



Anna was wondering what was going on so many plans were coming into play in such a small time she felt like she was a roller coaster ride one after the other things were coming her way but she wasn't complaining she enjoyed helping especially her family little did she know what fate had in store and what the boys and Adrian were hiding from her?

Finally, the evening arrived for Ramano to sign the shares over to his grandfather they all met at the restaurant in the hotel they booked in a private booth so there would be no disturbance the only one that ŵas going to be doing the disturbing was the Mu's. The rest watched on their laptop they all had popcorn and frys ready to watch this movie play?

The old man sat and watched Ramano the more he looked the more he saw his son he had to admit he missed his son a lot and this boy in front he was his son child there were no doubts it was ashamed he was born a bastard! It would have been great if he belongs to his daughter in law he would be the heir to his empire he looked at the boy in front and sighed.

He looked at his granddaughter he was disappointed he wished she could have been a boy she would have been all he needs he wouldn't this bastard in front of him. He wanted him so dead he hated so much.

Grandpa Ramano sat on one side of the table together with Ramnao's sister and the lawyers that Grandpa Ramano had brought. On the other side were Anna, Mu Yazhe, Ramano, and their lawyers. All the bodyguards were stood outside.

The room was spacious but the atmosphere made it seem small it was very tense. Ramano looked at his sister and winked at her she smiled shyly at her brother. She was a shy girl and reserved but in front of her brother she opened up poured her heart out he reassured her everything would be okay she just had to follow his lead he would take care of her.

Ramano's grandpa spoke first:" I have drawn up, the documents and I need for you to sign them then we can all be on our way" he smiled. He hated being her he always used to having his way now he was begging this bastard in front of him.

Ramano spoke:" Mr Ramano I have the documents I have signed them so has my sister these have already submitted to the courts here are the stamped copy from the courts as from today everything I owned is now shared with my sister and you can't change it has come into effect " he looked at his sister who was shaken at this point and he's blinked with his eyes to tell her everything is okay. He also gestures to come to his side.

His sister understood what he was asking she stood up and came and sat on the empty seat next to her brother he smiled at him nervously she was scared out of her wits? this was the first time she had done something against her family! she was happy to find her brother who she had been hearing about since she was young and how these people now in front who was ashamed of her how she was a girl not a boy and how they all loath her, what she didn't understand was if they hated girls why they dote on her youngest sister so she knew it was only her they hated but she had enough of them too.

Before she came here she found that her grandfather had fixed her marriage with a man 10 years older than her without her consent. She had never met this man and was told that he was the one who approached them for the alliance. And there was a contract signed to they sold her!

Felicia Ramano knew it was a business deal as it was among the rich and the elite. They might look like they lived a luxurious life but it wasn't you were dictated to when you woke to want you ate what you wore to who could be your friends and she thought if they could they would limit your breathing too, What she didn't know she had already signed the marriage certificate a year ago and the contract to the marriage as well. They had sold her to the highest bidder that came along like they were selling a house!

Ramano grandpa looked at the siblings sat together and thought if she was married to that business tycoon I would have this wrenched girl killed too? But no worry least this boy would die tonight he could succeed in something he failed to do all them years ago.

But when he saw the documentation that Ramano handed over his face placed a smile to a frown and anger rose:" what the hell is this you little bastard? why is this all like this I told you to sign them over to me your grandfather! if your father was alive he wouldn't have given you anything your just a disappointment I know you showed your true colours your just like your mother leaching scoundrel"

He was fuming at this point then he looked at his granddaughter:" you wench you were waiting for this opportunity weren't you haven't we looked after you well that you stabbed us in the back you shouldn't have been born but you were I told her to abort you when you were still in the womb but that stupid woman wouldn't listen now she suffers the consequences " he frowned.

