do wrong to deserve this heart break?"

When I looked at him, my heart shattered. His expressions were full of sorrow and he looked pained.

I bit my lower lip, "Andre ..."

He moved away, pulling his hands away from mine, "I can't do this." He said, "This is too hard for me." He sighed.


"Every single day I kept myself away from you." There was pain in his voice as well, "Because I wanted to respect your dreams and ambitions." He looked so hurt it was making me feel guilty, "Every single day I had to tell myself that the day would come where I'd be able to tell my feelings to you and my patience would be rewarded but-" He shook his head and looked at me with crushed feeling, "This is just too hard..." He took a deep shaky breath and then moved away.

"Andre ..." He began to leave.

"I would like it if you don't talk to me for the time being." He opened the door to leave and then paused, "Oh," He looked back at me, "And just like you had asked, I did ask my family and they were all fine with it." The look in his eyes when he gave me that final glance made me feel like shit.

But to think his family was fine having him date me...

I felt a heavy burden crash on my heart. Andre had said it he was sure they'd be fine with it yet I didn't believe him.

"..." I pursed my lips together. If I had accepted him then and let him mark me. Calix would never have gotten involved.

I probably would have been happier. Considering it's Andre, he would have told everyone we were a couple and the whole friend group would have protected me.

"I'm not blaming you." He said, "I'm just not in a good place right now." Him being a bigger person made me feel really weird.

Andre didn't say anything further and left.


This was stupid of me, wasn't it?

In the end, I'm quite selfish. I want Calix but I also want to keep Andre by my side? What am I thinking? I even approached him, knowing full well he was heart broken yet I gave that thought no consideration and went ahead with my greed.

I crouched down on the floor in misery.

What am I supposed to do now? Giving him space would be the best thing to do right?

I took a deep breath.

I don't know what to feel about this. If I had accepted him then, where would have I been now? In the classroom playing around with him? On the rooftop having some romantic time?

I shook my head.

I shouldn't think about this because I only feel more misery as I keep going.


The night was lonely. I had a long day to begin with so being alone at night wasn't really helping me.

Calix didn't come back to his apartment and I just kept waiting for him.

Time ticked by till the hour crossed midnight and the door to the apartment finally opened.

Although I spent most of the time waiting I was still happy the moment Calix came back and ran out of the room to greet him

Unfortunately I was stopped in my path when I saw a lady with him.

He clearly wasn't expecting to see me awake at this hour since he was shocked as well.

"You're still up?" He asked me.

"..." But all I could do was stare at the woman besides him.

"Who's that?" The lady asked as she wrapped her arms around him. A surge of jealousy grasped my brain and heart and I had a sudden urge to beat the shit of her.

Calix wasn't sure what to tell her so I wondered if I should.

What should Rave do?

Sorry I'm so lazy while here there are loads of you guys waiting for the update...

I sometimes lose the motivation to live.

_Chickennuggetcreators' thoughts