



Anna knew these fingers too well; they could get her to talk and spill everything. She didn't want to worry anyone; she had a short time left; she spent it happy with her family; they would pester her to see different doctors and specialists so they could cure her. She had it was her fault she avoided death too many times, which was the consequence; she moved closer to her sister and hugged her tightly; she needed the warmth that only her MaPa could provide, the heartbeat that told her everything was okay she was safe.

Yeah, the great Anna also needed to know that she was safe and loved by her parents, even if it was only her sister; she moved a little then asked," hey Jade, you know that you have always been my MaPa what about you, didn't you ever want parents to love you too after all you were tiny when you responsible for me didn't you get lonely sometimes then I left abruptly how did you cope without me " she asked.

Amelia chuckled" that was a question and half blue rose, of course I'm human too you know, when I saw other kids with their parents, I wished I had that too, but we had something no other children had we had all over misfit family Uncles and Aunties never let us feel unloved, and I saw comfort in having you, you were my everything, my other half, we shared a lot when we younger after our mother abandoned us,I suppose I made my peace that our parents didn't want us, may be that's why when I saw them both die in front of us I wasn't moved to cry for them, may be because I am cold hearted I don't know but I do know, all my love and comfort was found in you, and then we had all our Uncles and brothers, sisters, it was blessing in disguise's, but it all changed when you were forcefully married to bro in law I was heartbroken that I couldn't protect you and I've never told you this before, I was left alone that was my very lowest point, everyone left I couldn't go with them, but I only left with Uncle Jack, I suppose he was my father figure, many nights he held me while cried my self to sleep, if he wasn't around I would die of loneliness, I missed you so much, before that we had never been apart, and the coldness I received for Master Isaac was the last straw, I know you have made amends within them but I can't forgive that old man for everything he put us through because of his daughter, then we moved to America which was good change and then the Lord send my hubby who made me who I am today, he has always been there like a big pillar of support when I'm weak he is my strength, when I'm feel low he brings me the happiness of the highs, when I felt unloved he loved me so much, that sometimes it's suffocating, and then you give the biggest gift of my life my children, they filled that longing and loneliness, that became my small sanctuary they my everything, I can't explain how much I love them, Ting Jun knew that I was broken that's why he never went anywhere without me, I suppose I came greedy and kind of clingy, how ever with my children even hubby sometimes gets left out, but he makes up in his way, of course my hubby made it possible, I met you again when you came to stay with me, I made up for lost time and nothing could separate us after that, but ever time you came to, live with us when you were the heart is broken I secretly loved it, was I could spend the most time with you, it reminded of our crazy childhood sorry that actually not sorry at all I love that but I could have you by my side " she chuckled at the last sentence.

Anna was sat in her sister's arms" yeah that was crazy, in a way I am happy that our parents left us otherwise we wouldn't meet our misfits, and had such a great family Jade we need to talk about Uncle Jack and Adrian I know what they did today but we can't let all our years of love die in that couple of moments, they have always loved us dearly unconditionally and been there through all the good and bad times, I am not asking to forgive them and forget the events that took, place today, I knew your stubbornness sometimes and so strong-headed that even the best of us can't make you change your mind, but today I'm asking you like your sister and a daughter to let it go, we don't want that women succeed in breaking us apart with her hate for us, I think it was her last poly to separates from our loved ones and I won't let her succeed in making our life's miserable I know you feel with your head and like you say I think with my heart but today could we switch places and let your heart guide you" she pleaded.

Amelia was sobbing quietly as she heard her baby sister. She knew everything she said was right, but she still thought that if they had to choose, who would like to choose? Would they have sided with their sister/lover, or would they pick their daughter/nieces? She couldn't shake the feeling that what if she and her sister weren't their first choice? What would happen that day? She would die another death; she couldn't imagine that the people she loved and trusted the most might not think the same as them.

Amelia was scared to say this out loud as she thought if it wasn't spoken, then it wasn't true, but it hurt all the same; both sisters sobbed quietly as they were considering their thoughts; Mu Yazhe and Tung Jun were watching them, they walked back out to give them time to grieve, but they were more hurt by the actions of their Uncle's than their parents dying?

