
Chapter 3

I went home with frown in my face and I know my family noticed it.

"What happened?" My mom asked concern. I look at her and shook my head.

"Then why are you frowning? You're already ugly and your making yourself more uglier" my brother Ash teased and I just hissed at him.

"Stop teasing your sister Ash" dad said while watching the television.

I sighed and told them that I'll go to my room. I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking of how to survive this semester.

"Why are you overreacting Akima? It's not like he care right?" I told myself and I nodded. "Right, just act normal and don't do anything stupid when he's around. I'm sure you'll survive". I convinced myself.

The next day, I arrived early in our room. Our first subject is Physics, great! My favourite subject! Note the sarcasm.

I watched the people who went in and waited for Pretzl and Gabby to arrived. While waiting for them, I started doodling my notebook. I was so immersed on what I am doing when a voice suddenly spoke.

"Is this seat taken?". I looked at the person who said that and was shocked ,but didn't show it,when I realise it was him.

"Well, uhm. Yes it is taken. I'm sorry " I said and he just nodded and went to the seat behind me.

'Great start Akima! Now, you just have to act normally and you'll be fine'

"Akima!" The loud voice of Gabby can be heard in the room and I laugh. "Hey, you don't have to shout my name. I know you missed me" I jokingly said and they just laugh. "Here, I reserved seats for you guys"

As they said their thank you's, our teacher in Physics walked in.

"So I want you to group yourselves into four because we're going to have our laboratory activity right now" Ms. Merry said while smiling. Good thing we have her as our Physics, she's cool.

As usual, me, Gabby and Pretzl are group-mates that means we are lacking with one member. I looked around to see if anyone don't have a group.

"Rene! Join our group!", "Let's be group mates Rene!", "We are incomplete, come on Rene", those are just some of the girls who wanted to be noticed by him but I don't mind.

"Tsk! I know he wouldn't join them. He thinks it's better to work with himself than with those bunch of brainless skeletons" Gab said and rolled his eyes. Yup, Gab's a gay and we love him for being himself.

Pretzl and I laugh loudly but was interrupted when I feel an unfamiliar presence behind me. I looked back and saw Rene looking intently at me.

"W-what?" I stuttered. "You're lacking with one member right? Let me be in your group" he said, no expression can be read in his face.

Oh no!!