

Little Blessing came charging in to see her Mummy bawling like a little child who didn't get her candy.

Little Blessing:" Mummy are you alright what happened who hurt you I will kill them"

Master Isaac looked at Little Blessing and chuckled:" you must be Little Blessing your a feisty as your mother at this age"

Little Blessing:" what if I am why is my Mummy crying what did you do her" she looked over at the 2 old men and the elderly lady sat there she didn't know who they were but if her Mummy was crying she didn't care.

Grandma:" we didn't do anything dear child my gummy bear just found that her grandpa loves her"

Little Blessing:" huh....?....? Who the hell is a gummy bear and what relation is this lady to her Mummy?

Little Rock reached and was held back by Ed. He wanted to grab his mum and embrace her why was she in this old man's arm who was he and why was she crying like' this. Little Tiger came in after Little Tiger he managed to evade his elder shadow guards who were trying to grab him he placed his hands on his Mummy shoulders and pulled her int I his embraced he cuddled her like a mother cuddling her child seeing this Anna cried even louder she left everybody stumped as what the hell is going on.

Grandma spoke:" gummy bear these must be your boys they have your eyes they are such handsome young men they will be breaking some hearts"

Anna nodded in agreement in between her sobs: "these are my children jelly bear and children I want you to meet my Grandma and Master Isaac and this is Master Chung"

All of them bowed down to pay their respect the elders smiled at them all. Anna had taught them well they grew up in a loving environment but etiquette on how to behave were very strictly taught by there Grandma. But what made the children laugh was the names they used.

Little Tiger signed, " you mean Great Grandma and Great Grandpa wow we do have a big family and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger"

Anna:" yeah but these are are my mother's parents"

Little Blessing:" Mummy we have a lot of Grandparents but to have Ggpa and Ggma is cool isn't it she turned to everyone else when I tell my friends they get very envious of me saying they wish they could have big families" she turned to the elders and deep bowed:" sorry for the way I spoke to"

Little Rock:" so this is Master Isaac he doesn't look strict he looks like a cute Ggpa" he was looking for any resembling that she could see to say he was their Ggpa it hit him it was the eyes he had green eyes he had the same colour eyes as Auntie Amelia.

Everyone looked at Little Blessing and chuckled she love to shorten everything thing sometimes she made sense other times she puzzled everybody with her very one terms for everything but her brothers always knew what she had just said they understood her without words some times thought they might have special powers like telepathy.

Master Isaac:" well children and all we will begin your last part of the training tomorrow so have your dinner and rest well from tomorrow you will all follow a strict regime and slackers will be punished"

Anna swallowed her saliva back down in her throat she looked at the shadow guards they were all doing the same they all had a cold sweat forming on their foreheads. The younger shadow guards were looking at the older as what wrong with them why do they all look like they have seen a ghost.

As they were reeling in the horror that awaits them tomorrow Amelia walks in with Ting Jun hand in hand as soon as she sees Master Isaac and Grandma she shakes of Ting Jun hand he looks at her then over at the elders he looks puzzles what sacred his wife she looks like she has seen a ghost. The kids also look at their Auntie she looked a little pale.

Little Rock:" Auntie Amelia are you ok you don't look well" he looked at his aunt she was going paler and paler.

Amelia:" no I am absolutely fine nothing wrong with me look hunky dorey" she was shaking like a leaf after seeming her Grandparents.

Little Blessing:" hey Auntie is here too we are going to start the training in the morning cool Auntie" she was looking forward to it.

Amelia tried to smile but she couldn't in her head she was crying with no tears she was worried what punishment master Isaac had in store for them if he was to train them.

Anna went and hugged her sister Anna whispered:" jade what are you doing meet Grandpa and Grandma's quickly instead of standing there like a statue" she realised her sister had frozen in shock.

Amelia:" hello Grandma, Master Isaac Master Chung"

Amelia hugged Grandma tightly and then bowed in front of Master Isaac. Master Isaac pulled Amelia in for a hug which left Amelia in a daze she didn't know what was happening. She looked over at Anna to check whether she was dreaming or not was she really being hugged, Master Isaac. When he let go Amelia had to grab on to Anna otherwise. She would clasp on the floor from the shock. Amelia would prefer her husband embrace but in front of the elders, she was too scared what she feared even she didn't know. The kids looked at the adults weirdly what the hell to them why do they all like they been processed by something.

Mu Shinn arrived at the palace to see everyone looking strange he followed their line of sight to see Master Isaac his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Why was Master Isaac here what kind of torture was this???? It took him a couple of minutes to calm himself and went to bow in front of the elders. Jain Lining and her two children were Ju longbow and Laquan came too Anna had invited them so she could pair Jain lining and Mu Shinn together. It was time her big bro settle down. Mu Shinn glared at Anna. Anna just shrugged her shoulders don't look at me like that I am as shocked as you okay she spoke without speaking through her eyes.

Sixth Uncle and his team came and Uncle came and hugged his bros and then his nieces he turned and nearly jumped out of his skin to see his father and mother sat their he wanted to cry without tears why oh why??! we're they here he thought he would have fun and catch up not get tortured by his father. He walked over and bowed in front of the two Masters and then hugged his mother. He didn't speak he was still dealing from the shock he looked over and realised all the others were in the same dilemma there was no one to help him.

Master Isaac:" drop on knees you ungrateful imp" he couldn't even hug his own father I will teach you a lesson.

All the older shadow guards and Anna and Amelia and uncle and Sixth Uncle team dropped on the floor. To Master Isaac surprise he only told Sixth Uncle to drop to his knees but then they all dropped he was not sure but he was happy.

Grandma Maarika:" what are you doing don't honey they have just arrived and we have not seen them in a while let them get up and have dinner they are properly hungry" she felt for all her children and grandchildren for her that be linked to her whether blood-related or not.

While they were all down on there knees Bowie barged in and yelled:" hey guys miss me the dude is in the house" he was so, happy he was going to see them all after a long time. Bowie looked at them all what happen why we're they all kneeling he looked over and saw Master Isaac and Grandma he dropped to the floor he could speak his voice had disappeared all he could think was what was Master Isaac doing here.

Master Isaac" all of you rise and let's have dinner they all got up and ran to the dining hall they disappear so fast they didn't even leave dust behind.

Master Chung:" I am pleased with the discipline of the of your disciples they are all respectful but your Great Granddaughter is going to be a hand full" he smiled secretly she was so cute.

Master Isaac:" yeah but she is going also be the leader like her mum she has the wits" he was proud of his only Great-Granddaughter none of his sons had any daughters and his grandsons had no daughters either so she was special in his eyes.

After they all had the dinner they were supposed to head off to their bedrooms to sleep but they all piled in Anna's room apart from Jain Lining and all the tiny shadow guards all went to bed.

Sixth Uncle went to meet Little Rock and Little Tiger he always saw them on a video call so to see them in front of him was amazing they reminded him of Anna ad Amelia at that age they all hugged them and told them he was proud of them and he would always have their back all they have to do was ask and he would never disclose to their mum.