

I looked back and was surprised to see the boy from yesterday. He apologized that he ran away yesterday. He gave me my badge that I dropped yesterday. I didn't even noticed that I had lost something so valuable. I thanked him for giving it back cause it meant everything to me. I asked him why was he crying yesterday and he told me that he has no friends, so he was crying out of boredom. I asked him if he wanted to be my friend he said 'yes!'. I was so happy about it. I told him the badge was given to me by my father about whom we thought was dead. We actually didn't knew if he was alive or what happened to him. Ivan listened to my story quietly. I could see the pain in his eyes . I told him not to become sad because it had been almost an year since I lost my dad. He told me he lived in The Ilson Street and I was in utter joy by the coincidence because I also lived there.