They went to look for the Uncles as they needed an explanation too. They needed to warn them that they were in the girl's bad books right now. Hence, they needed to sort it out with them as soon as possible, as they liked all their Uncles and knew they didn't do anything intentionally, they needed to help them out, as they were a family of misfits of family.

Mu Yazhe also wanted to talk to Anna's doctor as she vomited blood; according to Anna, it was because she was stressed; it sometimes happens; he wanted to believe her, but something deep within him thought this was not the case; he didn't want to ask her more because he knew I'd Anna didn't want him to know he wouldn't find out, so it's best as liking the doctor directly?

As they headed out, they found the Uncles all entering the surveillance room that was the best place to talk as well, so they followed as they entered; they saw Uncle Jack and Adrian crying; they understood why they were crying; one lost a sister the other lost his secret love, but they were humans, after all, they had hearts too, just because they were part of the shadow guards didn't make them so ridged that they didn't have a feeling they grieved and felt plain like everyone else, they both looked up. They saw\ the men approach they quickly wiped their tears away as if nothing had happened. Adrian asked," how're the girls doing? Everything went pear-shaped today; I think they will be heartbroken. They lost not one parent today. They lost both" he sighed as he spoke.

Uncle Jack looked over at the men; he felt something wasn't right; he asked," what's wrong? Aren't the girls injured there? I was so caught up in the moment. I was devastated that I couldn't save my sister again and that I didn't even check on them to tell me, stupid me. The first thing I always check on is my girls; what's wrong with me? Are they okay? Please tell me they're OK; it's all my fault. I was such a side tract by the situation that I didn't even think that of my baby girl" he started sobbing again.

Jack couldn't help feeling like the biggest loser right now; he lost his sister for the second time in his life, the girls lost their mother for the second time, and the girls lost their father, too; he couldn't help but feel useless today, he couldn't protect his sister and watch his brother in law following his sister to his death, but what shocked him was the bullet that his nephew fired to kill his father that was to protect his sisters, shit he saw the look on Amelia face he looked very disappointed at him he never forgets that look, he knew she was always the more sensitive one, she never spoke, but her eyes said it all, he always knew how she felt through her eyes, but what the hell happened in the house and how did it all break into a war zone when they went in they didn't know who the enemy was everyone was shooting everywhere? He remembers Anna was with Mu Yazhe Anna didn't even acknowledge him. She walked out with Mu Yazhe. He needed to talk to the girls in the morning as there was something that wasn't right he could be in his heart, but he couldn't explain it.

Adrian was still numb from losing Jaden that he wasn't thinking straight, so when he heard Jack, he swung his head, thinking he didn't even pay attention to the girls. Are they alright? He couldn't lose anyone else" what happened to the girls? Where are the girls now? He walked out before the men could stop him and warn him he was walking to his doom; he headed upstairs, knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

Anna felt his presence outside. She didn't know whether she was ready to face this Uncle, but she knew it had to be done sooner or later; in her very horsey voice, she spoke to enter.

Adrian walked in seeing the girls sitting on the floor. This wasn't unusual for them. The best moments were usually talked out on the floor, sitting next to each other; he walked over and sat opposite them. He knew that atmosphere was tense, but he wasn't upset about losing someone. It was more of disappointment; had he missed something along the way today?

" hey girls are you two okay no injures," he asked as he got close. He checked both girls to make sure they didn't have any injuries.

Amelia always speaks first, think later kind of girl" it's nice of you to notice we existed. We thought you would be too busy to see us today since you are mourning the death of your beloved. What brings you here, Uncle" smirked as she said the last bit.

Adrian looked at his cheeky girl but still didn't understand what she meant, so he looked up in puzzlement" what's the meaning of that Amelia baby girl look? A lot has happened today. I was there cleaning up the aftermath, and yes, after all, you also lost both of your parents today, didn't you? What happened? I walked in, being told that I needed help. I see what didn't make any sense who the hell we were fighting, and then your mother got shot and then your father, but why would your brother kill him " only after he spoke did he look at the girls with strange reactions on their faces "so did I miss something " he looked at Anna who hadn't spoken until now.