Anna spoke:" how dare you to talk like that you are a despicable old man you knew that we took you to age in to count otherwise I would have smashed your face by now nobody I mean nobody talks to my baby boy like that and as far as her mother is concerned she never took anything from you so don't you dare bring her into this and my son leather only if you had done your homework you would know how successful is and who he is you would shake in your boots" she pointed her finger at the old man she would have killed him she was ready to climb over the table to beat the old man up by now,!

Anna was stood up she was ready to ponce over the table she was held back from the waist by Mu Yazhe as she pulled her back to her seat he patted her back as to say:" clam down Little Demon you will have your turn now isn't the right time" he was still observing the old man want he wanted to do and what he could do was the problem they had promised Ramano they would let him handle it otherwise this old man would be dead!

The old man saw Anna's eyes his whole body shook in fear of the person in front he did understand why but he knew she wasn't a normal person. He also knew that Master Mu Was a normal person he had heard rumours about him but he let his ego get the better of him! He looked at his granddaughter and sneered:" get back over here right now and now your place little girl" he was fuming.

Ramano held his sister hand under the table to reassure her he was on her side and he won't leave her to deal with these people alone ever again he was sorry that he didn't check on her sooner he spoke still in a gentle tone:" sorry Mr Ramano's my sister will not be coming over there she will stay with me from now on and yes the documents are right and just because the shares and buildings and hotels that you want to belong to the children of my father and me and my sister are them " he pointed at himself and his sister as he smiled.

The old man looked at Ramano talking so calmly, he also calms down and thought this boy is more like his father clam in crisis also thought I will kill you all later but now I need him to change the documents into my name I will have to kiss this bastards arse which was making him clench his hands into fists:" hey Felicia sweetheart come to grandpa you have to go home with me your mother will be upset and you know how she is! she loves you so much" he tried to smile he needed to least have this stupid girl on his side he could get her to sign the shares over to him.

Felicia smiled a very sad smile he held her brothers hand very tightly as she spoke this is her first time to answer back:" grandpa you know very well how much you all love me so I will say this once I will not be going home with you I will be staying with my brother here and as for what your thinking right now! you need your lawyer to read the small print on page 20 it clearly says I can't transfer the shares or the building to anyone otherwise it's going back to my brother and if anything happens it will go to the government to do as they please " she smiled gently.

The old man flicked through the pages until he saw page 20 he spoke trying to keep calm:" what the hell is this you! He pointed at Ramano:" what you playing at it wasn't yours it was my sons so it should be mine" he looked at Felicia:" and you if the it's to be shared among the siblings of my son then you forget your sister she is also a Ramano" he pleaded with Felicia thinking that he would still get in and use his daughter shares to get the board members to kick this wench out.

Ramano and Felicia looked at each other then Ramano spoke:" you and my dear stepmother knows who's the daughter she is and why she so pampered for! so you know the answer too without me having to say much " he glanced at the old man?

The old man has heard enough now he was fuming he couldn't hold his anger in but just before he was about to explode the door knocked and walked in a very handsome gentleman he had chocolate brown hair green eyes and he was tall he was a dream guy that most girls would want as their husband but in this room, no women were interested as they were too occupied with whats was going on.

The middle-aged man smiled and walked over to sit next to the old man. He smiled at Felicia Ramano and he kept his eyes on her.

Mu Yazhe spoke now:" hey Master Giovanni want brings you here" he smiled he already knew the person in front but was surprised to see him here?

Master Giovanni spoke:" I am here for my wife I think it's time to take her home with me it's long overdue" he smiled at Felicia Ramano.

They all looked at him and thought who's his wife and what the hell was going on when did he marry no one knew they were shocked or was it done privately it was not public knowledge yet.

Mu Yazhe smiled:" oh! congratulations on your marriage may I ask who is your wife" there were 4 women her 3 were sat on his side, his wife the lawyer's wife and Ramano sister. He thought the ladies sat with the old man might be his wife.

Master Giovanni looked across him and his eyes landed on Felicia who saw him smiling she gripped her brothers hand tightly as fear gripped her. Her heart pounded hard she thought to her it could be the person her grandfather had sold her to she was scared out of her wits.