Amelia was angry, and it looked like Uncle Adrian was going to be the punch bag" is it unlike you not to notice things, but then again, you were probably? She wanted to say some nasty words but held back; she continued, "but you came late to the party too, so missed the best part but looked like your hurting too after all she was you one-sided love wasn't she was she worth it hmmm" she smirked

Adrian, still not understanding where this hostility was coming from, looked at the girls and noticed the way they looked at him; he felt he was in the dog house, but why? that was their mother and father too, wasn't it?" did I miss something girls I do not understand what you are riddling around with how about speaking clearly huh" he asked with a frown of his own.

This time Anna asked me," Uncle if you had taken aside today and had chosen one side today, which would you choose, Us or them" she asked the words that killed her to ask her father. This was her Uncle where she grew up. They went on missions together, and he always had her back, protecting her from everything. She felt awful asking this question. She was hoping the answer would be the one she was hoping for.

Adrian now looked confused. He wondered what brought this about " I don't understand, but it would always be us. Why wouldn't it be us? You my life, girls. It's us. There's never been a them", he spoke, unsure.

Anna didn't need to ask anything else; she leapt forward into Uncle Adrian's arms; she would have missed if he hadn't moved fast and caught his little girl. He smiled as he hugged, then put his arm out for Amelia, who shuffled forward and hugged too; there were tears and sobs. Everyone had their pains, and they let all their fear, worries, and hurt fade away, as they knew this was a lifetime bond signed by blood.

They stayed like that for a while, then there was a knock on the door, there stood Uncle Jack, but he knew why his girls were upset the men had told him downstairs he felt very guilty that he didn't know what had happened, he saw his sister in trouble and ran without thinking, his first instinct was to safe her. But he didn't know that his sister was trying to kill his period's baby girls.

He didn't know what had transpired before that. He didn't know that his sister had tried to kill his baby girls once again; he swore to protect them with his life he almost helped get them hurt or killed. He was feeling like shit right now. He walked over and didn't speak; he joined the hug earning frowns and then chuckles from all of them.

After he finished with the hugs," sorry baby girls, I didn't know what had happened. I only walked in and saw the enemy attacking and doing what I thought was right. I didn't realise it was trying to kill yours again. I couldn't believe she pulled the wool over everyone's eyes again; I thought she had changed, but little did I know that nightmare called the Beng's was still in her mind and soul; he brainwashed her mind and soul; she had stupidly loved an evil, man, she never changed she would betray us all in a heartbeat, the times I have cursed my self for falling for her innocence, I thought this time it would be different I felt that she would love her adorable family. Still, no, she had to side with the enemy. Her husband he, I never understood his undying love, got killed, and he smiled about dying for her weirdly!" he sighed.

Anna heard the words {again}. Did Uncle know that she had tried to kill them before? Was he always protecting them in secret " Uncle, what do you mean she tried to kill us before? How meant before a has there been I've lost count of the times she tried to end our lives " she asked; she knew deep, down what he meant but now she was ready to hear it too, how far was this woman called her mother would stoop to, what level of hell has this woman gone to get her revenge, was it what she thought or had she sunk deeper into abayas of hell.

She wanted and did not want to know the answer, but she knew she needed to know. After all, the woman was a fake, her father was a fake and what they showed them were illusions that shattered today like a mirror breaking into a million pieces, but deep down, the mirror already had cracks in it; it just needed a little tap. It fell apart, Anna tried to think of anything friendly and happy memories of her parents as she didn't want to wallow in self-pity, so it was best to cling on to the good times and let the bad times fade away time.

Time was a great healer, so they say Anna was yet to find it as she never saw it threat. Women never gave her a chance to recover from the attack. Another started; now she needed to find the people behind Beng's and eliminate them. That was a plan forming in her head, but would they let her carry it out was the other question?